A motion was made to enact a local rule of rake and replace in the bunkers
The motion was second. The motion was passed. 11 In Favor 3 Opposed
Local Rule: Lift, Rake, and Replace in the Bunker.
The player will be allowed to rake and replace the ball in the bunker with no penalty.
The Ball shall be replaced in its original spot.
Before lifting your ball under this Rule, you must mark the spot.
- Place a ball marker right behind or right next to your ball, or
- Hold a club on the ground right behind or right next to your ball.
Continue to use Rule 16.1C which will allow free relief from abnormal conditions such as exposed drains and water in the bunker.
Reason: The bunkers at La Mirada Golf Couse are in terrible condition. They are not being maintained properly by the course. (E.G., No Sand, Footprints, Ruts and grooves, exposed drains)
Scope: Any tournament that is hosted at La Mirada Golf Course. The rule does not apply to away tournaments.
Implementation Date:10/22/2024 End Date: Until rescinded by BOD