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FWG Board Meeting Minutes
Last Updated: 05/29/20 |
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Fallbrook Women Golfers Board Meeting
January 30, 2020 The meeting was called to order at 1:55 p.m. by President Sandi Simpson at Marine Memorial Conference Room. Attendees: Sandi Simpson, Shirley Barnes, Susan Williams, Denise McNeese, Dolly Harty, Mickie St. Pierre, Louise Greenlee, Nicole Weiler, JoLyn Racey, Elaine Pedigo, Kris Sobon Unable to attend: Gail Hume Presidents Report: Sandi Simpson presented the survey results (survey taken by board members on January 11th). Question was asked of the board, whether we should expand the survey to the general membership. The board overwhelming felt the sampling of both new and outgoing board members was sufficient and served as a good representation of the general membership, so no further survey was needed. We have received a request from San Juan Hills (SJH) to play golf at their location and for SJH to play at Marine Memorial. Three dates were proposed: April 30, July 2 and July 30. After board discussion it was decided FWG will accept the invitation to play at San Juan Hills on July 30. Green fees will be $50.00 and an additional $15.00 – 20.00 for those wishing to purchase lunch. FWG will extend an invitation to SJH to play at Marine Memorial on April 30, 2020. Kris Sobon will explore the possibility of a Taco Bar for lunch on April 30th, keeping the expense between $15.00 and $20.00. Louise Greenlee will follow-up with Jake regarding the price for golf for our guests and then contact Robin Fong/SJH point of contact, with our proposed dates for our Home2Home events for 2020. Once dates are confirmed the costs and game will be determined and communicated to our general membership and to SJH. VP Membership – Dolly Harty We have two new members, Deborah Lehman and Kate McKenna. Lola Fleck has rejoined as a full member. This brings the membership to a total of 54 (43 active full members and 11 associate members). Bring a Friend Day: Discussion regarding a member’s request to invite a “Foreign National” for Guest Day. Since we play golf on a government installation we have to adhere to a different requirement for gaining access. Our members and guests need to have a valid US issued ID/DL in order to gain access for our events. Format for the game will be two better balls of the foursome. A 50/50 opportunity drawing will be offered for purchase by all participants. A FootJoy trunk show will also be available at the end of the round on 2-20-2020. Multi-member rebate program requires a 60 day membership before being eligible for rebates. You can access the rebate request under the SCGA website. The FWG tri-fold information brochure will be updated and printed for distribution. An appropriate display location will be requested in the MM pro shop. Treasurer Report – (presented by Sandi Simpson) Gail Hume was unable to attend the meeting. Sandi Simpson discussed the proposed budget for 2020. A proposal was made to “reset our reserve monies” in the bank not to go below $1,500 versus our current $2,000. Mickie St. Pierre proposed an increase in the trophy budget from $60.00 to $100.00. Additional income from memberships will be placed in administration. Dolly made a motion to approve the budget with the proposed changes, Louise Greenlee made the second and the motion carried with unanimous approval by all board members in attendance. Weekly Sweeps – Louise Greenlee/Nicole Weiler Associate members are not eligible for weekly sweeps payout, only full membership will be eligible to participate in the weekly sweeps. Discussion ensued around “ACE of the Month” options now that we are playing from one tee. Some board members were against “the trickle down” to the next qualifier if the monthly winner has already won previously. Other board members felt this would prohibit many club members from the opportunity to participate in the end of year Ace tournament as the field would be even more limited without the “trickle down” option. The board voted against limiting the monthly winners to just “low gross winner" and “low net winner” with no trickle down. The board voted for keeping the Ace - low gross and a low net winner. Any repeat winners would allow “the trickle down” to the next in line to qualify for the end of year ace tournament as last year. It was also discussed that a 1/3 of the field would be paid for Ace events versus just the Low Gross/Low Net winners. Weekly sweeps payouts are based on the size of the competing field. (Note: After the board meeting there was a request to revisit the rules of our Ace Game rules by our weekly sweeps chairs) FWG will use the posted handicap report each Wednesday before play for the purpose of calculating sweeps each week. The February Partner