The Legends Ladies Golf Club
adopted 10-1-19
The name of the organization is The Legends Ladies Golf Club and hereafter shall be referred to as TLLGC in the Bylaws and Standing Rules.
The major objectives of TLLGC are:
1. To promote and foster amateur golf activities.
2. To support and encourage efforts by our members to increase their golfing skills and knowledge of the game and its rules.
3. To enforce uniformity in the rules of the game.
4. To develop and conduct social and recreational activities as may be desired by our members.
Section 1. Active membership is limited to female golfers, 18 years of age or older who maintain amateur status as defined by the USGA and agree to support these Bylaws and Standing Rules.
Section 2. The Executive Board of Directors will set the annual dues with approval from the general membership for active membership. Annual fees are due and payable by November 1st of each year and are delinquent on/after November 15th.
Section 3. Membership is open to all amateur women golfers 18 years and older. Three categories of membership are available:
1. Level 1 (tournament): Applicants with an established verifiable index of 40.4 or less shall immediately be eligible to participate In TLLGC weekly tournaments.
2. Level 2 (novice): Applicants wishing to establish an index of 40.4 or less but have not reached that index. An applicant without a verifiable handicap must post five (5) rounds before a temporary handicap can be granted. This member is not eligible to play in TLLGC weekly tournaments until achieving and index of 40.4 or better.
3. Level 3 (social): This member is not required to have a verifiable index (no GHIN required) and is only required to pay the annual TLLGC dues. This member is not eligible to play in TLLGC weekly tournaments.
Section 4. An applicant for membership, regardless of membership level, shall become an active member upon the payment of dues and shall be eligible to vote on club matters.
Section 1. The elected officers of TLLGC shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairperson, Handicap Chairperson and Tournament Chairperson. They shall be elected at the November General Membership Meeting. The term of office is two (2) years. No officer shall hold the same office for more than one (1) term without the consent of the general membership .
Section 2. President
a. Presides over all meetings of TLLGC and the Executive Board
b. Calls all special meetings
c. Appoints committee chairpersons and additional Board position(s) with the approval of the Executive Board
d. Is Ex-officio member of all committees
e. Assures that the Bylaws and Standing Rules adopted by TLLGC are strictly enforced
f. Supervises all affairs of TLLGC
Section 3. Vice-President
a. Acts as an assistant to the President and, in the absence of the President, assumes the duties of the President
b. Succeeds to the Presidency should that office become vacated during the regular term of the President
c. When necessary, assumes any other duties as assigned by the President
d. Conducts major club tournament(s)
Section 4. Secretary
a. Records the minutes of all meetings of TLLGC and the Executive Board and maintains a permanent file for future reference
b. Publishes the minutes to the membership
Section 5. Treasurer
a. Oversees the finances of TLLGC
b. Keeps an itemized ledger of all financial transactions of TLLGC and reports these to the board and the general membership
c. Prepares a preliminary budget in the fall for approval by the board at the beginning of the following year
Section 6. Membership Chairperson
a. Promotes membership in TLLGC
b. Works with the Treasurer in maintaining the active membership in good standing list through collection of dues
c. Provides an active membership roster to the Executive Board and members with additions and deletions as they occur
d. Sends membership application forms together with a check from TLLGC Treasury to SCGA and other affiliates as necessary so new members may be placed on the Handicap Index list
e. Promotes such other membership activities as the Executive Board may direct
Section 7. Handicap Chairperson
a. Is responsible for verifying the handicaps of TLLGC members and the enforcement of the rules and guidelines of the USGA as they pertain to handicaps
b. Is responsible for fairness of the handicap system and may take appropriate action to insure fairness in accordance with USGA rules and procedures
c. Verifies that scorecards are signed and posted correctly
d. Validates indexes as published by SCGA
e. Computes handicaps for qualifying new members after five (5) scorecards have been signed, attested and submitted to Handicap Chairperson
f. Posts all handicap information on TLLGC bulletin board
Section 8. Tournament Chairperson
a. Prepares a calendar of events to be approved by the Executive Board
b. Schedules and supervises all weekly tournaments
c. Keeps a permanent record of weekly and tournament results including expenditures
d. Together with the tournament committee, shall act as the final arbiter of all complaints and appeals during weekly tournaments
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of all elected officers.
Section 2. The business and affairs of TLLGC shall be managed under the direction of the Executive Board, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws and Standing Rules.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall meet at the discretion of the President. A quorum of the Executive Board is five (5).
Section 4. The Executive Board of Directors shall begin their term of office on January 1st and it shall run through December 31st of the second year.
Section 5. Financial records will be kept for seven (7) years. General Meeting Minutes and Handicap cards will be kept for three (3) years. All other records will be kept for six (6) months.
