Last Updated: 01/27/20


Effective October 16, 2018

1.      The Executive Board of TLLGC has the authority to change or amend existing Standing Rules if requiredStanding Rules are adopted or suspended by a majority vote of the General Membership.  They may amend or repeal by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those members present, without notice, or a majority vote if previous 7 day notice is given.

2.      All members shall cooperate and comply with the rules and regulations established by The Legends Golf Club. Proper golf course attire is required and must be adhered to by all TLLGC members while playing golf.

3.      TLLGC will conduct at least one (1) Major Tournament Club Championship each year.  To be eligible to compete in a major tournament, a member must have competed at least ten (10) times on Tuesday from the date of previous yearsclub championship.  The Executive Board may waive this condition based upon injury, illness or other extenuating circumstances.

4.      To be eligible for the Most Improved Golfer of the Year Award, the following criteria must be met: 

a.      Must be a member of TLLGC from January through November.

b.      Must have played at least twenty (20) rounds with TLLGC on play day or any other sanctioned Ladies Club event.  A round of golf consists of 18 holes.

5.      Deadline for weekly play sign-up is Sunday 12:00 Noon.  If a member signed up to play, but must cancel due to unforeseen circumstances the morning of play the Pro Shop must be notified of the cancellation.

6.      At least two (2) scorecards must be kept in each foursome.  One complete game scorecard, signed by all players in the group will be submitted at the end of the round to the Tournament Chairperson.  The handicap scorecard, signed by all players in the group, will be submitted at the end of the round to the Handicap Chairperson.  If there are any discrepancies the handicap card will be the official scorecard and USGA rules will apply.

7.      Each member is responsible for the posting of Tuesday scores after the round.  Any round, where thirteen (13) or more holes have been played must be posted. 

8.      All complaints must be written and submitted to the Executive Board.

9.      Winnings from weekly tournaments will be available for pick up at the beginning of each month’s General Meeting.  Scrip from Publinks and/or SDCWGA tournaments must be redeemed within eighteen (18) months of issuance or the money will be returned to the general fund.