last updated:  10/30/24  |  Total Club Page Views:395,429


 LMMGC tournaments are governed by the 1. USGA Rules of Golf, 2. Local Rules established by the Golf Course , and 3. Local Rules established by the Board of Directors (BOD).


1. 2023 USGA Rules of GolfThe Rules of Golf, as published by the USGA, dictate play except where given precedence as indicated on the course score card.
2. Local rules established by the golf course - These rules can usually be found on the back of the scorecard provided by the Golf Course.
3. Local Rules established by the BOD-These rules can be found by clicking the link or by going to the local rules on the website. The Local rules are reviewed periodically and may be rescinded by the BOD. Only the Local rules listed are recognized for LMMGC Tournaments.

Interpretations of the USGA Rules, and the local rules, and decisions relative to any dispute which may arise concerning these rules, shall be provided by the Rules and Eligibility Chairman. Requests for decisions should not be referred to, or ruled upon, by any other person or body. Decisions made by the Chairman shall be deemed final


TaylorMade R9 Driver at Golfsmith