Join or Renew Membership
Last Updated: 12/28/17
You can now renew your membership or apply for a new membership online with a credit card.  If you prefer to pay by check do not use the link below,  use our membership form found on the home page in the side menu and either mail the check or bring it with you to one of our tournaments.

To Join or Renew by credit card, go the the SCGA Portal.  

1. Member Lookup


There are four stages to the process. First you'll be asked to identify yourself either by name or GHIN.  (Notice the Live Chat button near the top of the screen. You can get help here if needed)


You will be asked if you have a GHIN number.  If you have one or you're not sure then you will have a chance to enter the number, or enter you name and to lookup your GHIN number.

Notice that we had to use Steve Hunt's recorded name of Stephen, since the system did not find him as Steve so be aware of this possible problem.  The Live Chat helped solve this particular problem.

Once you have a list of candidates, click on your listing and hit continue.  If you don't see your name listed and you know that you do have a GHIN number, do use the Live Chat or Membership Services number to get help. 

2. Member Profile

The next page shows your profile including information like mailing address,  email, etc. You can make any changes if necessary, or for new members, fill out the information. NOTE: If you get a blank profile and you already have a GHIN number do not continue since you're in the process of creating a new account. Use the Online help or Member Services to resolve any problem.

When finished editing hit "Continue".

3. Select Membership Level

There is only one membership level for our club. Select "Regular" and hit "Continue" which takes you to the payment page.

4. Payment

The payment page take credit card information to complet the purchase of your membership.  If you take the option to auto-renew, you will get email notices in advance of the renewal as a reminder.  

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