Hole In One
last updated:  04/09/15  |  Total Club Page Views:457,485
every player would love to have hit this shot ...

If you do get a Hole In One while playing in one of our regular Wednesday tourneys you will receive $100 regardless if you are "in the pot" or not. If you make a Hole In One during a monthly tournament you will receive $100 if you forgot to buy "insurance". This money comes from the general fund which comes from membership fees.

However if you make a Hole In One during a monthly tourney AND have dropped a dollar with your name written on the border of the bill, "insurance", then you will receive 1/3 of the Hole In One pot which is funded by the "insurance" dollars. This is usually several hundred dollars.

Here are the lucky players who have made a Hole In One in a senior men's tournament:

    Bill Wood
3/25/2015 #11
Victoria Lakes
John Manion
2/4/2015 #7
Chung Ku Yoon
12/31/2014 #15
Victoria Lakes
Ben Warner
10/08/2014 #3
Chuck Quirk
7/2/2014 #11
Victoria Lakes
Ken Hagar
4/18/2012 #11
Victoria Lakes
Steve Breda
12/15/2010 #18
Dan Adams
2/3/2010 #15
Victoria Lakes
Joe Gondarillo
11/19/2008 #15
Victoria Lakes
Tom Radis
11/12/2008 #15
Victoria Lakes
Jimmie Johnson
7/30/2008 #7
Chuck Quirk
4/14/2008 #5
Victoria Lakes
Alex Pulido
2/20/2008 #7
Andy Striker
10/24/2007 #3
Jerry Willard
5/23/2007 #14
Mitch Fenger
12/5/2005 #17
Richard Dinger
7/13/2005 #8
Ben Radziewicz
10/6/2004 #5
Pat Logue
1/28/2004 #17
Don Burpee
7/30/2003 #8
Archie Rameriz
7/23/2003 #8
Don Slayton
1/15/2003 #8
Leigh Wells
11/13/2002 #8
Lu Ladaga
11/13/2002 #14
Chuck Underwood
9/4/2002 #3
Andy Striker
4/10/2002 #17
Larry Regalado
9/22/1999 #8
Paul Haag
1/21/1998 #8
Bob Perkins
1/7/1998 #17
Larry Butkus
4/30/1997 #8
Joe San Pedro
4/23/1997 #8
Marty Weissman
4/24/1996 #3
Bob Hummel
12/6/1995 #14
Jim Adams
6/1/1994 #17
Jim Wagstaff
2/1/199 #3
Lloyd Dubowy
4/9/1994 #17
Stu Burr
4/7/1990 #14
Bill Smith
12/15/1989 #5
Ed Stewart
10/9/1989 #3
Walt Powell
8/24/1988 #17

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