1. Standing Rules can be changed by a majority vote at any General meeting of TVWGC, without prior notice. Although these Rules remain in effect until rescinded or amended they may be suspended temporarily by Executive Board vote.
2. All members will cooperate and comply with the rules and regulations established by the Golf Club at Rancho California (GCRC). Dress code while playing golf is established by the course and must be adhered to by all TVWGC members.
3. The Weekly Game Coordinator will schedule a game each Tuesday. All attending, active members with an established handicap are invited to participate in the Weekly Games.
4. Shotgun starts will be the usual weekly format starting at approximately 8:00 a.m. Check-in will start at 7:00 a.m. and be completed no later than 7:30 a.m.* Whenever shotgun starts are inconvenient for the Golf Course, or special scheduling of tournaments is required, tee times may be used.
*Even if you think there will be a delay you must check in by 7:30.
Note: Rain Notification Policy for TVWGC Weekly Play:
In the event of rain or forecasted inclement weather for Tuesday play, the Desk Duty person will confer with the Weekly Game Coordinator or President to CANCEL play by 4:00 PM Monday before play date and notify the pro shop. No later than 6:00 PM Monday, the Desk Duty person will send a blast email to the membership CANCELLING PLAY for Tuesday play day.
5. General meetings will be held after golf. In the event of rain, Board/General meeting times on Rain Cancellation Play Days: JAN – FEB will be 8:30 AM; MAR – DEC will be 8:00 AM.
6. Members are requested to sign up or cancel by 6 pm Sunday prior to play day so monthly coordinators will have sufficient time to set up foursomes for the weekly game. Any subsequent changes will be made with the monthly Weekly Game Coordinator. On the day of play only, members must call the Pro Shop to cancel.
7. At least two scorecards (game, handicap must be kept in each foursome and each player in the foursome must sign both cards. Foursomes submitting unsigned, incomplete* or undated cards will be disqualified from the game. The handicap card will be the official score card in those situations where all cards do not reflect identical scores.
*Completed scorecards as defined by TVWGC:
8. Each member is responsible for posting her score as soon as possible on the day of play, after completion of play and before midnight (local time), Rules of Handicapping, Section 4.3. If a member fails to post her score, the Handicap Chair will notify the member after two events. Upon the next failure to post, the Handicap Chair shall follow Rules of Handicapping, Section 7.1b, Applying a Penalty Score.
9. All golf rounds, where at least 14 holes have been played whether at home or away, must be posted for handicap purposes. The Handicap Chair may adjust the handicap of any member who fails to post her score.
Note: Posting for players who play only 14 holes and tee off on 15th hole (and then pick up) must use net par on the remainder of the holes not played.
10. Cell phone use is discouraged during play. If a cell phone is required to be on during play for emergencies or family matters, the ringer must be set to vibrate.
11. All active TVWGC members are eligible to participate in the Hole-In-One game. Any active member that gets a hole-in-one must be participating in play on a TVWGC play day at TVWGC home course.
Revised: October 13, 2020