Handicap Committee Report
last updated:  06/03/20  |  Total Club Page Views:1,084,072


JANUARY 2020!!

       The World Handicap System [WHS] will take effect in January of 2020.  This is a truly global, modern and all inclusive Handicap System that will allow golfers from around the world to have a 'unified' handicap.   As this system has been approved for use by the USGA and SCGA, and as there are key changes to the process of obtaining and maintaining a handicap index, the BMGC wants everyone to be aware of what's in store for next year.   The transition perior to the WHS will be January 1 - 5, 2020.  Thus, during this time, all players will not have access to their GHIN scoring record.   But everything should be up and running by January 6, 2020.

       Remember...every time you play a round of golf, your responsibility as a BMGC member, governed under the USGA and SCGA, is to post your score as soon as possible.   Currently, the Handicap Committee, coupled with the Tournament Committee, with the approval of the Board of Directors of the BMGC, have allowed each member to post a casual round of golf played within 72 hours thereafter, and to post a BMGC sanctioned event or tournament score before you depart the golf course or by mid-night on the date played.    

     BUT, with the implementation of the new handicap system, these parameters will be changed beginning January 1, 2020 to correspond with the new requirements of the WHS!!!  Thus, come January 1, or as soon thereafter when able to post a score using GHIN, every Brookside member that plays a round of golf, must post immediately after the completion of play.   

       As to the WHS and key changes that players will need to know and be ready to apply to their postings, beginning in January 2020, they are as follow:  

       1:  FREQUENCY OF HANDICAP REVISIONS  A players Handicap Index will update daily!  Once the player records his score from that day's play, the WHS will automatically recalculate and update his handicap index.  

       2:  CALCULATION OF HANDICAP INDEX  The WHS will only take the best 8 of the players last 20 scores, a smaller percentage, to determine an average for your Handicap Index.  

       3.  MAXIMUM HOLE SCORE  The Maximum Hole score for any player, will be related to the PAR of a hole and be specfic to his course handicap.  So that, NET DOUBLE BOGEY will be the maximum hole score for handicap purposes.  This maximun is two - over - par on any hole plus any stroke [net] that players would received based on their handicap.   [As an example, on any course played, on the 18th ranked most difficult hole, a 100 yd par 3, the highest score you could record, if you were UNDER an 18 handicap, would be a 5.   And, if you are an 18 and above, you could record a double bogey 5 plus an additional stroke because you are an 18 handicap, thus a total score of 6 on the par three!]

       4.  REVISED HANDICAP FORMULA  The new checks and balances in the formula is called Exceptional Score Reduction [ESR].   Any time a score is posted that is at least 7.0 strokes better than the Handicap Index used during that round, the updated index will be lowered by 1.0 and if posted scores are 10.0 strokes better
the updated index will be lowered by 2.0.   Addtional aspects are a Playing Conditions Calculation [PCC] which compares how players play a course on specific dates wherein there could be high winds and rain.  Thus, the PCC attempts to better relate score results on a specific day.   This creates caps on the upward movement of the Handicap Index that the player has had in the last 12 month period.  
       5.  COURSE HANDICAP CALCULATION  A players course handicap will now be calculated considering the number of strokes a golfer receives in relation to PAR of the tees being played.  This included a Course Rating Minus par element, which is the number that is used to determine the maximum hole score for handicap purposes. 

       There are other important changes in the WHS and thus, there is a Handicap Hub resource center which can be found on SCGA.ORG/WHS-HUB.  

       Please visit the USGA and SCGA websites to review any and all information regarding the new World Handicap System, how it works, how it can be navigated and how it will help to level the playing field for all competitors!!

       Remember, PAY = PLAY = POST your score!!  
       Randy Gottlieb, BMGC Handicap Chairman

Peer review – it’s everybody’s responsibility!

Uncovering the myth

Peer review is often misunderstood to mean it is the handicap committee’s responsibility to monitor and review each club member’s score file. Although that is a part of the committee responsibility, it is incumbent upon all fellow club members to participate in peer review.

