Secretary Message
Last Updated: 1/30/18
River Ridge Senior Men's Club
Meeting Minutes
January 17, 2018
Present at the meeting were: Don Luxmore, Rich Guzik, Jack Ullom, Dan Matthews, Arnie Aviles, and Steve Mason.
Introduced new members, Mike Waller, Tony Hernandez and Mike Howard.
Went over previous minutes which was used to bring on the 3 new members.
Finance report by Arnie. Balance current is $12,204.06. Arnie explained to new members how finances are done. Explanation of how gift cards on tournaments work.
No old business to cover.
NEW Business
Waller made a suggestion to change the hole in one payout. Steve asked to bring this up at a later time.
Don Luxmore volunteered to merge tournament and membership committees. Rich Guzik mentioned that he thought the merged committees would be too much for one member to handle.
Motion made by Mike Howard to replace the Hole in One markers. Seconded by Arnie. Not to exceed $200. Unanimously passed.
Matthews made the motion to measure all closest to the pins with the advent of the new markers. Seconded by Don Luxmore. Passed unanimously.
Discussion of scholarship program and history.
Rich Guzik will help train someone to take over the Membership committee next year.
New board members volunteered to serve on existing committees. Mike Howard will join the Rules committee, Mike Waller will join the Tournament committee and Tony Hernandez will join the Handicap Committee. Adjourned at 3:43. All Agreed.
Secretary Message
Last Updated: 11/1/17


River Ridge Senior Men's Club
Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2017
Meeting was called to order at 2:27 pm at River Ridge Golf course by Steve Mason, President.
Board members present were Don Luxmore, Arnie Aviles, Rich Guzik, Jack Ullom, Dan Matthews, and Steve Mason.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and approved via email.
Treasurer Arnie Aviles submitted the treasurer as of Sept. 1m 2017 report that reflected a balance of $4.735.35. Motion made by Matthews and seconded by Ullom. Approved unanimously.
Old Business
Slow Play
Jon Gomez was contacted by Steve Mason to see if we could get a second marshal on Wednesdays. Will not do. Handle it ourselves. One and One rule will be sent to Otto. Second group a constant problem. Steve Mason will get another group to put in that spot. Motion made by Jack Ullom to have members put starting time, 10th tee time and finish time on score cards. Seconded by Dan Matthews. Approved Unanimously.
Continue with timing cards.
New Business
Problem with lunch that some members are not paying for lunch. Motion was made by Luxmore to issue tickets and seconded by Aviles. Passed by all.
Submitted by Steve Mason:
1. Next year's schedule
a. Steve brought 2016 and 2017 proposed schedules.
b. Move club championship to Sept. 19 and 26th with Luncheon
c. Luncheons March, Sept and Dec.
2. Changing the date of the club championship may impact our scholarship fund but the treasure says that we have contingency funds to cover it.
3. Shot gun tournament in Dec. 20th would be gift certificate. Half field gets $25 and other half gets $15. Motion made to do above and $40 for flight winners. Motion made Steve Luxmore seconded and all approved.
4. Pace of Play Discussed in old business.
Rich Guzik submitted the following:
We need to discuss correct way to post scores for #13 Vineyard, or other holes that are shortened, and also talk about dumping the Tournament Committee, and the Handicap Committee. We need to have a board meeting to get coordination between tournament and handicap. It was decided that there are options provided by the SCGA and the Tournament chairman, Don Luxmore, choose an option that was not agreed to by all. In the future, when a conflict arises between two chairmen it should be resolved in a board meeting.
Secretary Message
Last Updated: 06/28/2017


River Ridge Senior Men's Club
Meeting Minutes
June 28, 2017
Meeting was called to order at 2:35 pm at River Ridge Golf course by Steve Mason, President.
Board members present were Don Luxmore, Arnie Aviles, Rich Guzik, Jack Ullom, Dan Matthews, and Steve Mason.
The minutes of the Mach 29, 2017 meeting were reviewed on-line and sent to each board member. Each had revisions and revised minutes re-sent and approved.
Treasurer Arnie Aviles submitted the treasurer report that reflected a balance of $5,160.18. A motion to approve the treasurer's report was made by Rich Guzik with a second offered by Jack Ullom. The motion was approved unanimously.
Old Business
Since instituting the recording of times at the beginning of play and at the 10th hole, finishing times have improved. An example is that last week, (tournament), the last group finished at 4:25. This week the last group finished at 4:15.
Scholarship fund was short $250 and was made up with general funds. The shortage occurred because the number of months to accrue the funds was shorter by three months this year. The general fund will be reimbursed over the next couple of months and the scholarship will be issued in September of 2018.
A motion was made by Dan Matthews to award scholarships to Oxnard and Ventura the High school seniors rather than that of the whole county. The motion failed to get a second.
New Business
Discussion on the impact of the new proposed rules of golf. Will they impact our weekly and monthly play? Matthews will pull website information and distribute to the board for discussion at our next board meeting.
