Dues and Fees
Last Updated: 12/19/24


The annual dues for Full Membership in 2024/2025 are $60.00 per year. A Social Membership is available for $7.00 to current members who no longer wish to play golf. It provides a Roster and privilege to attend luncheons, but no golf privileges. A Social Member may become a Regular Member again by paying the appropriate fees and submitting at least 5 Penmar scores to re­-establish a handicap. Annual Fees are payable October 15 and delinquent October 16. A penalty of $30.00 is assessed for dues paid between October 16 and November 30. If dues are not received by November 30, the member is automatically dropped from Club membership and must re­qualify. (Article 1, Section 1 in By­Laws.). Membership Dues include eligbility to compete in weekly Game of the Day sweepstakes and tournaments held at Penmar. Prizes are given in four flights each week. Please make payments via Zelle (PWGCPayments@gmail.com) .Checks for $60 can be made out to Penmar Women's Golf Club (PWGC) and given to the treasurer. Include your name, address (if changed from previous year), phone, cell phone, email, birthday, and emergency contact name, relationship and phone.

New members also pay a $10 initiation fee. 

TaylorMade R9 Driver at Golfsmith