What is peer review?

Peer review is defined in the USGA Handicap System as “the ability of golfers to gain an understanding of a player’s potential ability and form a reasonable basis for supporting or disputing a score that has been posted.” So what does that mean to you as a member of your golf club? It is your responsibility, as you play with fellow club members to make sure each member posts correctly and accurately. If a fellow member is not posting or not posting accurate scores, it is your obligation to alert the Handicap Committee. The Committee can then take any steps necessary to ensure the golfer has an index which is representative of their playing ability.

Posting accurately

You might not know... includes posting the adjusted gross score, including posting a par-plus for any holes not played or not played under The Rules of Golf and posting any most-likely scores for holes not completed.

A real-life example

Alysa and I are fellow club members who have decided to leave work early and enjoy a casual round of golf. At the completion of 18 holes, Alysa goes straight to the posting computer and records her score. I, on the other hand, go into the lounge to check on the Red Sox game and don't post my score. When Alysa questions my actions, I reply, “The score won’t have an impact on my index, so I’m not going to post.”

The consequence, if at that point nothing further is done, is that both Alysa and I have failed in our responsibilities. I have failed for not posting an acceptable score and Alysa has failed for not contacting the handicap committee and notifying them of my failure to post.

Acting in good faith

The USGA-recognized Handicap Index is a mark accepted by golfers across the United States and abroad that represents the player’s ability. As referenced in a USGA handicap article, think of the index as a letter of introduction — in essence, the golfer’s club is vouching for its member’s playing ability. The club knows this because they have a reasonable and regular opportunity to play golf with one another. Golfers are further basing this good faith acceptance on the reasonable assumption the fellow player has posted all of his acceptable scores.

Does this include me?

Peer review applies to all levels of golfers, even the self-proclaimed “scratch” golfers. There is a fallacy that if a golfer only plays in scratch events, the posting of scores is not important. Nothing could be further from the truth, as the only valid reflection of the player’s potential can come from the posting of all scores. In order to compete in a gross event, typically there is an index requirement to be met. Without a true index, this player may be accepting a spot in place of another golfer who’s legitimately earned that Handicap Index by posting all of their scores.

So remember, the next time you are out enjoying a round of golf, participate in peer review. It’s good for the game and it’s your responsibility!


BMGC Handicap Committee

Fairness and Field Integrity are fundamental to every golf competition; whether it is a tournament event, a skins game, or a friendly wager. It is the responsibility of every club to recognize, respect, and uphold these basic principles.
The BMGC Handicap Committee supports the USGA and SCGA efforts to maintain and update every member’s index of current playing ability. How do we do this? The only way is PEER REVIEW.
PEER REVIEW is simply the acknowledgement by each member that a player’s true index is based on the consistent and fair posting of their adjusted gross score each time they play golf. 

The BMGC Handicap Committee wants to promote, educate, and remind our members of their PEER REVIEW responsibilities:
Avoidance of posting low scores
Indifference to the posting of high scores
And deliberate manipulation of a score, 
cannot be condoned by any golfer who understands and appreciates fair play. 

POST YOUR SCORE, in a timely and accurate manner and help your fellow players do the same!

Brookside Men’s Golf Club
Handicap Committee
August 13, 2019

Chairman - Randy Gottlieb, Maurice Mischook, Ed Kelly, Gary Baker, Vic Buxton,
Allen Mar, Dave Hickman, Wade McKenzie and Nick Mosaquites.

Players are posting their scores in Brookside events.  And, even if the event has an unusual format, such as the RED WHITE and BLUE or CRIERS, the Tournament Committee is still entering the players scores so that they can be considered in the CLUB INDEX. 

Some players will be adjusted to reflect their scoring potential as per USGA/SCGA Handicap Reduction and Handicap Manual policy. 

Players are reminded to READ and REVIEW each scorecard upon participating in a BROOKSIDE event.  The scorecard has SPECIFIC instructions as to posting.   Players that do not follow these instructions will be under review and there is the potential for the issuance of penalty rounds or handicap adjustment.

