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Local Rules
last updated: 02/25/19 | Total Club Page Views:457,489 |
1. Local rule addressing a LOST, OUT of BOUNDS, or an UNPLAYABLE golf ball. (Concerns regarding the negative impact on pace of play when a player is required to go back and play another ball) This rule will now permit golfers the OPTION to play a provisional ball OR to drop a ball in the vicinity of where the ball is lost, or where the ball crossed out of bounds. If a player uses the "drop option", they must drop the ball in line of sight from the pin while standing no more than two (2) club lengths into the fairway being played, no closer to the hole under a TWO (2) troke penalty. For more information on this local rule go to this site. 2. When the course has been aerated and a ball is lying in such an area, it may be lifted, without penalty, cleaned and placed within one club length of the original spot where it lay, not nearer the hole. This rule applies in the FAIRWAY ONLY. On the putting green, the player will place the ball on the nearest spot not nearer the hole which avoids the situation. 3. Vineyard Course, Hole #18 - A player may play a provisional ball from the drop area (area forward of tees on hazard mat OR dropped on grass area next to mat) if it is not clear if his ball is in the penalty area or not in the penalty area. Should the ball be found NOT IN THE PENALTY AREA, the ball must be played, or declared unplayable, and the player would then proceed as per the Rules of Golf. 4. Vineyard Course, Hole #8 - the cement drain, right side and below of green is a penalty area. 5. Vineyard Course, Hole #13 - the down flow cement drain right of the split rail fence is a free drop, nearest point of relief, no closer to hole. 6. Vineyard Course, Hole #15 - the straw bundles in front of the green on the edge of the lake is a free drop if it interfers with stance or stroke, no nearer to hole. 7. Vineyrad Course, Hole #16 - the drop area for a ball hit into the lake is the raised mount forward of the tees left of the crossover bridge. 8. Lakes Course, Hole #1 - the split rail fence and cement drainage left side and right side on #1 is a free drop if they interfer with stance or stroke, no nearer the hole. 9. Lakes Course, Hole #18 - the cement downflow drain ditch left side is a free drop if it interfers with stance or stroke, no nearer the hole. 10. Through the "common area", a ball embedded in its own pitch-mark, in the ground, may be lifted, without penalty, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to where it lay but not nearer the hole. 11. If the course the club is playing is under "cart path only" conditions, players may lift, clean, and place their ball, through the "common area". 12. For all RRSRMGC play, a player may obtain distance information by use of a distance-measuring device. If, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device, or any other device, to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g., elevation changes, wind speed, etc.,) the player is in breach of Rule 4.3. 13. The Local Rule printed on the back of the Vineyard scorecard regarding relief from sprinkler heads shall also apply to the Victoria Lakes course. OUR CLUB PLAYS BY THE RULES OF GOLF - Do not use a golf club to move a ball as every "bump" would constitute a stroke and must be counted as such. - All putts must be holed, NO GIMMEES. - Play the ball as you find it, unless the rules of golf allow otherwise. - Do not give or ask advice, such as how a putt may break, or ask or tell what club was used for a certain shot. Play your own game. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO FOLLOW THE RULES, WE DON'T WANT YOU AS A MEMBER. |