Last Updated: 11/15/20



The name of this organization will be Temecula Valley Women’s Golf Club, a nonprofit organization.  This organization will be referred to in the Bylaws and Standing Rules as the Temecula Valley Women’s Golf Club (TVWGC).


A.  The objectives of TVWGC are to promote, foster, regulate, develop and conduct amateur golf activities among the members of this organization.

  • To establish and maintain USGA handicaps for all members.
  • To promote and hold such social and recreational activities as the general membership may desire.
  • To cooperate and comply with the general rules and regulations of the USGA, except where local rules prevail. 
B.  This club will be affiliated with Southern California Golf Association (SCGA)


Section 1.  An individual member must be 18 years and over who agree to support the Bylaws and Standing Rules of TVWGC.

Section 2.  The Executive Board of Directors will set annual dues for active membership.  Annual fees are due and payable by November 1st of each year.  If joining after July 1st, club dues will be prorated on a quarterly basis for the remainder of that calendar year.

Section 3.  Applicants joining with an established handicap index or verifiable USGA index of 40.4 or less will immediately, upon payment of dues, be eligible to vote and participate in TVWGC weekly games.

Section 4.  An applicant without a handicap shall play five times, within two months, with a Board member of TVWGC on Ladies Day and score 117 or less on at least one of these days to establish a temporary handicap.  The two-month time limit may be extended at the discretion of the Handicap Chair.


Section 1.  Elected officers of TVWGC shall be the President, Treasurer, Handicap and Weekly Game Coordinator.  These officers and the immediate Past President (Parliamentarian) shall serve on the Executive Board of Directors.

Presides at all meetings of TVWGC and the Executive Board of Directors.
Calls all special meetings.
Appoints all Committee Chairs with the approval of the Executive Board of Directors.
Appoints and discharges all special committees.
Acts as an ex-officio member of all committees.
Assures that the Bylaws and Standing Rules adopted by TVWGC are strictly enforced.
Supervises all affairs of TVWGC.
Signs Checks, in the absence of the Treasurer, for payment of all bills. 
Prepares a calendar of events to be approved by the Executive Board of Directors.

Section 3.  TREASURER 
Acts as assistant to the President and in the absence of the President presides at all meetings. 
Succeeds to the Presidency should that office be vacated during her regular term.
Assumes any other duties of the President, when necessary.
Records the minutes of all meetings of TVWGC and the Executive Board of Directors and maintains these in a permanent file for future reference.  
Furnishes a copy of the Board meeting minutes to the President and Board members. 
Furnishes a copy of the General meeting minutes to the general membership. 
Receives and deposits all monies for TVWGC in a bank selected by the Executive Board of Directors. 
Pays expenses and signs checks. 
Obtains approval from the Executive Board of Directors for payment of expenses not itemized in the club’s yearly budget. 
In the absence of the Treasurer, the President will be responsible for issuing and signing checks and making deposits. 
Keeps an itemized list of all financial transactions of TVWGC and reports these at quarterly meetings (January, April, July, and October). 
Prepares a preliminary budget for approval by the Board at the beginning of the year.  This budget may be revised as required. 
Turns the completed books over to an auditor appointed by the President at the end of each year.

Promotes membership in TVWGC and is responsible for compiling the membership list.
Works with the Treasurer in maintaining the active membership in good standing through collection of dues.
Provides an active membership roster to the membership with additions and corrections as they occur.
Promotes such other membership activities as the Executive Board of Directors may dictate.
Assigns a Big Sister for new members.
Maintains active handicap certification.
Verifies the handicaps of TVWGC members.
Collects handicap score cards each Tuesday after play.
Verifies that score cards are signed, and posted correctly.
Keeps record of number(s) of games played by each member.
Computes handicaps for qualifying new members after five games have been played.
Posts all handicap information on bulletin board.
Adds the new member to the TVWGC Roster in the GHIN Handicap Program and provides the new member with her GHIN # if needed.

Sets up a monthly schedule of weekly "table ladies" and fills in when necessary.
Supervises Weekly Games and coordinates results with the Handicap Chair.
Updates master instructions as necessary.
Keeps a permanent record of Weekly Game results.
Disburses winnings on quarterly basis. 
Acts as final arbiter during Weekly Games.

This position is filled by the immediate past president who acts as an advisor to the Board and is a nonvoting member.
Gives advice to the President and, when requested, to any other member.
(As inconspicuously as possible) calls the attention of the President to any error in the proceedings that may affect the substantive rights of any member or may otherwise do harm.
Only in the most involved matters should the Parliamentarian actually be called upon to speak.


Section 1.  Nominations for office shall be made by a Nominating Committee consisting of two people: one person elected by a majority vote of the general membership and one (1) person appointed by the President.  The Committee shall be formed at least sixty (60) days prior to election.  The Membership shall receive notification of the slate of officers at the October general meeting prior to election of officers at the November general meeting.

Section 2.  Candidates must have been members of TVWGC for at least one (1) year prior to election.  Exceptions to the (1) year requirement must be reviewed and approved by the Board.

