General Information
last updated:  01/05/19  |  Total Club Page Views:491,579

Play Day

The Ladies Play Day is every Thursday.  Please see the Tournament Calendar of Events. Sign up to play on-line, or contact the Tournament Coordinator.

Cancel with the Tournament Chair before day of play.  Call the Pro Shop (951) 676-2405 by 7:00 AM if it is necessary to cancel on a Play Day. 

Dress for golf should conform to U.S.G.A. standards.  No short shorts, bra or bikini tops are permitted.

Weekly Sweeps

Each week the Tournament Coordinator sets up a game.  Players who wish to participate in the game of the week contribute "sweeps" money to the prize fund.  To be eligible for sweep wins, a member must pay the sweeps fee, sign the tournament sheet, play with at least one member, hole out all putts, turn in the requested number of scorecards which are to be legible, signed, dated and attested.  Sweeps wins will be cash except when it exceeds $10.00 and then it will be in the form of a gift certificate from the pro ship.  Member must have an established handicap.
 If rain begins after play has started, the Tournament Director will flight those members who complete the round.  Those not completing 18 holes will be eliminated from the day's sweeps and no money refunded.

Major Tournament Eligibility

Major tournaments are the Club Championship, Flighted Match Play, and others as designated by the Tournament Chair.

Members must have a handicap and have played six (6) times at Temecula Creek Inn Golf Course with a bonafide member of the club on regular play days within the preceding four (4) month period to be eligible to play in any major tournament.

Rules of Play

U.S.G.A. rules govern all play in the Temecula Creek Inn Women's Golf Club.  There are some local rules that also apply.  Please see the Local Rules section of this website.

In addition, the Club has Standing Rules for play, Dress, Rain, etc. in the section on By-Laws and Standing Rules. 

New members who have a handicap may enter the daily events.  New members who do not have a current handicap must play five times with the club, or a club member, to receive a temporary handicap.  After five posted scores, the computer will establish the temporary handicap until twenty games in all are played, then the handicap becomes "official".

Equitable Stroke Adjustment

When posting one's score, the member will make adjustments as shown based on one's course handicap.

Course Handicap                       Esc Maximum
    9 or Less                                   Double Bogie
    10-19                                         7
    20-29                                         8
    30-39                                         9
    40 and above                           10


Each group must keep three (3) scorecards, tournament, ringer, and handicap.  The tournament card must be signed by the scorekeeper and all players in the group. The ringer and handicap card must only be signed by the scorekeeper and attested by one other player.  The player is responsible for the accuracy of her score on the scorecards.  All players are responsible for entering adjusted scores on the computer (preferably) inside the pro shop, or online on the GHIN application.
Picking Up

A Member who picks up her ball on any hole is automatically eliminated when the weekly game is Gross, Net, and Putts (GNP).  A member may pick up on a hole when the score on that hole is not included in the weekly sweeps game.
Complaints or criticisms must be submitted in to the Board of Directors in writing and signed by the complainant.

Preferred Lies

The Club does not play preferred lies unless the Tournament Coordinator deems it appropriate.  She may declare preferred lies for the entire course or specific holes. 
Preferred lies allow the player to pick, clean, and place the ball within one club length of where it landed.


The Club pays out the prize fund for all tournaments at the end of the Quarter.  The prize fund is based upon the sweeps collected for each tournament.  


A shot from off the green which lands in the hole.

Sand Save

A shot from a sand bunker followed by one stroke that goes in the hole.  The last shot may be from on or off the putting green.

Sand Save and Chip-in

1)  A shot from the sand bunker landing in rough, fairway or fringe which is then chipped into the hole on the next shot.

2)  A shot from the sand bunker which holes out.

Club Championship

A member must have played with the club six times within the four months prior to the event.  The tournament is stroke play for three consecutive weeks.

Ace Tournament

Monthly low net winners qualify.  One low net winner is selected each month to qualify for the "ACE Tournament" held the first Thursday (or first play day) in January.  If a low net winner had already qualified for a prior month, the next lowest net winner then qualifies for the January tournament.  The game is a net game only.

Southern California Golf Association (SCGA)

All handicapping for our club will be done by SCGA.

San Diego County Women's Golf Association (SDCWGA)

Temecula Creek Women's Golf Club is affiliated with SDCWGA.  At nthis time no dues are required to be a memeber.  All SCGA members are eliigible.   We are eligible to participate in all their events, including Team Play .  Events for this organization are posted on the internet as well as our bulletin board.  Any particular questions may be asked of our current San Diego representative.

Local Rules

See link on Local Rules.


Annual Club Membership is due on October 15th of each year, and delinquent if not paid by November 1st.  The fees are set by the Board prior to renewal date.  Fee includes membership for SCGA which handles all Club handicapping, other Club expenses, and the Club Holiday Luncheon.  There is no refund of dues.

New Applicant

Current handicaps will apply. To obtain a new handicap, an applicant must submit five (5) scorecards from rounds played at Temecula Creek Inn to the Membership/Handicap Chair.  The handicap will be in effect on the month in which the applicant's name, IDC number and handicap appear on the Club Handicap Sheet.