2023 Partners Extravaganza
Last Updated: 02/25/23

Partners Extravaganza Rules for 2023 Season 


Round 1 Matches: 
April 10th 

Round 2 Matches: May 1st

Round 3 Matches:
May 22nd

Round 4 Matches: June 19th

Final Match: July 10th


 1.   All Regular Members in good standing that meet the eligibility requirements are eligible to participate

 a.    have an USGA/SCGA established handicap

 b.  Must be a member in good standing and have participated in at least three Directors Tournaments prior to playing the first match of the tournament.


1   The tournament handicap is based on 100% of your current handicap index on the day the match is played. 

2.  This tournament will be played with the most current club handicap on the day the match is played. Players with a 16.4 index and higher and who are 65 years and older may play from the white tees with adjusted handicap.


1.   Partners Extravaganza will consist of a single elimination round of match play competition consisting of two players per team.

2.    Four –ball match play rules shall apply with the following modifications:

a. Two point scoring system shall be used – Team A low ball (net) vs Team B low ball (net)

(1 point), and Team A high ball (net) vs Team B high ball (net) (1 point).

3.   The lowest handicap player of the foursome will play to “scratch”, the other three golfers will receive the respective difference in handicap strokes where they occur on the card.

4.   Unless otherwise agreed, ties shall be decided by “sudden death” playoffs beginning at the first tee, strokes taken where they occur on the card. Please see the proshop for instructions if matches in a tie.

5.   Any disputes or protests must be filed immediately with the tournament chairmans.

6.   All rounds must be played from the BLUE and WHITE movable markers.

7.   The tournament will be limited to a maximum of 32 teams. Signups will end on February 28, 2023. No teams will be added after that date. 

8.  First Round Participation in the Club Hosted Event on Saturday March 25th is encouraged but not mandatory.

9.   There will be no extensions of any matches but matches can be played within a Directors Tournament, but all putts must be putted out.

10. There will be no extensions of a match granted due to inclement weather except for the championship match. The deadline for the championship match may be adjusted if agreed upon by all members of both teams and the Tournament and Rules Director.

11.The event will be contested under the 2022 USGA rules, except as modified on the back of the scorecard and by our SAGC local rules. No other “proposed local rules” by the USGA are to apply to this event.

12. The Tournament will be limited to a maximum of 32 teams in Signups will end on February 28th 2023, and pairing brackets will be posted by March 3rd. The Hosted Club event for the first round will be on Saturday March 12th. If you are unable the play in the club hosted event, you may still play in the tournament.

Please notify the Tournament Director if you can’t play in the club event and he will attempt to pair you with another team which also can’t play on the 1st.

Your team and your opposing team can play the first round match between March 3rd and April 10th.


Entry Fees & Prize Fund


1.   An entry fee of $20.00 per player ($40 per team) in cash/check or $20 per player ($40/team) if paid by credit card is being charged for this event and is due by February 25, 2020. The PREFERRED METHOD of payment is by credit card on the signup page. You may also leave your entry fees in an envelope addressed to Coulter Winn/Partners Extravaganza with the pro shop staff. Make checks payable to the Santa Anita Men’s Golf Club.

2.   Entry fees collected will be added to the Prize Fund from the Club Treasury. The Prize fund will be determined by the number of participants. The top 8 teams will receive payouts.

Note: Green fees are the responsibility of each player and are not included in the entry fee.


Player Responsibilities


1.   Each player must post their score the same day the round was completed on each round and the winning will post the result on the bulletin board. If during the course of play you started, but did not finish a hole, you should take a score equal to what you would most likely have scored had you completed the hole, keeping in mind Net Double Bogey for any adjustments.

2.   Post all scores as a “NON” Tournament round”. Score cards must be completely filled out, signed, attested, dated and totaled. Omissions will result in disqualification. The completed scorecards must be photo'd and textd to Mike Chiovare (626) 945-2235. DO NOT LEAVE THEM IN THE PRO SHOP.

3.   Once a match is completed, players may complete the round and post “NO WORSE” than net par if the hole was not played and “NO WORSE” than their “Net Double Bogey” score if the hole was completed. If you completed 12 or less holes you must post a 9 hole score and if you completed 13 or more holes you must post an 18 hole score.

4.   Failure to post your score will result in a Tournament Disqualification. If for some reason you are unable to post your score due to technical problems, you must notify the Tournament Director the day of completing your match.

5.   Each team will designate a “Captain” who will have the responsibility of coordinating with the opposing team “Captain” when a match will be played. It is strongly suggested that players choose partners with similar availability to play as it greatly assists in scheduling matches.

6.   If matches between “week-end” and “week-day” golfers present a problem getting together for a match, and a dispute should arise, preference shall be given to the “week-end” golfer. The “week-end” golfer must be available at least half of the weekend days in the allotted period to get preference.

a)   If one team is available to play a majority of the weekends during a given period, that team shall be declared the winner. Meaning, if TEAM A was available two out of the three weekends and TEAM B was available to play one out of the three weekends, and that weekend was the one weekend TEAM A was not available, TEAM A would be declared the winner.

b)   If neither team can agree to a scheduled time or cannot get a tee-off time by the deadline, opponents shall appear at the Santa Anita Golf Course by 9:00AM on the deadline date and put their name in for the first available opening. If one of those teams does not appear, that team is disqualified.

c)    Should darkness end the match because of a late start before 18 holes are completed, the team ahead at such time shall be declared the winner. Darkness is defined as sunset.

d)   If opponents agree to decide the match by coin flip, a nine hole match, card draw or other such device, they shall notify the Tournament Chairman to that effect as soon as possible.


Player Substitutes:

1.   Once the event has begun, if a participant is unable in the event (injuries, work or family requirements, illness, financial hardship, as examples), the remaining participant will be allowed to substitute another player for all future matches, as long as the substitute meets all eligibility requirements and is not already entered in the tournament.

2.   In the event a substitute is needed, the player making the substitution must notify the Tournament Chairman at least 24 hours prior to any match being played, otherwise the proposed substitute will be disallowed and the match declared forfeited.

3.   No substitute players will be allowed after completing the third round match.


Other Rules


1.   All teams entered will conduct themselves as gentlemen during play, agree to observe golf etiquette and sportsmanship, and above all, must have FUN! 

Major Tournaments and Rules Director

Mike Chiovare (626) 945-2235 JT Johnson (213) 910-9958

