Hole-in-One Club
last updated:  02/18/25  |  Total Club Page Views:395,655

2025 Hole-In-One Club

Here is your chance to score big on your hole-in-one.



Starting in 2025, a prize of $250.00 will be awarded to any eligible member if he achieves a Hole in One. The LMMGC will fund the $250.00 prize money. The prize shall be awarded each time an eligible member achieves a Hole in One. The hole-in-one must occur at an LMMGC sanctioned event. (Example: Home Tournament. Away Tournament, Two-day Tournament) Note: SCGA Team play is not included in the eligible events.


In addition, there will be a Hole in One Side Pot.

·      Members who choose to participate in the Side Pot will contribute $10.00.

·    The Side Pot is funded only by the members who participate in the Side Pot.

·      Only a member that participated in the Side Pot shall be eligible to win the Side Pot.

·      The member who achieved the hole in one will win the Side Pot in addition to the Club funded $250.00.

Rules for Side Pot:
1. All Members are eligible to join.    
2. The hole-in-one must occur at an LMMGC sanctioned event. (Example: Home Tournament. Away Tournament, Two-day Tournament) Note: SCGA Team play is not included in the eligible events.
3. Members can join anytime throughout the year. ($10.00 still applies).

4. The Side Pot will start over and will be refunded each time a member achieves a hole in one.
5. If there are multiple hole in ones during the same tournament, the Side Pot will be split equally by the winners of the Side Pot.

The following members have entered to win the side pot.