Major Tournament Eligibility
Last Updated: 03/06/20

IHWGA holds 3 major tournaments annually:  Club Championship, President's Cup, and Partner's Championship.

To be eligible to play, members must be: in good standing, have Industry Hills as their SCGA member club and have accumulated 6 eligibility points. Eligibility points are reset each year and are earned for:

  • 1 point for each prior year of IHWGA membership
  • 1 point for each played round (IHWGA play day, team play, guest day or tournament round starting Nov 1).  

Requests for exceptions will be gladly reviewed by the board.  If you have a request for an exception please submit via email to IHWGA President Ann Garrett.

Eligibility October 2019 through mid March 2020
(Board Members and Past Presidents excluded from eligibility)

Member Current Year Total Eligibility Points
DeSilva 20
Furman 19
Pavelko 16
Shinkai 15
Fletcher 15
Warner 15
Oki 14
Miller 13
Morgan 13
Talavera 12
Gnerre 11
Anderson 11
Pellegrino 10
Tarin 10
Egge 10
Sarkissian 9
Meymarian 9
Kim, J 9
Mullenbach 9
Klick 9

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