Eclectic scheduled for February 6 and 13 will use a 10 stroke handicap differential. Members wishing to participate will need to sign up by February 4th, 5:00 p.m. Anyone not registered by February 4th will not be eligible to participate, however, they can follow the field. Awards will be presented to both gross and net winners. FWG will continue to use the RED/GREEN paper printout scorecards until such time as the Pro Shop prints new official cards (expected sometime in April). Recommend keeping the FWG scorecards in the locker for retrieval each week. Discussion around identifying a volunteer to pop cards ahead of time for weekly sweeps. This process would simplify the calculations of the sweeps and handicap chairs. The board agreed to defer this topic to the next board meeting for further discussion of pros and cons. Major Tournaments – Nicole Weiler Nicole will be writing an article about the upcoming Club Championship scheduled for March 12 and April 9 to be included in “Tee Topics.” The cut off for handicaps will be 5 days before the scheduled tournament date and the same handicap will be used for both championship dates. Handicaps – JoLyn Racey The board discussed the capping of handicaps at 45 (index of 40.4) for weekly sweeps and all tournaments. Motion to cap index at 40.4 was made by Dolly Harty and seconded by JoLyn Racey. Motion was voted and carried with unanimous approval. Secretary – Shirley Barnes Correction to the FWG General Meeting minutes (dated January 09, 2020) was made to include reference to the red, white and blue patriotic cart seat cover given to past President Denise McNeese. Approval of the minutes will be sought at the next FWG General Meeting scheduled for February 06, 2020. Rules – Denise McNeese Local rules last amended on January 1, 2019 remain in effect. Denise has ordered new rule books to be given to any new FWG member. Social – Sandi Simpson Run for the Roses is scheduled for April 23. Denise McNeese and Nicole Weiler will work on the game (4 person 2 better ball format). Kris Sobon will work on the decorations. Susan Williams and Denise McNeese will work on coordinating requests for rounds of golf for our event. The “Hat Contest” was discussed as we still needed a volunteer to head this up. Mickie StPierre volunteered to come up with categories and judges for the event. Participants will be able to pre-purchase opportunity drawing tickets. There was some discussion around a special drawing for those that purchase their tickets in advance at time of registration. Price for participating in Run for Roses is TBD once the BEO is finalized for the food/golf/drinks. FWG has 6 rounds of free golf donated by MM. It was agreed we would use the 6 rounds as prizes for the Run for the Roses Tournament. Denise McNeese asked if were designating a specific charity for our Run for the Roses event. Sandi Simpson is recommending that our annual R4TR Member Guest be a self supporting event and if possible any remaining funds up to $500 be earmarked for next years R4TR2021. There is $250.00 designated in the FWG 2020 budget for “charity” which could be identified in our R4TR donation letters. The charities mentioned include Be4Vets, Semper Fi Fund, Gary Senise Foundation or Wounded Warrior. No decisions were made. Denise McNeese will check on official documentation associated with the charities noted. Trophy – Mickie St. Pierre Recognition in the form of a pin, will be presented to any member that breaks a score of 100, 90 or 80 for the first time. Recommended we look for a pin or charm recognizing our “Ace of the Year” winners. Budget increased to accommodate increase in expense for trophies. (See FWG Budget 2020) Policies and Procedures – Susan Williams The last FWG Policy & Procedures report was dated 2014 and needs to be reviewed and reports updated. Bylaws were revised in October 2019 and are available on the FWG website. Susan presented and passed out an outline guide for mentors to use when orienting new members to FWG. She also suggested a guide for Pace of Plan a page of definition of phrases, words, acronyms related to golf, and a sample score card showing an example of how to adjust a score with the new equitable stroke system. Dolly, VP.Membership will work on golf terms, sample core cards and include Pace of Play information to all new members. Board members or general membership willing to act in the capacity of mentor for new members, should contact Susan Williams for information. Sandi thanked Susan for putting this together, great job! Publicity – Dolly Harty “Soboba Get a Way” flyers have been sent out and information will be included in “Tee Topics”. There will be a number of golf club vendors at Marine Memorial Saturday, April 4th. If members are interested in upgrading clubs, this would be a good opportunity to check out multiple vendors. Any