Discussion of bare spots being Ground Under Repair even though they might not be outlined with white paint. Arnie will look up the appropriate decision and distribute to board via email and discussed at next meeting.
Club Championship in August. Three groups: Overall Gross (THE Club champion) played from the White tees, Overall Net played from White and Gold with the differential being applied for competition from different tee boxes, Super Senior Championship played from Gold or white tees with the differential for tee boxes applied. $10 to enter championship but there will also be regular completion at $5 each day. First day will be August 16th and final day (shotgun and lunch) on the 23rd. The club championship will pay the three winners and runner-ups. Payouts are estimated to be $100 to Champion, $75 to Super Senior Gross and $50 to Overall Net. The 4 low gross players from the whites, on the first day, would play together, from the #1 tee on the second day, followed by the 4 low gross from the SS entries.
Discussion on the November monthly tournament that is supposed to be computer generated foursomes and played as a scramble. Some on the board thought that we would have a poor turnout so it was decided that Matthews would send an email to the membership and ask them if once a year they would like to meet some of the other members.
Don Luxmore made a motion that our end of month Nassau tournament be paid out to 25% of those in each flight. Seconded by Matthews and all agreed.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Arnie Aviles and seconded by Don Luxmore. The motion passed at 3:30pm


River Ridge Senior Men's Club
Meeting Minutes
March 29, 2017
Meeting was called to order at 2:35 pm at River Ridge Golf course by Steve Mason, President.
Board members present were Don Luxmore, Arnie Aviles, Rich Guzik, Jack Ullom, Dan Matthews, Jim Tucker and Steve Mason.
The minutes of the February 15, 2016 meeting were reviewed on-line and sent to each board member. Each had revisions and revised minutes re-sent and approved.
Treasurer Arnie Aviles submitted the treasurer report that reflected a balance of $6,415.96. A motion to approve the treasurer's report was made by Rich Guzik with a second offered by Jack Ullom. The motion was approved unanimously. The Treasurer will contact Bank of America to see what the minimum deposit is to avoid monthly service charges.
Old Business
Slow Play
Jon Gomez was contacted by Steve Mason to see if we could get a second marshal on Wednesdays. Will not do. Handle it ourselves. One and One rule will be sent to Otto. Second group a constant problem. Steve Mason will get another group to put in that spot. Motion made by Jack Ullom to have members put starting time, 10th tee time and finish time on score cards. Seconded by Dan Matthews. Approved Unanimously.
Member Book
The member book was produced under budget and is in the process of being distributed to members. Thanks Rich Guzik.
Slow Play
A group has been slow several times and if it continues they will be moved to a later time.
New Business
Turkey shoot is back, around Thanksgiving. $15 for winners and flight winner $25.
Proposed only.
Format on monthly tournaments really changes the turnout. Most popular formats will be used in the future.
Men’s club tournaments will be coordinated with Otto to see if we can avoid playing on newly maintained courses.
Scholarship fund working well.
Motion made by Mason and seconded by Matthews. Non-members are playing on Wednesday. These players are in Amaki and Finger’s group. If they do not have members, their times will be reduced. Approved unanimously.
James Jo complained about handicap adjustments. Jim Tucker did talk to him. Will review again in April.
Jim Tucker is taking a year off of Handicap chairman. Mr. Guzik will assume for a while.
Dan Matthews was named to be Rules Chairman. Anyone have a question or a disagreement contact by text or email. 805-890-4309 camarillo.homes@verizon.net
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Arnie Aviles and seconded by Don Luxmore. The motion passed at 3:30pm
River Ridge Senior Men's Club
Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2017
Meeting was called to order at 2:01pm at River Ridge Golf course by Steve Mason, President.
Board members present were Don Luxmore, Arnie Aviles, Rich Guzik, Jack Ullom, Dan Matthews, Jim Tucker and Steve Mason.
The minutes of the December 21, 2016 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Arnie and seconded by Don Luxmore. The motion was approved unanimously.
Treasurer Arnie Aviles submitted the treasurer report that reflected a balance of Arnie indicated that two deposits totaling $2945.00 had been made since the last report. Expenses of $7,105.56 and a current balance of $6,494.20. A motion to approve the treasurer's report was made by Rich Guzik with a second offered by Jack Ullom. The motion was approved unanimously. The Treasurer will contact Bank of America to see what the minimum deposit is to avoid monthly service charges.
Old Business
Luncheon Review
Most of the board thought the food was good. Ran out of food. We should have food served. One member had his $10 returned since food ran out.
Slow Play
Jon Gomez was contacted by Steve Mason to see if we could get a second marshal on Wednesdays. Will not do. Handle it ourselves. One and One rule will be sent to Otto. Second group a constant problem. Steve Mason will get another group to put in that spot. Motion made by Jack Ullom to have members put starting time, 10th tee time and finish time on score cards. Seconded by Dan Matthews. Approved Unanimously.
Non-showing members for Wednesday’s
Steve Mason has redone the starting times for Wednesday. There is currently a few spots for new members.