Every member is asked to continue the process of PEER REVIEW!!!  

Pay, Play and POST!!  

Handicap Committee

Brookside Men’s Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting
June 02/2020

1.   We discussed peer review and how to see if someone is “working their handicap”

2.   We discussed the need to get the skins sheets form Wed and Sunday skins game.

3.   We voted to let Art Longoria play to a 30 for the first 2 rounds of the “Club and Class” due to Corona virus.

4.   We will allow Dave Hickman to play as a 0 in the “Club and Class”

5.   I put it to the committee on how we should adjust the persons that always play to their handicap in most BMGC events.  I also removed penalty rounds from 2 players that attempted to post but it did not register. We had witnesses to that they did try to post. Attendees were Wade McKenzie, Dave Hickman, Gary Baker, Allen Mar, Maurice Mischook,  Randy Gottlieb.Vic Buxton (Chairman)


Brookside Men's Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting
October 9, 2017

Call to Order- 5:28pm

Present: Scott Anderson, Gary Baker, Randy Gottlieb, Maurice Mischook, Vic Buxton, Allen Mar, Ed Kelly

Absent: Wade Mckenzie, Ben Henley

Recieved a second letter regarding Vic Buxton's golf scores. It is an annoymous letter so the committee doesn't give it much credit. 

Removed a penalty round issued to Jim Lima on Sept 18, 2017. Committee voted 5-0 to remove the penalty round from Jim Lima

The committee reviewed 15 players for the tournament watch list. They are Scott Anderson, Brad Anderson, Randy Gottlieb, Dave Hickman, Joe Plescia, Robert Strain, Ben Henley, Vic Buxton, Chiwon Kang, Jes Zablan, Tony Valenzuela, Jim Lima, Bob Greenough, Rob Moore and Don Barkley

Committee went over tournament watch list. Scott implemented a tournament handicap based on all the tournaments played from Jan 1, 2017 to now. The formula is as follows: Divide all tournaments played in half, then take the lowest differentials of half the tournaments and add up the differentials then divide by number of tournaments, used. That will give you a tournament handicap differential.

There were two players that were adjusted: Randy Gottlieb and Robert Strain. Randy's adjust went as follows: He has played 18 tournaments. We took the 9 lowest scores. They added up to 88.4. Divide that by 9 and you get an index of 9.8. That makes Randy an 11 on course #1
Robert Strain has played in 4 tournaments. We took the two best scores. They add up to 20.6. Divide that by 2 and you get an index of 10.3. Vote was 3 to 2 to make the adjustments on Randy Gottlieb and Robert Strain

Computer is up and running. It is hard wired to the internet at Brookside. We should not have any more problems with the posting computer.

Went over the money list

Adjourned: 5:59pm

Brookside Men's Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting
September 19, 2017


Called to Order- 6:05pm

Present: Scott Anderson, Gary Baker, Randy Gottlieb, Maurice Mischook, Vic Buxton, and 2 new members- Ben Henley and Wade McKenzie.

Absent- Allen Mar and Ed Kelly

Discuss the issue with the guy that played in the pasadena city championship and took an 8 on the 18th hole. Scott talked to his handicap chairman and explained the situation. He is a member of a 6 player club. The American golf workers club. She said that he would never dump shots. I told her to keep an eye on his handicap

Recieved a letter about Vic Buxton shoting a 77 at semi valley. It was a great round and the committee concluded that it was a fluke round and is not his regular playing abililty.

The committee welcome two new members to the Handicap Committee. That is Ben Henley and Wade McKenzie.

The committee reviewed the some members current indexes. Several other names were mention for future reviews- They were: Scott Anderson, Ben Henley, Brad Anderson, Randy Gottlieb, Robert Strain, Bob Greenough and Vic Buxton. The current watch list consist of about 15

The committee will be making adjustments for future tournaments

Penalty rounds issued for the Criers Tourament were: Rick Rameriz, Ron Hansen, Eduardo Borrego, and Kriss Keogh.

