Sam Palumbo Member-Guest Tounament
last updated:  06/09/24  |  Total Club Page Views:392,804

2024 Sam Palumbo Member-Guest Tournament 

La Mirada Golf Course

15501 E. Alicante Rd., La Mirada, CA 90638


Sunday, June 9th, 2024

7:00 AM Shotgun Tournament Start


Individual Low Gross & Low Net for players with a SCGA handicap.  
Players without a handicap play for fun (Payouts determined by number of entries).

$115 per person with a handicap
$90 per person without a handicap

Green Fee and CartLunch (Hamburger or Cheeseburger, lettuce, tomato and onion, soda beverage, and chips), Tee Prizes (LMMGC branded Golf Shoe Bag, Poker Chip Ball Marker, and Golf Towel) and Prize Fund w/Handicap (Low Gross/Net Payouts, Skins, and Closest To Pin on all Par 3 holes).

Enter by June 1st, or ASAP
Limited to 100 players
After June 1st, entries will be open to all SCGA members. 

Make checks payable to La Mirada Men's Golf Club (LMMGC) and mail entries & checks to: Eugene Hernandez at 14895 Mystic St., Whittier, CA 90604 or pay in full by Credit Card using the Tournament "Sign-Up Online" link.

Call or text Eugene Hernandez for more information: (626) 890-7027.

Guest Details:
Invite as many guests to play as you'd like so they can experience La Mirada Golf with our Men's Club.  4-somes are allowed.  No 5-somes.  If your guests have an active SCGA GHIN Handicap Index, they can pay $115 and be included in our Prize Fund for a chance to win many payouts. If they do not have an active SCGA Handicap, the cost is $90.00 to play for fun!   


2024 Member - Guest Tournament – June 9th

­(Please print clearly)


Player 1 _______________________________ Index ______ Phone Number:________________


Player 2 ________________________________ Index ______ Phone Number:_______________


Player 3 ________________________________ Index ______ Phone Number:_______________


Player 4 ________________________________ Index ______ Phone Number:_______________ 


 Print this page and mail in the lower portion with your check