New Member Information
last updated:  01/25/20  |  Total Club Page Views:457,486

Welcome to River Ridge Senior Men's Golf Club, the biggest and best senior club in Ventura county. What other club can you join and have two great courses to play?

By joining this club you also become a member of SCGA, the Southern California Golf Association, and GHIN, the Golf Handicap & Information Network. Your SCGA number is also your GHIN number. This number will be sent to you by separate email, and if you belong to another Southern California golf club, you will use the same number given by that club.

We play every Wednesday AM ("weekly") and there is an optional $5 fee to enter. Place the fee in a provided envelope and drop in the atrium counter drop slot. You can chose to play either the white or gold tees. You can play without entering but you will not be eligible to win anything. Please DO NOT write your name on any of the closest to the hole markers if you have not paid the entry fee. Call the course, 983-4653, to obtain a tee time.  Our Tournament Director, Don Luxmore, 805-901-8809,, runs this event and makes the payouts.On usually the 3rd Wednesday of each month there is a special tournament ("monthly"). For this one you have to sign up and pay in advance. The entry forms are at the course and on the club web site. This event is also run by Don Luxmore, 805-901-8809,

Please become familiar with our club local rules which can be found on this web site, and the course local rules on the score cards. New members are also advised that our club Constitution and By Laws states that a member is not eligible to compete in our special events, like the President's Cup Match Play, or the Club Championship, unless the member has played in at least seven (7) club play days, in the same calendar year. Club play days means our Wednesday play, or club away events.

Also be sure to visit River Ridge Golf Club and sign up to get a free cart near your birthday.

Please email or call if you have any questions.

Don Luxmore, (805) 901-8809
Membership Chairman
River Ridge Senior Men's Golf Club