Presidents Message
Last Updated: 08/12/20

August 12, 2020

Fellow BMGC Members,

We held our August board meeting last night and there are several updates that may be of interest.

At the beginning of the meeting we observed a moment of silence in remembrance of Wayne Dockery, long time BMGC member and Treasurer Emeritus; the board also approved a motion to create an appropriate memorial in remembrance of Wayne and his contributions to the club. Randy Gottlieb is leading the effort and would appreciate any ideas from the membership.

The recent Pasadena City Golf Championship was a big success with over 290 golfers participating on both courses that were in excellent condition. Tim Hogarth narrowly beat Dan Sullivan on the last day to claim his seventh title. The committee received tremendous positive feedback from the players about the quality of the tournament experience. We also raised just over $6,300 in donations to benefit the First Tee of Greater Pasadena. Many thanks to Rob Moore, Tournament Chairman, as well as the many members who dedicated their time to ensure the event was a success.

Dan Sullivan beat Michael Givin in the final match of the Club & Class to claim this year's title of Club Champion. Congratulations Dan!

Please review the website to see all Club & Class winners and the payout amounts by clicking HERE. The payouts are American Golf Gift Cards and are available in the starter shack for pickup.

As mentioned in last month's general membership meeting, John Wells Golf Shop will be closing their doors for good, as soon as late November but no later than end of December. All members who have a credit in the shop must use their credits before the doors close; please don't delay as much of the inventory is not being replenished.

The Modified Stableford will be played this coming weekend. Registration is closed and tee times have been published. Please note there is an issue with the club website; handicaps and flights are being calculated and diaplyed incorrectly. Our Tournament Chairman, Scott Anderson, will manually update everyone's handicap and flight for the printed scorecards. As always, read your scorecard before starting play as it will show the correct flight, tees and handicaps.

The Out of Towner on August 26th at Sierra Lakes is almost full. Sin up without delay if you want to participate.

Registration is now open for the Pasadena City Senior Chmapionship at It will be played September 10th and 11th. Please sign up if you're interested and pass along to any others you think would be interested in playing.

SCGA Team Play playoffs are underway. The Thursday team has reached the Elite Eight after winning their two playoff matches, 30 - 18 over Red Hill CC and recently 25 - 23 over Apple Valley. They will square off against the winner of Sandpiper GC vs Woodland Hills CC, which is set for Thursday. That match should be played within the next two weeks.

The Saturday Cardinal squad is going to battle this Saturday, Aug 15 vs La Canada CC. Captain Ed Kelly will be navigating his lineup as La Canada is a tricky layout that requires accuracy on every stroke. Should they prevail, they will play the winner of Anaheim Dad Miller vs Los Verdes GC. Good luck to both teams for continued success!

We recently received the resignation of Gold Team Captain, Daryl Parker. Daryl has served in this role with distinction for the past 15 years. We greatly appreciate Daryl's service to the club and will look forward to seeing him at future team play and club events. Maurice Mischook will be taking over the reins of the Gold Team after serving as the co-captain for many years.

Lastly, we're coming up on the time of year for board elections. I strongly encourage any regular member with a passion and strong desire to serve the club to consider running. Ed Kelly, will serve as this year's election Committee Chairman; please direct inquiries to Ed or myself.

Thank you for your continued membership and participation in our club.


Doug Philbin
President, Brookside Men's Golf Club