Tournament with women’s Club was discussed and is a go for Valentine’s Day. There are 10 foursomes confirmed with a standby list of 3 couples. The pro shop, Susan and Doug were very helpful and we have an 8:00 shotgun. Do it next year.
New Business
Guzik proposes to start a member’s book with roster and history of the club approximate cost of $200 per year. Second by Jack Ullom. Passed with one exception. Don Luxmore volunteered to assist in putting together the book.
Luxmore wanted Guzik to be responsible for adding/removing new/old members to the LA Golf computer program. Guzik declined. Tucker offered to take on job. Discussion on which software to use. Luxmore and Guzik have different views. Resolved that Jim Tucker will get member adds changes and deletes.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Arnie Aviles and seconded by Don Luxmore. The motion passed at 3:11pm
River Ridge Senior Men's Club
Meeting Minutes
December 21, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 3:01pm at River Ridge Golf course by Steve Mason, President.
Board members present were Don Luxmore, Arnie Aviles, Rich Guzik, Jack Ullom and Bob Ellis. Also in attendance was Dan Matthews, 2017 Secretary Elect. Jim Tucker was absent.
The minutes of the October 5, 2016 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Jack Ullom and seconded by Don Luxmore. The motion was approved.
Treasurer Arnie Aviles submitted the treasurer report that reflected a balance of $5,529.33 as of November 30, 2016. Arnie indicated that two deposits totaling $1,725.00 had been made since the last report. These funds represent membership fees collected for 2017. A motion to approve the treasurer's report was offered by Bob Ellis, with a second offered by Steve Mason. The motion was approved.
The membership luncheon that was normally held in December was changed to January 18, 2017. The reason for the change was due to the recent fire at the golf course which did major damage to the dining hall.
A discussion was held regarding players who don't show for their assigned tee time and do not notify the Pro Shop. This has been a problem and Rich Guzik and Dan Matthews will work together to come up with a plan to improve the situation.
A problem with slow play was also discussed. It was suggested that there should be at least one more marshall assigned to each course on Wednesdays. That would help monitor the speed of play. With more players on the course on Wednesdays, which includes the Senior Men's Club, another marshal would also be able to help in responding quicker to any emergencies which may occur on the courses.
The Hole in One pot was to be capped at $2,000.00. Any amount collected over the $2,000.00 willl be applied to the Scholarship Fund.
A discussion was held regarding the membership application and the requirement to fill a new one out when the annual renewal is due. After a great deal of discussion, it was decided not to make any changes to the form.
The River Ridge Women's Golf Club has shown an interest in having a joint event with the Senior Men's Club. It was decided that Steve Mason will contact the president of the Women's Club to discuss a potential joint tournament.
Officers elicted by the membership for 2017 are as follows:
President: Steve Mason
Vice President/Tour. Dir: Don Luxmore
Treasurer: Arnie Aviles
Secretary: Dan Matthews
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Arnie Aviles and seconded by Don Luxmore. The motion passed at 4:04pm
October 5, 2016
Meeting called to order at 12:30pm at River Ridge Golf course by president Steve Mason.
Board members present were Don Luxmore, Arnie Aviles, Rich Guzik, Jack Ullom and Bob Ellis. Jim Tucker was not in attendance.
The Member luncheon held on August 31, 2016 was discussed. The quality of the luncheon was not up to the standards of previous meals enjoyed by the membership. Steve Mason indicated he had discussions with Brian and Belinda from the food service department of River Ridge about the disappointment in the quality of the meal served and the service. He stated they incated they would improve. Also discussed was the possibility of having an outside caterer for our luncheons next year and having the lunches outside in the bbq area. The December luncheon will be Baron of Beef, with the members paying $10.00 and che club picking up the rest of the cost.
The recently completed Club Championship was discussed and the challenges that occured as a result of the Tournament Director being out of town. Don Luxmore indicated he would not be out of town during future club championships.
Don Luxmore brought up a discussion about the Tournament Committee. It was determined the committee members woud be: Arnie Aviles, Mitch Fenger and Don Luxmore.
The Handicap Committed will be: Jim Tucker, Arnie Aviles and Rich Guzik.
A motion was made by Rich Guzik that the club only pay a portion of the $140.00 entry fee for John McCarthy to play in the Tournament of Champions this November in Southern California representing our club in the SCGA Tournament. There was not a second so the motion died. Another motion was bade by Arnie Aviles and seconded by Don Luxmore tht the club would reimburse the full entry fee for John McCarthy after he has played in the event. The motion passed.
A discussion regarding the amount to be paid out to the winners of the Club championship ws held. It was decided that the winners would be the only players receiving money, with no payout for second place finishers starting in 2017. A motion was brought forward by Rich Guzik and seconded by Don Luxmore to change the payout to the winners only. The payout would be: Gross Champion $100.00
Super Senior Champion $75.00
Net Champion $50.00
The motion passed.
Don Luxmore brought up the possibilty of allowing players to post their own scores. Apperently some members wanted to do this so scores for Wednesday tournaments could be reported to SCGA to reflect up