The committee reviewed the BMGC Mission Statement and Policy and Procedures- There were a few changes. The committee voted 3 to 2 to allow postings of tournament rounds to happen before Midnight of the tournament as opposed to post before leaving the golf course.

The committee voted on a 24 hour post time for tournments. The vote was 1 in favor and 6 opposeCommittee will look at several different methods of making adjustments to handicaps for club tournament


As of this month there have been 13 penaltly rounds issued in the club.        

Adjorned- 7:15pM

Brookside Men's Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting
June 6, 2017


Called to Order- 5:10Pm

Present: Scott Anderson, Gary Baker, Randy Gottlieb, Ed Kelly, Maurice Mishook, and Vic Buxton

Absent: Allen Mar

Recieved a phone call from Nick in Alanta, Georgia. Was very impressed with our Handicap section on our website. Want to know some of our ideas on running an effective Handicap Committee.

Handicap Committee will be making tournament adjustments for the future

Handicap Committee will have a new make up of members in the next month or so.
Scott will contact several BMGC members to participate on the committee

We still need to stress peer review for all members of BMGC

Meeting Adjorned: 5:50pm

Brookside Men’s Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting
February 7, 2017

Minutes –

Called to order – 5:15 PM

Present:  Scott Anderson – Chairman, Randy Gottlieb, Ron Moore, Maurice Mischook, Ed Kelly, Gary Baker, Vic Buxton
Absent:  Allen Mar

Minutes – The Minutes from the September 13, 2016 meeting were reviewed and have been posted to the BMGC website.  The minutes from the December 2016 meeting were reviewed and discussed.

Web Site – The BMGC Website Home Page and Handicap Committee section have been updated.

The January Tournament, Low Gross/Low Net, results indicate four (4) penalty rounds were given.    

The Committee heard an appeal of one penalty round for the January Tournament, and after careful consideration to all facts and extenuating circumstances, the Committee voted to deny the appeal.   The Committee stressed the BMGC Tournament policy to post all rounds after play and prior to leaving the course.     

The Tournament of Champions did not reveal any penalty rounds.

Watch List – The Watch List was discussed and a review of the BMGC players on this list were discussed.  Some of the players reviewed are being referred to the Handicap Committee by the membership at large, thus insuring that Peer Review is ongoing and active within the Brookside Men’s Golf Club. 

BMGC Tournaments - The Handicap Committee, in conjunction with the Tournament Committee, will continue to enforce USGA and SCGA guidelines and take action as to players that have been playing far beyond their potential.  Thus, these players handicaps will be adjusted for any particular tournament.  Each player that is so adjusted will be notified of their handicap adjustment prior to the tournament.  It was decided that one player will be adjusted for the February Stableford tournament. 

Meeting Adjourned – 5:54 PM.

Respectfully submitted – R. Gottlieb

Brookside Men’s Golf Club

Handicap Committee Meeting
September 13, 2016

Minutes –

Called to order – 5:30 PM

Present:  Scott Anderson – Chairman, Randy Gottlieb, Ron Moore, Allen Mar, Maurice Mischook, Ed Kelly
Absent:  Vic Buxton, Gary Baker

Minutes – The Minutes from the August 9th meeting were reviewed and have been posted to the BMGC website.

Web Site – The BMGC Website Home Page and Handicap Committee section have been updated.

Watch List – The Watch List was discussed and a review of the BMGC players on this list were discussed.  Some of the players reviewed are being referred to the Handicap Committee by the membership at large, thus insuring that Peer Review is ongoing and active within the Brookside Men’s Golf Club. 

Money List – 2016 tournament winnings have been updated on the BMGC website. A discussion took place as to why this is a Handicap Committee topic.  The BMGC Tournament Money list that is posted online is a good correlation to tournament modification.

