SAGC Local Rules
last updated:  08/10/18  |  Total Club Page Views:610,639
(Amended as of 7/21/2016)


A. Rules of Golf
It is incumbent upon all golfers to know and abide by the USGA “Rules of Golf”, as modified by the Santa Anita Golf Club (“SCGA” or “Club”) Local Rules herein.

B. Waiver of Rules Should you at any time, in tournament play, disregard or waive a Rule of Golf, or allow same within the group in which you are playing, all golfers involved in such action are in breach of Rule 1-3 and will be disqualified.

C. Out of Bounds (“OB”)
1) Fences bordering the Course and driving range, rather than the fence poles supporting those fences denote OB, which you may not lay away from without penalty.
2) All flood control channels are OB.
3) The cart barn behind Hole 9 denotes OB, starting at the OB fence on the left and proceeding to the right along the cart barn wall, which you may not lay away from without penalty, until it reaches the cement curb, following the grass edge of the curb to the last white stake, then crossing the cart path to the separate grass area behind the green, on the inside line between the white stakes on each side, then following the grass edge of that curb until it crosses over to the stake behind Hole 18.
4) The grass edge of the cement curb behind Hole 18 denotes OB, continuing from the where the inside edge of the white stakes crosses the path on left side of green from behind Hole 9 and following the grass edge of the curb until it crosses over to the stake behind the tee on Hole 10, then proceeding along the grass edge of the curb around the tee on Hole 10 to the last white stake and continuing to the edge of the driving range fence on left of Hole 10.
5) To avoid holding up play, always hit a provisional ball if you are in doubt as to whether your ball has gone OB or may be lost.

D. Immovable Obstructions
1) The following shall be considered immovable obstructions with relief only for stance and intended swing path in accordance with Rule 24-2:
a) Masonry bridge on Hole 18.
b) Masonry tree wells, embankments, and culverts on Holes 4, 5, 7, 9 and 18.
c) Asphalt and concrete paths.
d) OB stakes when they do not apply to the hole being played.
e) Staked trees, rest rooms, and sprinkler control boxes.
f) Protective fence on Holes 1, 7 & 8.
g) Light standards.
h) Staked roping around greens denoting cart limits may be considered movable obstructions.
i) The drainage cement wall on the left side of #9 approx 190yrds from the green

E. Distance Measuring Devices
1) For all tournament play, a player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only. However, if, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g., gradient, wind, temperature, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3, for which the penalty is disqualification, regardless of whether any such additional functions are actually used.
2) Information regarding the distance between two objects is public information and not advice. It is therefore permissible for players to exchange information relating to the distance between two objects. For example, a player may ask anyone, including his opponent, fellow-competitor or either of their caddies, the distance between his ball and the hole.

F. Loose Impediments
1) Stones in bunkers shall be considered movable obstructions and Rule 24-1 Applies as follows:
a) If the ball does not lie on the stone, then the stone may be removed and if the ball moves as a result, then it must be replaced.
b) If the ball rests on the stone, the ball may be lifted and stone removed, then the ball must be dropped as close to original place where ball lay but not nearer the hole.


A. Tournament Eligibility
1) Any regular Club Member can play in a non-major Club golf tournament, such as a Director’s tournament, an away trip or the Member Guest.
2) Only regular Club Members with an established USGA handicap can play in the major tournaments (Match Play Championship, Partners Extravaganza, Club Championship and Senior Club Championship), subject to the requirements below:
a) A regular Club Member can play in the Club Championship or Senior Club Championship only if they played in at least three Director’s Tournaments in the preceding twelve months.
b) A regular Club Member can play in the Match Play Championship or Partners Extravaganza only if they have either been a member in the Club for the last twelve months or played in at least three Director’s Tournaments in the twelve months preceding the tournament.
3) Competitors must "declare" themselves in all tournaments before teeing off from the first tee.
a) In stroke play tournaments declaration is made by the Tournament Chairman, unless specifically indicated otherwise.
b) In match play competition declaration takes place when a given match is arranged.
4) Competitors must play with at least one other Club Member in all stroke play tournaments, and in "partners" tournaments a third Club Member must play in the group.
a) Partner’s scores shall be kept by a third Member.
b) In stroke play, if only two Club Members are in a group, they shall exchange scorecards.
5) Any member who owes an outstanding debt to the club shall not be allowed to play in any Club tournaments until that debt is settled

B. Handicaps
1) All Club tournaments shall be played with the posted Club handicap current with the date which the competition takes place, unless otherwise specified in individual tournament rules.

