last updated:  10/19/20  |  Total Club Page Views:1,084,057
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In Memorium
Wayne Dockery

September 10 & 11, 2020 

Congratulations Dan Sullivan
Brookside Men's Golf Club
2020 Champion

Congratulations Tim Hogarth
2020 Champion
Pasadena City Golf Championship



 The Rules of the United States Golf Association govern all play.

Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a local rule or condition is

TWO STROKES or LOSS of HOLE in Match Play.


  • Where boundary fences have masonry or a concrete wall at their base, out of bounds is defined by the inside course-side edge of the wall or concrete.
  • The course-side edges of public roads are defined as out of bounds.  A ball that crosses a road which is marked out of bounds and comes to rest beyond that road is out of bounds, even if it comes to rest on another part of the golf course. 
  • The driving range is deemed to be out of bounds.  Its margins are defined by stakes and/or its fencing.
  • The paved cart path and its curbing behind the putting greens of Holes 9 & 18 is out of bounds on course #1 and hole 18 on course #2.

TEMPORARY IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS: The temporary light structures on the golf course as well as any stadium related objects are deemed to be temporary immovable obstructions.  The Local Rule as prescribed in
Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule F-23.  Line of sight/play, swing and stance relief.

NO PLAY ZONE: The flood control channel is deemed to be no play zone treated as a red or yellow penalty area depending on as marked.  A ball must not be played or retrieved from within the flood channel and relief must be taken from interference by the no play zone under Rule 17.1e. On Holes 1, 7, 16, & 17, the penalty area is deemed to extend to infinity. Hole #8 – the penalty area extends to the out of bounds fence. 

DROPPING ZONE: On Hole #1, as an additional option to Rule 17.1, the dropping zone to the left of the cart path near the putting green may be used for the lateral water hazard behind the putting green.

MULCH AREAS: Mulch and bark areas are loose impediments and are part of the general area.

OBSTRUCTIONS: All protective fences within the course that are not part of a boundary fence are deemed to be immovable obstructions.  Relief may be taken under Rule 16.1; however, there is no line of play relief. 

PROTECTION OF YOUNG TREES: If a staked tree or a young tree with a tree well interferes with a player’s stance or area of intended swing while the ball is located in the general area, the ball MUST be lifted without penalty and dropped in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Rule 17.1e(2).

DRAINAGE AREA: (Course #2) Hole #13 near the green. The player may take relief, no penalty.

CLOSE OF COMPETITION: The close of the competition is deemed to have closed when the committee has approved all scores.

DAMAGE FROM ROSE BOWL PARKING: In the general area the player may take relief from GUR in cases of severe damage from vehicles parking on the golf course.  Any decompsed granite (roads or path) in the "gerneral area" the player may take free relief. Rule 16.1

Brookside is located next to the world famous Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California and is managed by American Golf and the Rose Bowl Operating Company

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