outside tournament flyers should be forwarded to Dolly for distribution to our club members. Webmaster/Tee Topics – Elaine Pedigo Submissions for “Tee Topics” will need to be in no later than one week prior to the General Meeting each month. In the interest of time the topic of the FWG Website was deferred until next board meeting. Sunshine – Kris Sobon Sandi asked Kris to send a “Thinking of you” card to Doris McClure. Four birthdays this month: Nancy Croswell, Shelley Krogh, Denise McNeese, Michele Riddle. Discussion regarding the purchasing of “scratch offs” for all members birthdays not being necessary. Kris has scratchers left and will continue this until her supplies are exhausted. Recommend just a card and recognition during our monthly general meeting and in Tee Topics is sufficient. Other SDCWGA Dolly announced the field day at Carlton Oaks and she will be emailing out the information to all FWG members. SMWGA Informational emails are sent to the general membership (SDCWGA) and SM Team members as needed by both the respective representatives. Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Shirley Barnes FWG Secretary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallbrook Women Golfers Board Meeting February 27th, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 1:31 p.m. by President Sandi Simpson at Marine Memorial Conference Room. Attendees: Sandi Simpson, Shirley Barnes, Susan Williams, Denise McNeese, Dolly Harty, Louise Greenlee, Nicole Weiler, JoLyn Racey, Elaine Pedigo, Kris Sobon, Gail Hume Presidents Report Sandi Simpson requested a motion to approve the minutes of the January 30, 2020 Board Meeting. Motion was made by Denise McNeese to approve the minutes and seconded by Louise Greenlee. Motion carried. VP Membership – Dolly Harty FWG received payment for membership of its fourth new member of the year (Donna Moore). A few ladies (Monetta Smoot, Mary Randle, and Mary Caputo) from our recent “Bring a Friend Day” have expressed interest in joining FWG. Dolly will continue to follow-up with those that expressed interest. FWG currently has 55 members. Treasurer Report – Gail Hume FWG has $5,613.46 in the bank account. $270.00 has been designated for the hole-in-one fund. $103.00 has been spent in the past month in preparation for “Run for the Roses” and we’ve also received $700.00 in tee hole sponsorships to date. Weekly Sweeps – Louise Greenlee/Nicole Weiler Nicole Weiler opened a discussion and proposed that we group/pair together those with similar handicaps when playing on Ace Day each month. The intent would be to pair high handicaps with other high handicaps and low handicaps with other low handicaps in an attempt to help members play their best game, without intimidation of causing members to feel uncomfortable. The Board discussed the pros and cons of making this change, which included concerns over establishing clicks and isolating members. The board agreed to try it for one month and then ask the general membership for feedback. The board agreed to include information in “Tee Topics.” There was a reminder that MM will be punching the greens on March 15th. San Juan Hills (SJH) will be joining us at MM for golf and lunch on April 30, 2020. SJH expressed some surprise that the expense included lunch, but did not request we cancel lunch for the 30th. A total of 17 people have responded in the affirmative for the SJH and FWG golf day. Kris Sobon will work on food for the day and JoLyn will handle coordinating base access with MM staff. Louise will be sending communication to SJH outlining requirements and instructions for base access. There was some discussion related to posting weekly sweeps on the website as an alternative to sending out blanket emails. The website has the capability and this will be further explored as we move towards determining which website we may use in the future. In the meantime, blanket emails will continue to be sent each week identifying the weekly sweeps winners. A decision was made to rotate the “Closest to the Pin” hole number each month. The next three months will be as follows: March – Hole #8 April – Hole #14 May – Hole #17 A message regarding the hole rotation will be sent to MaryAnn Grubaugh, who graciously coordinates getting the measuring device out to the proper hole each month. Major Tournaments – Nicole Weiler The FWG Club Championship is scheduled for March 12th and April 9th, 2020. The cut off for handicaps will be 5 days before the scheduled date and the same handicap will be used for both championship dates. There will be three categories and two trophies awarded (one the low gross over the field and one for Senior 70+ low gross). The third category will be low net. Low net winners will receive financial winnings, however, no trophy will be awarded. Payouts will be made to 1/3 of the field and