C. Posting Scores
1) All 9-hole or 18-hole scores must be posted by all Club Members, regardless of where played. If a player completes at least 13 holes, it is considered an 18-hole postable round with remaining holes to be scored at net par. Except in extenuating circumstances, scores shall be posted during the same handicap computation period in which the rounds were played. Failure to post all acceptable 9-hole or 18-hole scores within 48 hours will be reviewed by the Handicap Committee for disciplinary action.
2) Failure to post tournament scores in a timely manner as set out in the individual tournament rules sheets shall result in disqualification from the tournament in question.
3) It is mandatory that a properly prepared, signed and attested scorecard be turned in for all stroke play tournaments, and failure to return a proper card shall result in disqualification from the tournament in question.

D. Matches
1) In tournaments where matches between "week end" and week day" golfers present a problem getting together for a match, should a dispute arise, preference shall be given to the "week end" golfer. The weekend golfer must be available at least two of the weekend days during the period the match must be played to get preference.
2) If opponents are unable to agree on arrangements to play the match by the deadline date posted, opponents shall notify the Tournament Chairman to this effect no later than Wednesday prior to the deadline date. The Tournament Chairman will then decide the match by a coin toss.
3) Unless otherwise resolved or arranged, opponents shall be required to appear at the Santa Anita Golf Course (“Course”) by 9:00 am on the deadline date. Those opponents not appearing at that time shall be disqualified.
4) Opponents appearing shall give their names to the Starter as a twosome (or foursome if partners match play) and shall await a time.
5) Should darkness end the match because of a late start before 18 holes are completed, the golfer or team ahead at such time shall be declared the winner.
6) If opponents agree to decide the match by a coin flip, a nine-hole match, card draw, or other such device, they shall notify the Tournament Chairman to that effect as soon as possible.

E. Tie-Breakers
1) Unless otherwise agreed, in match play, ties shall be decided by "sudden death" playoffs from the first tee, strokes taken where they occur on the card.
2) In individual stroke play, ties shall be decided by applying USGA tie-breaker rules under provisions of Article III, Paragraph B. For multi-round events, the tie-breaker is the final round and if still tied, then the single-round tie-breaker rules are used. In the event of disputes, the decision of the Tournament Chairman shall be binding.

F. Side Games
1) Any player who withdraws or is disqualified from a tournament in which he is a participant in a skins game, either gross or net, or closest-to-pin, shall remain eligible to win any skin or closest-to-pin award up until the point he withdraws or is disqualified.

G. Member Responsibilities
1) Each Club Member shall strive to maintain the Course in its best possible condition and is expected to comply with the following requirements:
a) Repair at least two divots per hole.
b) Repair at least two ball marks and/or other damage on each putting surface before leaving the green.
c) Avoid unnecessary standing or stepping near the holes.
d) Rake all bunkers
e) Deposit paper cups and other litter only in trash receptacles.
2) Each Club Member is expected to conduct himself in a sportsman-like manner so as to be a credit to the Club and comply with the following requirements:
a) Be aware of the obligation to play without undue delay at all times and, if necessary, rather than hold up following golfers, let them play through.
b) Be prompt to advise "violators" against improper play and/or action detrimental to both the Course and the rights and privileges of others.
c) Do not throw clubs at any time.
d) Be aware it is both players responsibility to make tee times and contact opponents to set up matches.
e) Dress in proper golf attire for all Club tournaments.

Board of Directors