Section 3.  Elections shall be held at the November general membership meeting.  Nominations from the floor, with the nominee's consent to serve, shall be accepted.  All nominees shall be elected by a majority vote of those members present.

Section 4.  Installation of officers shall be held at the December general membership meeting, no later than the last Tuesday of the year.

Section 5.  The term of office is one year with a term limit of three consecutive years.  Members seeking to serve for more than three consecutive years must obtain a waiver of the term limit from the Board of Directors prior to running for office.

Section 6.  If a vacancy arises in an office - except for that of President - the Executive Board of Directors will approve a replacement.  If the vacancy is in the office of the President, the Treasurer will become President.


Section 1.  The Executive Board of Directors shall consist of all elected officers of TVWGC.  The immediate past President shall serve as advisor.  If an immediate past president is not available to act as advisor, then the President will appoint another past president, with approval of Executive Board of Directors.

Section 2.  The Executive Board of Directors shall be installed at the December meeting and their duties shall begin January 1 and continue until December 31 of the same year.

Section 3.  The business and affairs of TVWGC shall be managed under the direction of the Executive Board of Directors, except as may be otherwise provided for in these Bylaws and Standing Rules.  All elected officers will execute their responsibilities by voting on any matter before the Board.

Section 4.  The Executive Board of Directors shall meet the first week of each quarter (January, April, July and October), or at the discretion of the President.  A majority of the number of elected members of the Executive Board of Directors, authorized by these bylaws, constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 5.  Records maintenance:  financial records will be kept for 5 years.   All other records will be kept for one year plus the current year.


Shall be thoroughly familiar with USGA Rules of Golf and the local rules of golf.
Has authority to settle all disputes resulting from play under USGA rules of the game.
Shall be prepared to discuss the rules upon the request of the membership and permission of the President.
Shall enforce all rules of the USGA, including etiquette of golf and pace of play.
Shall be assisted in her duties by the Weekly Game Coordinator, the President, and any other member she deems necessary.

Receives correspondence from golf associations/other golf clubs and reports to membership as appropriate.
Maintains bulletin board with current liaison information.
Receives sweeps payout for members participating in golf association sponsored events.
Attends the golf association meetings as needed.

Special committees (for example, the Nominating Committee and the Audit Committee) may be formulated by the President and/or Executive Board of Directors from time to time, as required.  They will be discharged by the President at the expiration of performance and responsibility for which they were created.


Section 1.  General membership meetings shall be held on the second Tuesday of each quarter (January, April, July and October).  If for any reason, golf is not played that day, general membership meetings shall be held at Golf Club at Rancho California (GCRC).

Section 2.  The President may call special meetings at any time by giving seven (7) days’ notice to all TVWGC members.

Section 3.  A minimum of 1/3 of total membership at general meetings will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


No expenditures in the name of TVWGC shall be incurred by any member without approval by the Executive Board of Directors, unless the expense has been previously budgeted.


These Bylaws may be amended or repealed or new Bylaws adopted at any regular or special meeting of TVWGC by a majority of those members present, written notice of same having been given and/or posted 30 days prior to the day of voting, or having been read at the previous general membership meeting.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order - Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order this organization may adopt.


In the event that TVWGC can no longer operate at GCRC, the current Board of Officers shall follow these guidelines in determining the fate of the club and any monies that may be in the treasury.  Prior to completion of either option, the Board should attempt to get a majority vote from the current general membership.  If a meeting of members cannot be assembled or reached by other means (i.e., phone, fax, email, etc.) in order to obtain a vote, the Executive Board may make the final decision without a general membership vote.  A notification of the decision should be made and action should not be started until the membership has been notified 30 days in advance of any action on the decision.

Executive Board (EB) is to appoint a committee to research other courses in the area without an existing women's golf club, or they may look at clubs that have women's golf clubs already established wherein TVWGC could consider merging with such an existing club.

  • EB will consider the results of the committee's research and will present suggestions(s) to the general membership.  A vote by the majority of members present will determine any action to be taken.
  • All monies, held by the club, that have been paid by members, prior to any relocation decision, will be refunded to those members not wishing to relocate.  Checks will be mailed within thirty (30) days after the relocation is completed.
  • Handicap fees will not be refunded.  Membership dues (minus the handicap fees) will be refunded (prorated on a quarterly basis) to members that opt not to relocate.
  • Any organizational affiliates will be notified by the Handicap Chair of new location, new name, etc.

GCRC will be notified by the President on behalf of the Executive Board.

In the event the TVWGC Executive Board deems it necessary, and votes to dissolve TVWGC, the following procedures shall be followed:

  • Notify the general membership of the EB's action to rescind the Bylaws.
  • President will appoint a final auditing committee.  Upon completion of audit and payment of all obligations, any unused monies will be refunded pro-rata within thirty (30) days, after the completion of the final audit, to all members in good standing at that time.
  • GCRC and any other current organizational affiliates will be notified by the President on behalf of the Executive Board.

The President will be responsible for storing all records either herself or by appointment.

Revised:  November 10, 2020


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