LMMGC Local Rules
last updated:  10/30/24  |  Total Club Page Views:395,657

 Local Rules 


Local Rules Established by the Board

Local Rule: Lift, Rake, and Replace in the Bunker for all lies and conditions.

The player will be allowed to rake and replace the ball in the bunker each time this occurs with no penalty. The ball shall be replaced in its original spot.
Before lifting your ball under this Rule, you must mark the spot. 
  • Place a ball marker right behind or right next to your ball, or
  • Hold a club on the ground right behind or right next to your ball.

Continue to use Rule 16.1C which will allow free relief from abnormal conditions such as exposed drains and water in the bunker.

: The bunkers at La Mirada Golf Couse are in terrible condition. They are not being maintained properly by the course (E.G., No Sand, Footprints, Ruts and grooves, exposed drains) and golfers are not repairing the sand condition after their shot. 

Scope: Any tournament that is hosted at La Mirada Golf Course. The rule does not apply to away tournaments.
Effective Date:10/22/2024         End Date: Until rescinded by BOD

Club rules from decision effective 1/21/2020:
No Show policy:  You have until the Friday before the home tournament (Sunday) to let the Home Tournament Director (HTD) know that you won't be able to show up and play.  If you don't let HTD know by Friday night, you are forfeiting your $28 prize fund money to the pot and you will owe a green fee ($40) to the course.  If you do let the HTD know by Friday that you can't make it the $28 will be pushed ONE TIME to next month's tournament.  
Rain Policy:  You need to call the course in the morning to find out if the course is open or not.  If it is open, then we are playing and if you do not show up the no show policy comes into effect.  Also, if the first group tees off and starts play, then the tournament is on regardless of if rain starts at a later time. 

Club rules from decision effective 1/1/2022:
Failure to post:  If a player fails to
 post tournament rounds, the Board has decided to assess penalties for those players not posting in accordance with USGA rule 7.1. The USGA rule (and the Boards expectation) is that players post on the same day as the round, before midnight (local time) to complete the posting process. In addition to a penalty score, any player not posting by the due date will be disqualified from the tournament and any prizes won will be forfeited. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO POST YOUR SCORES ON THE DAY OF PLAY!