Hole-in-One Insurance
Last Updated: 05/19/19
Hole-in-One Insurance
For a $10 pay in, members can join the Hole-in-One club.  If a member scores a
hole-in-one in any IHWGA event (regular play, team play or tournament), the
contents of the "pot" is given to that member to offset bar charges.

After the pot is emptied, those who wish to rejoin must pay in again.  There is
no guarantee how much money will be in the pot, but if you get a hole in one
you will be given the contents towards your bar bill.

If you wish to buy-in, see Ann Garrett.  Ann collects the buy-in money and
manages the list and payouts.

Most recent Hole-in-One winner is Germaine Warner on March 30, 2019, Ike hole #15. 

List of members who have rejoined the hole-in-one insurance.

As of:  May 19, 2019
1 Anderson Venita
2 Benvenuto Charbe
3 De Silva Santa
4 Feigenbaum Susan
5 Furman Jordi
6 Garrett  Ann
7 Godfrey Pat
8 Gretton Betsy
9 Hartmann Jeanne
10 Jacobs Wendy
11 Johnson  Judy
12 Kim Jenna
13 Klick Shelley
14 Kurotobi Sandy
15 Losson Melissa
16 McCorkle Debbie 
17 Meymarian Debbie 
18 Morgan Merry
19 Mullenbach Joyce
20 Nevarez Olivia
21 Pavelko Janice
22 Pellegrino Denise
23 Pond Dineen
24 Selvaggio Marion
25 Shinkai Kath
26 Shipley MaryAnn
27 Suh Ok Hee
28 Takemura Kathy
29 Talavera Karla
30 Taylor Carol
31 Teaford Gail
32 Urbaniec Sylvia
33 Warner Germaine
34 Young Kim Hae

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