Photos  (slide show)
2016 SUMMER CLASSIC (click on any thumbnail image to see full size image)

The Big Winners

Low Gross Over the Field

Low Net Over the Field

Flight A Low Net

Flight B Low Gross

Flight B Low Net

Flight B 2nd Low Gross

Flight C Low Gross

Flight C Low Net

Flight C 2nd Low Gross

Flight C 2nd Low Net

Flight C 3rd Low Net

Flight D Low Net winner

Catching up

Our social chair and social members having fun seeing everyone

Dessert to follow

Enjoying the day

Always smiling

Someone is happy

Discussing the menu

Can they be trusted?

Nancy sharing a moment with our great photographer, Linda

Is she telling a story?

Madam Pres at work

Having a good time

Waiting for the food to arrive

Happy board members

What is this all about?

The quiet ones

We miss your company

Where it all happened

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