Section 1. The Club (TLLGC) President shall appoint a Nominating Committee (NC), consisting of at least three (3) club members at least sixty (60) days prior to the election. The NC shall actively seek candidates from the General Membership for all elected Board Officer positions and present their slate of candidates to the TLLGC Board at the September Board meeting.
The TLLGC President shall formally present the recommended candidate slate for new the TLLGC Board Officers at the October General Meeting. At the October General Meeting a FINAL call for nominations from the floor shall be accepted. All additional floor nominees must be present and consent to serve at this time. Any additions or deletions to the candidate slate shall be made at this time.
Candidates must have been members in good standing for at least one (1) year prior to the election. Exceptions to the one year requirement must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Board
After the October General Meeting, the C/NC will advise General Members, by email, of the final slate of candidates who will be on the Ballot at the General Meeting in November.
Section 2. Elections shall be held in November at a General Membership Meeting called by the TLLGC President. All Board Officer positions shall be elected by a majority vote of the General Membership present using a Ballot System (described below). When there is only one candidate nominated for a position, the candidate will win by “acclamation.”
A. All positions with more than one Candidate shall be decided by a count of official Ballots. Each Ballot shall list the Candidates and position(s) for which they are running. Each Ballot shall have a voter signature line at the bottom of the Ballot.
B. Each General Member shall receive a Ballot; shall vote/fill out their Ballot; sign on the voter signature line verifying their individual Ballot; and shall place their Ballot in the Ballot box provided.
C. Members of the current Nominating Committee shall verify and count the Ballots. The final results shall be given to the TLLGC President for presentation to the General Membership at that time.
D. In the event of a tie for a position, a second vote shall be held using the same process described in A, B, and C above. If there is still a tie after the second vote, the tie will be decided/broken by a Ballot vote from the current TLLGC Board.
E. A member can only fill one board position at a time. In the event a candidate wins more than one position, they must immediately choose which position they will serve. A vote will then be taken using the process described in A, B, C and D above for the other open positions, unless there is only one other candidate, then that candidate then wins by acclamation.
Section 3. If a vacancy occurs in any office other than President, the President will appoint a replacement with consent of the Executive Board. If the vacancy is the office of the President, the Vice-President will become President until a new election is called.
Section 1. The President shall have the authority to appoint Standing or Special Committees as the Club or the Executive Committee may from time to time deem necessary to carry on the activities of the Club.
Section 2. Rules Chairperson
a. The Rules Chairperson shall be thoroughly familiar with USGA Rules of Golf, WPLGA (Publinks) and local modifications as appropriate
b. Shall be prepared to discuss the rules of the USGA upon the request of the membership and direction of the Executive Board
Section 3. Delegate to WPLGA (Publinks)
a. The Delegate shall represent TLLGC at meetings and functions
b. Report items of information to the membership of the club
Section 4. Delegate to SDCWGA (San Diego County Women’s Golf Association)
a. The Delegate shall represent TLLGC at meetings and functions
b. Report items of information to the membership of the club
Section 5. Social Chairperson and Committee
a. Coordinates the social activities of TLLGC including the end of the year Holiday Party
b. Sends cards, plants and flowers as the occasion dictates to members of TLLGC and as directed by the Executive Board Member.
c. Make general membership aware as necessary
d. Conducts the 50/50 raffle
Section 6. Website Administrator
a. Ensures that the domain and golf club software licenses are maintained
b. Ensures that all functions of the website are operating properly and interfaces with the website provider regarding any technical problems
c. Interfaces with all Officers and Committee Chairs responsible for website functions
d. Maintains up-to-date files for member access
Section 7. Ringer Chair
a. Collects money from interested members for the year or quarter in which they wish to participate
b. Puts members into flights according to handicaps
c. Collects Ringer scorecards each Tuesday after play
d. Determines the winners in each flight at the end of each quarter
e. Distributes cash winnings on the first General Membership Meeting after the end of each quarter
Section 8. Birdie/Chip-In Chair (one or two chair persons)
a. Collects money from interested members for the year or quarter in which they wish to participate
b. Keeps track of members who have signed up their birdies or chip-ins each week on the verification sheet posted on TLLGC bulletin board
c. Prepares a quarterly report and distributes cash winnings on the first General Membership Meeting after the end of each quarter
Section 1. General Membership meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday of the month. Information will be provided by club media sources.
Section 2. The President may call a Special Meeting of the membership at any time by giving seven (7) days’ notice to all TLLGC members.
Section 3. Official business can be transacted at a General Membership Meeting by majority vote of attending members. A quorum of the Executive Board is five (5).
Section 1. No member shall incur expenditures in the name of TLLGC without approval by the Executive Board unless the expense has been previously budgeted.