BMGC Tournaments - The Tournament Committee has been taking action and will continue to do so with players that have been playing far beyond their potential.  The players affected are notified of their handicap adjustment prior to the tournament.  It was decided that three players will be modified for the September Criers tournament. 

Penalty Rounds – Two penalty rounds were issued due to members not posting their scores for the August BMGC tournament.  There have been 44 Penalty Rounds issued to BMGC members year to date, 2016.  This number is down from prior years.

Meeting Adjourned – 6:10 PM. 

Respectfully submitted – E. Kelly

Brookside Men’s Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting
August 9, 2016

Minutes - Called to order – 5:30 PM

Present:  Scott Anderson – Chairman, Allen Mar, Randy Gottlieb, Ron Moore, Vic Buxton, Ed Kelly

Absent:   Maurice Mischook, Gary Baker

Minutes – The Minutes from the June 14th meeting were reviewed and have been posted to the BMGC website.

Web Site – The BMGC Website Home Page and Handicap Committee section have been updated.

Watch List – The Watch List was discussed and a review of the BMGC players on this list were discussed.  Some of the players reviewed are being referred to the Handicap Committee by the membership at large, thus insuring that Peer Review is ongoing and active within the Brookside Men’s Golf Club. 

BMGC Tournaments - The Tournament Committee has been taken action and will continue to do so with players that have been playing far beyond their potential.  The players affected are notified of their handicap adjustment prior to the tournament. 

Money List – 2016 tournament winnings have been updated on the BMGC website. A discussion took place as to why this is a Handicap Committee topic.  The BMGC Tournament Money list that is posted online is a good correlation to tournament modification.

Penalty Rounds – A few penalty rounds were issued due to members not posting their scores.  This was due to not posting their round on the day of a BMGC tournament or within 72 hours of a regular home or away round.

Peer Review – Definition and purpose of Peer Review will be posted on the BMGC Home Page.  It is the basis for the BMGC Handicap process.  Pay, Play, Post!

Meeting Adjourned – 6:17 PM. 
Respectfully submitted – E. Kelly


Brookside Men’s Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting
June 14, 2016


Minutes – 

Called to order – 5:35 PM 


Present:  Scott Anderson – Chairman, Gary Baker, Randy Gottlieb, Vic Buxton, Ed Kelly
Board Members – Bob Baumann, Art Longoria


Absent:   Ron Moore, Maurice Mischook, Allen Mar 

Web Site – The BMGC Website Home Page and Handicap Committee section have been updated. 

Money List – 2016 tournament winnings has been updated on the BMGC website. A discussion took place as to why this is a Handicap Committee topic.  The BMGC Tournament Money list that is posted online is a good correlation to tournament modification. 

Penalty Rounds – A few penalty rounds were issued due to members not posting their scores.  This was due to not posting their round on the day of a BMGC tournament or within 72 hours of a regular home or away round. 

There have been issues with the Pro Shop posting computer. 

A letter by a BMGC member appealing their penalty round was mentioned but their name was not revealed nor was their letter distributed.

 BMGC Tournaments - Tournament Committee will issue modified handicaps for certain members for BMGC Tournaments, at the discretion of the Tournament Committee.  The players affected should and are notified prior to the tournament.  

Watch List – The Watch List was discussed and a review of the BMGC players on this list were discussed.  Some of the players reviewed are being referred to the Handicap Committee by the membership at large, thus insuring that Peer Review is ongoing and active within the Brookside Men’s Golf Club. 

Peer Review – Definition and purpose of Peer Review will be posted on the BMGC Home Page.  It is the basis for the BMGC Handicap process.  Pay, Play, Post! 

