Club News 2020
last updated:  01/16/20  |  Total Club Page Views:72,164
Messages from your Board of Directors!

Vice President - Walter Taylor
Greeting's Vista Valencia Men's Golf Club colleagues!  I have been a member of this club for seven years.  I know this club has a rich history.  As your newly elected Vice President it is my honor to represent you moving forward into the future endeavors of this club.  I believe it is important for us to increase our active membership participation in our monthly tournaments.  The board is looking to implement nuances and innovations to increase our membership and reach out to create partnerships with other local men's clubs.  As you look at our 2020 calendar please know that your participation in our tournaments bolsters our efforts and relationship with Vista Valencia Golf Club to improve conditions and make our golf experience as great as possible.  Thank you for being apart of the Vista Valencia Men's Golf Club!! Feel free to reach out to me either via phone or email with any questions or concerns you may have ---- Walter