flighted based on the number of qualified players. In order to qualify for participation in the Club Championship members must have played a minimum of 6 times since October 2019. Since there has been some confusion over the low net payout, Nicole will be providing clarification and communicating in writing via email and “Tee Topics,” as well as verbally during the upcoming general meeting. This clarification will hopefully boost participation. Handicaps – JoLyn Racey Congratulations to Barbara Muskat as the most improved player for the month of January 2020. The board approved purchasing a sleeve of MM logo golf balls to be presented each month to the player achieving most improved status. January and February winners will receive their sleeve of balls and recognition during the March general meeting. Message will be sent to all membership reminding them to post correctly and immediately after play. JoLyn will follow-up individually with any player not posting properly. Secretary – Shirley Barnes Request was made for an alternate board member to take minutes on the following dates: March 19 Board Meeting – Gail Hume April 2 General Meeting - TBD July 9 General Meeting – Denise McNeese Thank you to Gail and Denise for volunteering. Social – Sandi Simpson “Run for the Roses” is scheduled for April 23. We currently have half the field filled with participants. An announcement will be made at the upcoming General Meeting scheduled for March 5, 2020. Dolly has 22 possible hole sponsorships. We’ve received $1,800 to date in pledged donations/sponsorships. Kris Sobon agreed at the meeting to sponsor a hole. We are still in need of donations for the “Run for the Roses” event. DeeDee will provide a submission to the March “Tee Topics” to see if we might spark interest in donations from the general membership for our opportunity drawings. Some type of communication will need to be developed explaining how and to whom the silent auction fund donations benefit. Three potential organizations include: 1) Semper Fi Fund, 2) Gary Sinise Foundation, 3) Rehab through Horses therapeutic riding program for active marines and veterans. Nicole will research the Semper Fi Fund, Shirley will research the Gary Sinise Foundation and Kris will research the Rehab Through Horses program and report back to the board for discussion at the next meeting scheduled for March 19, 2020. Rules – Denise McNeese Denise provided an update on the SCGA seminar some of our members attended in the desert on February 11th. Denise ordered 20 Rule Books and she’ll sell them for $5.00 each to help recoup the expense for shipping. A rule will be highlighted in “Tee Topics” each month to help membership maintain proper rule etiquette. Denise also encouraged every member to download the USGA Rules of Golf app on their cell phone for quick access. Trophy Recognition of Michele O’Sullivan will be announced during the upcoming general membership meeting for breaking a score of 100 for the first time. Policies and Procedures – Susan Williams Susan reported FWG is still missing a “Rules” End of Year report for 2019. Susan obtained or is in process of obtaining gift certificates for golf rounds from the following golf clubs: Arrowood Cross Creek Rams Hill (Pending) Rancho Bernardo Inn Vista Valley (Pending) Lomas Santa Fe Golf certificates will be used as opportunity drawings at the “Run for the Roses” tournament. The following board members have agreed to contact various golf courses to solicit donations for golf certificates: Denise - Oceanside and El Camino, Dolly - Legends and Temecula Creek, Sandi - San Juan Hills, Gail - Pala Mesa for possible golf lessons with Mark and DeeDee will contact Lawrence Welk. Publicity – Dolly Harty Soboba flyer outlining “Girls Get Away” scheduled for June 9-10 has been sent out again and information will be included in “Tee Topics” each month prior to event. Webmaster/Tee Topics – Elaine Pedigo Submissions for “Tee Topics” will need to be in no later Friday, February 28, 2020. In the interest of time the topic of the Website was deferred until next board meeting. Sunshine – Kris Sobon Happy Birthday to all those celebrating birthdays in February: Denise McNeese, Nancy Croswell, Shelly Krogh and Michele Riddle Kris shared a copy of the new birthday card she developed and printed, highlighting the positive qualities of the zodiac sign customized for our members each month. SDCWGA – Dolly Harty The next county event is scheduled for April 20, 2020 at Oaks North and will be a 2 person alternating format, 27 hole event. Signups begin on March 9 and close on March 20, 2020. SMWGA – JoLyn Racey and Denise McNeese Team shirts are in and packaged, ready to go. Cost is yet to be determined. The next SMWGA event is scheduled for Temecula Creek Inn on March 16, 2020. This will be the last chance to qualify