Meeting Adjourned – 5:58 PM. Respectfully submitted – E. Kelly

Brookside Men’s Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting
April 12, 2016
Minutes –
Called to order – 5:35 PM
Present:  Scott Anderson – Chairman, Gary Baker, Randy Gottlieb, Rob Moore, Vic Buxton, Maurice Mischook, Ed Kelly
Absent:   Allen Mar
Penalty Rounds – Quite a few penalty rounds were recently issued due to members not posting their scores. This was due to not posting their round on the day of a BMGC tournament or within 72 hours of a regular home or away round.
Web Site – The BMGC Website Home Page and Handicap Committee section need to be updated.
Watch List – The Watch List was discussed and a review of the BMGC players on this list were discussed. Some of the players reviewed are being referred to the Handicap Committee by the membership at large, thus insuring that Peer Review is ongoing and active within the Brookside Men’s Golf Club.
BMGC Tournaments - Tournament Committee will issue modified handicaps for certain members for BMGC Tournaments. The BMGC Tournament Money list that is posted online is a good correlation to tournament modification.
Peer Review – Definition and purpose of Peer Review will be posted on the BMGC Home Page. It is the basis for the BMGC Handicap process. Pay, Play, Post!
Meeting Adjourned – 5:54 PM. 
Respectfully submitted – E. Kelly

Brookside Men’s Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting
January 12, 2016
Minutes –
Called to order – 5:15 PM
Present:  Scott Anderson – Chairman, Gary Baker, Randy Gottlieb, Rob Moore, Vic Buxton, Ed Kelly
Absent:   Maurice Mischook, Allen Mar
Penalty Rounds – A total of 51 penalty rounds were issued by the BMGC Handicap Committee to BMGC members in 2016 and this is a significant improvement from past years.
Issuance of Penalty Rounds will be black & white. Failure to post, on day of a BMGC tournament or within 72 hours of a regular home or away round, will lead to a penalty round, no exceptions.
Web Site – The BMGC Website Home Page and Handicap Committee section are now up to date.
Handicap modifications – A BMGC player’s handicap had been modified for the past year and the time period has expired and the modification has been removed.
BMGC Tournaments - Tournament Committee will issue modified handicaps for certain members for BMGC Tournaments. The BMGC Tournament Money list that is posted online is a good correlation to tournament modification.
Watch List – The Handicap committee maintains a listing of all BMGC players’ postings and reviews the membership’s scores to discuss and determine if a player is performing better in tournament and in regular play than their handicap indicates. Some of the players reviewed are being referred to the Handicap Committee by the membership at large, thus insuring that Peer Review is ongoing and active within the Brookside Men’s Golf Club. 
Peer Review – Definition and purpose of Peer Review will be posted on the BMGC Home Page. It is the basis for the BMGC Handicap process. Pay, Play, Post!
Other Business – New BMGC Board Director, Vic Buxton, will join the BMGC Handicap Committee.
Meeting Adjourned – 5:50 PM. 
Respectfully submitted – E. Kelly

Brookside Men’s Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting,
October 13, 2015
Minutes –
Called to order – 5:10 PM
Present: Scott Anderson – Chairman, Gary Baker, Randy Gottlieb, Rob Moore, Maurice Mischook, Ed Kelly, Allen Mar
Absent:  None
Penalty Rounds – Two penalty rounds were issued for the recent September Seniors Tournament. 44 Penalty Rounds year to date which is an improvement from past years.
Issuance of Penalty Rounds will be black & white. Failure to post, on day of a BMGC tournament or within 72 hours of a regular home or away round, will lead to a penalty round, no exceptions.
Web Site – The BMGC Website Home Page and Handicap Committee section are now up to date.
Handicap modifications – A BMGC player’s handicap had been modified for the past year and the time period has expired and the modification has been removed.
BMGC Tournaments - Tournament Committee will issue modified handicaps for certain members for the BMGC Presidents Cup Tournaments to be held at the end of October. The BMGC Tournament Money list that is posted online is a good correlation to tournament modification.
Watch List – The Handicap committee maintains a listing of all BMGC players’ postings and reviews the membership’s scores to discuss and determine if a player is performing better in tournament and in regular play than their handicap indicates. Some of the players reviewed are being referred to the Handicap Committee by the membership at large, thus insuring that Peer Review is ongoing and active within the Brookside Men’s Golf Club. 
Peer Review – Definition and purpose of Peer Review will be posted on the BMGC Home Page. It is the basis for the BMGC Handicap process. Pay, Play, Post!
Meeting Adjourned – 5:55 PM. 
Respectfully submitted – E. Kelly

