Men’s Golf Association
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 6, 2018
I. Call to order - Chris Smith
Chris Smith called to order the regular meeting of the LCFCC Men’s Golf Association at 5:30PM on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at LCFCC’s Board Room.
I. Roll call
Secretary, Shawn Keltner conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:
Chris Smith, Tom Somers, Shawn Keltner, Dan Gaston, David Catlin, Randy Dreyfuss, Stephen Garritson, Adam Rosenblatt, Tim Winter
Absent: Vern Tolo, Joe Portillo, Tom Fiori, Chris Akiyama
I. Approval of minutes from last meeting- Approved with corrections.
II. Club Update - Randy Dryfuss
a. Pump covers for number 6 were supposed to be done last weeks but were not. Randy has contacted contractor but no reply as soon.
b. Trying to get new ice maker for near bag room.
c. Teebox of 9 will be fixed soon.
d. New course signs are being replaced. Forward tee, back tee, etc, stop signs, etc.
e. USGA new rules, no communication recently on how they will affect our course.
f. Question: Gold vs. White (Advanced Tees in match play)
g. Golf members current at 282 members.
I. Announcements
II. Reports
a. Tournament Report - All
i. Canyon Classic:
ii. s, but no further extensions will be given. Second rounds must be completed by August 31!
iii. Plaques: Do all updating at the end of the year. Tom Somers will coordinate.
iv. Directors Cup: Coming up September 15 & 16.
v. Ryder Cup: October 10/13 & 10/14 Four different formats are played. Pick European or American
b. Greens / Course Report- Stephan Garritson (NP) email:
i. Email:
c. Rules Report, Tom Somers- Nothing to report. Changes to the SCGA 2019 rules are not in play yet.
d. Couples Report, Vern Tolo (NP) - Email
e. Handicap Report, David Catlin (NP) - Some players are not getting GHIN number fast enough. Need to improve this. Possible locked mailbox in the bar area.
f. Financial Report, Tom Fiori (NP) - Nothing to Report
g. Membership Report, Joe - Not Present. Current Golf Members = 282
III. New business
a. Somers: Question from social member: “How can I play on the course.” Social Members need to pay guest fee and must play as a guest with a golf member. There are many MGA players that will host a social member.
I. Adjourn
Chris Smith adjourned the meeting at 7:00PM.
Minutes submitted by: Shawn Keltner
Minutes approved by: Board @ November Mtg.
Men’s Golf Association
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 4, 2018
I. Call to order - Chris Smith
Chris Smith called to order the regular meeting of the LCFCC Men’s Golf Association at 5:30PM on Thursday, October 4 at LCFCC’s Board Room.
I. Roll call
President, Chris Smith conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:
Chris Smith, Tom Somers, Dan Gaston, David Catlin, Randy Dreyfuss, Stephen Garritson, Tim Winter, Joe Portillo
Absent: Vern Tolo, Tom Fiori, Chris Akiyama, Adam Rosenblatt, Shawn Keltner
I. Approval of minutes from last meeting- No Printed Minutes
Golf course condition: discussion of sand trap maintenance, tilling versus adding sand, sprinklers putting water in traps; bunker steep edges are being removed which makes bunkers easier to see from the fairway, and makes the course visually more appealing and intimidating; the bunker improvement process is very time consuming. Fringe areas that were bikini-waxed have been over-seeded with non-kikuyu grass to fill slow-growth voids, but will slowly yield to kikuyu growth in the weeks and months ahead. Still working on pump enclosure issues. In front area of 18th green a verti-drain will be used to provide more consistent moisture level so grass roots can grow deeper. Also the 18th green was re-sodded this past week.
Randy said there are currently 280 golf members; Joe said the MGA is now at 145.
Xmas party: Chris proposed five possible party dates of December 12-13 or 18-20.
Members Memorial tournament is this weekend; only 5 players have signed up so far. Might need to cancel. Ryder Cup is next weekend; steep entry fee used to include a shirt but it no longer does, so the board voted unanimously to lower this year’s Ryder Cup entry fee to $30.
New staffer in pro shop is Curtis Kostich; he came from Angeles National and Dicks and back in the day taught our pro Kurt.
MGA sign-up procedure needs to be streamlined; multiple sign up processes are now being used, including online and in the pro shop. Discussed a solution to prorate new member fees to stimulate participation by those who join the club late in the year; agreed that anyone joining after October 1 gets in MGA for free if they pay the GHIN fee.
Nobody is signing score cards before putting them in the slot next to the posting computer.
Apparently I’m on the Tournament Committee??
Chris gave a financial report; we discussed the idea of having an operating budget for the full year before the next calendar year starts.
We need to fill one Board seat for 2019-2021 (Chris’ seat); as ex-officio he will lead the Canyon Classic tournament in 2019. Need to identify replacement for Chris as Board President.
Next meeting is November 1st. We will set committee assignments for 2019 at that meeting. Subsequent meeting is December 6th, and there we will finalize a calendar for 2019 tournament schedules.
I. Adjourn
Chris Smith adjourned the meeting at 7:04PM.
Minutes submitted by: Tim Winter
Minutes approved by: Board @ November Mtg.