Last Updated: 05/15/20
Current Restrictions at Eaton Canyon Golf Course Updated 5/12/20

Food & Beverage

·         Food & Beverage is Closed until further notice (Limited Beverages and Snacks available in Golf Shop)

·         NO Outside Drinks allowed (especially alcohol)


Golf Shop

·         All guests are required to wear facemasks when around Clubhouse, Checking In With Employees, Interacting With People, and On Driving Range.

·         Payment With Credit Cards Only

·         All employees will be wearing masks and gloves as a requirement.

·         Range Balls will be sold in the Golf Shop and the Ball Machine will not be used.  We are trying to avoid any unnecessary "Touch Points" as possible. 

·         Golf Shop is Closed.

o   Employees Only allowed inside.

o   Guests to pay at door.



Golf Course and Practice Area

·         Practice Putting Green and Short Game Area will be closed and have been roped off to eliminate gathering. 

·         Driving Range will be open and spaced apart to keep Social Distancing. 

·         Golf Course Bunkers will have no rakes and will be treated as Ground Under Repair. You may hit out of them if desired but these areas may be not maintained. 

·         Cups will be inverted and flush to the ground so that ball goes only halfway in and can be retrieved without touching the cup. Halfway in is considered in.

·         Flagsticks will be present but not to be touched or removed.

·         No congregating in Parking Lot.  You must leave after golf.

·         Guests must wear facemasks on Driving Range.


Golf Carts and Pull Carts

o   Golf Carts will be available but only 1 guest and 1 bag per cart.  No exceptions

o   Golf Carts are on a first come first served basis. 

o   If no carts are available, you will have to wait or decide to walk. 

o   Rental Pull Carts may be available but limited.

TaylorMade R9 Driver at Golfsmith