IHWGA Club News
last updated:  05/25/20  |  Total Club Page Views:91,251

Welcome to the Industry Hills Women's Golf Association Website! 

Here you will find information about club events and tournaments, you can register online for the
events you want to play, and receive news about club members, events and tournament results.

Click the links on the left side of the Home page to see schedules and other information.

To register yourself and your playing companions for an upcoming tournament or play day, just
click on the word Tournament above.  Find out about Statistics and Ringer  results and view
your standings.

Click the News link to see news about SCGA, Team Play and other topics.

You can determine which parts of your profile are displayed for others to see in the Players 
Your default password is your GHIN number and you can change it if you click Edit Profile.

Please contact Melissa Losson, your IHWGA board member responsible for website
communications, for any feedback or suggestions on how to make this site better.  Thank you!

Industry Hills IHWGA 2020 Board Members

Here are your board members for 2020 and their main responsibilities:

Ann Garrett

President, SCGA/WPLGA liaison 

Debbie McCorkle

- Vice President, weekly play 

Charbe Benvenuto

- Secretary, Rules chair, guest days and entry events

Wendy Jacobs

- Handicap chair, Player's Club, Performance points, and Ringer

Gail Teaford

- Major tournaments

Melissa Losson

- Major tournaments, website updates

Dineen Pond

- Membership chair, guest days and entry events 


Major Tournaments:  Eligibility and Results
IHWGA holds 3 major tournaments annually:  Partners Championship, Club Championship,
and President's Cup.

Click here for schedule and results

To be eligible to play, members must be: in good standing, have Industry Hills as their SCGA
membership club and have accumulated 6 eligibility points. Eligibility points are earned for:
  • 1 point for each IHWGA play day, guest day or tournament round starting Nov 1
  • 1 point for each year of IHWGA membership

Requests for exceptions will be gladly reviewed by the board.  If you have a request for an
exception please submit via email to IHWGA President Ann Garrett.

Upcoming Tournaments