for the upcoming Winners Circle. SMWGA team play may have to be played from the RED Tees due to the inconsistencies in handicap difficulty with the Red/Green combo tees. The Red Tees are a better representation of the hole handicaps. New Business A new date (July 2, 2020) was determined for the SJH Home2Home. They’re working on a potential shotgun start of 9:00 a.m., which is yet to be confirmed. FWG members will have a choice of playing at SJH or staying and playing at MM on July 2nd. FWG website project will be deferred for further discussion at a future meeting. Discussion will need to determine whether we move from LA Golf to another site, such as, Golf Genius, Golf Teams USA or some other website. These will need to be explored in more depth. There was open discussion regarding the establishment of a team to address the proper rating of (the handicap rating of each hole) holes on the course since moving to the combined tees. Hole number 11 in particular is a concern for proper rating. It’s believed that holes were never rated at the time the green tees were implemented. Nicole will identify the holes that appear to be off in their ranking (highest to lowest handicap ranking for each hole) based on data collected over the past year. JoLyn will provide ringer data as well to help in determining proper ratings. Dolly will collect all the pertinent information in preparation for a discussion with Jake. Meeting adjourned at 3:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted. Shirley Barnes FWG Secretary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes - FWG Board Meeting - March 19th 2020
President - Sandi Simpson
Motion to approve Board Minutes from February 27th 2020 by Denise McNeese, seconded by JoLyn Racey. Carried.
The board did not meet in person due to the current CV-19 and social distancing requirements. Information was collected through emails. Some of the discussion topics will be addressed in a future board meeting when we as a board can meet and discuss in person.
VP - Dolly Harty
Updates on memberships.
Two of our new members not currently reflected on our handicap report (Kate McKenna and Donna Moore). JoLyn sent an email to SCGA and they have fixed the problem.
Cindy Stewart rejoined SCGA directly. We will be receiving a check for $14 for her membership as an associate.
We are now up to 56 members.
Treasurer - Gail Hume
Budget on track.
Weekly Sweeps - Nicole Weiler/Louise Greenlee
Weekly Sweeps Budget - Request Qtr tracking with Trophy Chair (Mickie) make sure payouts are on track. (Note - I would think with the cancellations we should be on track for the first Quarter.) This will be addressed at a later time.
Home to Home with SJH - cancelled - 30 Apr 2020. Louise notified SJH and they have also suspended their home play for at least 2 weeks as well. We are still planning to go to San Juan Hills on July 2, 2020.
Major Tournaments - Nicole Weiler
Club Championship - We will keep April 9th on the calendar for now, understanding events may change our plans for the first week of our CC.
We will take a “wait and see” for planning a second date but tentatively dates of May 7th or May 14th are possibilities.
Discuss FWG Standing Rules which has caused concerns as to why we even have this rule if we allow waivers. Currently reads:
B. Major tournaments (President’s Cup and Club Championship)
1. Any current certified established handicap index as recognized USGA is acceptable.
2. A member must have posted at least six Ladies Day scores within the past six months to play.
3. A request for waiving the above rule may be made in writing to the Board for approval.
2. A member must have posted at least 3 Ladies Day scores within the past six months to play.
I think the 3 posted events will be easier for our ladies to meet the eligibility requirements. It gives us the opportunity to schedule our events earlier in the year and new members would still have time to get their games posted and easier for those members still working.
As far as our paragraph 3…I like the wording that Arrowood uses in their standing rules regarding Eligibility:
“Requests for exceptions due to health or absence shall be considered by the Board.”
Note: Standing Rules may be changed by the board without going through the 30 day posting and presenting to our general membership as is required with changes to our By-Laws.
This will be addressed in a future FWG Board meeting.
Handicap / Ringer - JoLyn Racey
Course Handicap - New combo tees - handicap difficulty
Jolyn, Dolly and Nicole met with Jake regarding the changing of the difficulty on the holes for our Combo Tees. JoLyn submitted our game cards and Robert/Jake put together the results on the scorecard below.
I think it looks more in line with the difficulty of the holes! Hoping the combo tees can be used in our May 18th SMWGA field day.