Marine Memorial Local Rules
last updated:  04/18/19  |  Total Club Page Views:142,143

 (Play is governed by the USGA Rules of Golf and by the following Local Rules)


1 January 2019


AREAS OF REMOVED CART PATHS:  The areas where cart paths were removed are deemed to be an Abnormal Course Condition.  A  player may take relief without penalty from interference by an area of a removed cart path.

IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS CLOSE TO THE PUTTING GREEN:  A player may take relief without penalty, if an Immovable Obstruction is, on the line of play, within two club-lengths of the Putting Green, and within two club-lengths of the ball.

OUT OF BOUNDS:  Out of Bounds is defined by a line between the course-side points at ground level of white posts, except on Hole 11 where Out of Bounds is defined by the course-side edge of the cart path.

PENALTY AREAS:  The flower bed to the right of the Putting Green on Hole 7 and the flower bed/decorative rock behind the Putting Green of Hole 9 are deemed to be RED penalty areas.  The Penalty Area is defined by the outside edge of the maintained turf and the course-side edge of the adjacent cart path.

The Penalty Areas on Holes 12, 15, and 16 are defined by the course-side edges of the concrete swales.  The bridges are immovable obstructions within the Penalty Areas.  For a ball lying outside of the Penalty Area, a player may take relief without penalty from the concrete or bridge interfering with the player’s area of intended stance and/or swing.

POWER LINES:  If a ball strikes a power line or supporting pole, the stroke is cancelled and a player MUST play a ball without penalty from where the previous stroke was made.