Cart Handicap Flags - Usage
Last Updated: 01/18/09


RanchoPark Senior Golf Club
Rules of Use
Cart Handicap Flags
Some of the Rancho Park Senior Golf Club members have been observed violating golf cart rules. Specifically, some of our members who have been assigned handicap flags for their carts are abusing the privileges that these flags give them. Remember that, while the handicap flag allows the golfer to ignore some course directions, such as staying on cart paths near the greens, nothing gives any cart driver the right to ignore basic common sense on the golf course. The following two rules MUST be adhered to:

1) No cart may be driven closer than 30 feet of a green, tee or trap unless on a cart path.  Cars may definitely NOT be driven between Traps and the Greens.

No cart may be driven through wet areas that would normally be considered Ground Under Repair, wheather or not these areas are marked as GUR.
The Board will respond to violations of these two rules as follows. The first violation will result in a warning. The second violation will result in the Board informing the golf course that the offender is no longer allowed to use a handicap flag. The third violation will result in the Board informing the golf course that the offender is no longer allowed to rent a golf cart. 
We regret having to resort to these measures. But remember: The actions of each and every member of the RPSGC reflect on the club as a whole. We cannot allow individual members to jeopardize the whole club.

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