Brookside Men’s Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting,
August 11, 2015

Minutes –
Called to order – 5:10 PM
Present:  Scott Anderson – Chairman, Gary Baker, Randy Gottlieb, , Rob Moore, Maurice Mischook
Absent:  Ed Kelly, Allen Mar
Penalty Rounds – Six penalty rounds were issued for the recent 4-Man, 3-best Ball Tournament. 
Issuance of Penalty Rounds will be black & white. Failure to post, on day of a BMGC tournament or within 72 hours of a regular home or away round, will lead to a penalty round, no exceptions.
Web Site – The BMGC Website Home Page and Handicap Committee section are now up to date.
BMGC Tournaments - Tournament Committee has and will continue to issue modified handicaps for BMGC tournaments.
Watch List – The Handicap committee maintains a listing of all BMGC players’ postings and reviews the membership’s scores to discuss and determine if a player is performing better in tournament and in regular play than their handicap indicates. Some of the players reviewed are being referred to the Handicap Committee by the membership at large, thus insuring that Peer Review is ongoing and active within the Brookside Men’s Golf Club. 
Peer Review – Definition and purpose of Peer Review will be posted on the BMGC Home Page. It is the basis for the BMGC Handicap process. Pay, Play, Post!
Meeting Adjourned – 5:55 PM. 
Respectfully submitted – S. Anderson with assistance from E. Kelly

Brookside Men’s Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting
May 12, 2015
Minutes –
Called to order – 5:10 PM
Present:  Scott Anderson – Chairman, Gary Baker, Randy Gottlieb, Allen Mar, Rob Moore, Maurice Mischook Ed Kelly
Absent: None
Penalty Rounds – No penalty rounds were issued for the recent Out of Towner. No penalty rounds were issued to BMGC members for the month of May to date.
Issuance of Penalty Rounds will be black & white. Failure to post, on day of a BMGC tournament or within 72 hours of a regular home or away round, will lead to a penalty round, no exceptions.
Web Site – The BMGC Website Home Page and Handicap Committee section are now up to date.
Watch List – The Handicap committee maintains a listing of all BMGC player’s postings and reviews the membership’s scores to discuss and determine if a player is performing better in tournament and in regular play than their handicap indicates. Some of the players reviewed are being referred to the Handicap Committee by the membership at large, thus insuring that Peer Review is ongoing and active within the Brookside Men’s Golf Club. 
The Handicap Committee addressed a club member’s handicap modification. The Committee made a unanimous decision on the modification and it was agreed to refer the matter to the BMGC Board.
Peer Review – Definition and purpose of Peer Review will be posted on the BMGC Home Page. It is the basis for the BMGC Handicap process. Pay, Play, Post!
2015 Handicap Committee Meeting Schedule – Will be scheduled as directed by Handicap Chairman. When scheduled, it will most likely precede the BMGC Board Meetings held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Meeting Adjourned – 5:48 PM. 
Respectfully submitted – E. Kelly

Brookside Men’s Golf Club
Handicap Committee Meeting,
April 14, 2015
Minutes –
Called to order – 5:10 PM
Present:  Scott Anderson – Chairman, Gary Baker, Randy Gottlieb, Ed Kelly
Absent: Allen Mar, Rob Moore, Maurice Mischook
The SCGA held a half day Handicap Certification Seminar on Wednesday, March, 25th at the Brookside Clubhouse. S. Anderson attended and his certification will be in effect for 4 years. Gary Baker’s certification is through 2018.
Penalty Rounds – 6 were issued in April to date, all for non-posting of rounds played.
Penalty rounds – Issuance of Penalty Rounds will be black & white. Failure to post, on day of a BMGC tournament or within 72 hours of a regular home or away round, will lead to a penalty round, no exceptions.