CLub By-Laws
Last Updated: 12/11/15






Section 1: ELIGIBILITY: Any male person 18 years of age or older, upon application, shall be eligible for membership in the Club. Each applicant shall become a member when his application for membership has been filed with the Secretary providing that each application is accompanied by such dues which apply to new members.

Section 2: ORGANIZATION: The Rio Hondo Men’s Club shall be incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of the State of California.

Section 3: PURPOSE OF CLUB: The purpose of the club is to promote, foster, regulate, develop and conduct golf activities among the members of this Club.

Section 4: MISCONDUCT: The Board of Directors by majority vote shall have the power to suspend or expel any member for infraction of the rules governing the Club.

Section 5: ANNUAL DUES:

a)   Annual dues shall be fixed by the Board of Directors and shall be uniform as to each and every member. Notice of the amount of the annual dues shall be given to each member in the August monthly publication.

b)   Annual dues shall be payable on or before the 1st of November of each year and shall be for the calendar year of January 1st to December 31st.

c)   Any member delinquent in membership dues, as of December 31 of each year, shall be deleted from membership in the Club for the following year. Any member so deleted from membership may be reinstated upon full payment of the annual dues. Reinstated member shall be responsible for any and all late fees or reinstatement fees that may be assessed by the Southern California Golf Association or Rio Hondo Men’s Club. 




Section 1: REGULAR: The regular meetings of the membership shall be held once a month at the time and place determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 2: ANNUAL: The regular meeting in November shall be known as the annual meeting and shall be for the purpose of electing officers.

Section 3: SPECIAL: Special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors upon notification to the membership.


Section 4: BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the Board any time they deem advisable.

Section 5: QUORUM: Twenty five (25) members shall constitute a quorum for all regular meetings or special meetings that may be called by the board. Four (4) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for all meetings of the Board.




Section1: ELECTED: The elected officers of the Club shall be President, Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Chairman, Handicap Chairman and Green Chairman.

Section 1 A: To be nominated and elected to the position of President a member must have served at least one year in any position as an Officer of the Club.

Section 2: TERM OF OFFICE: Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting in November in the manner provided in these By-Laws and shall hold office for the calendar year of January 1st to December 31st.

Section 3: VACANCIES: In the event of a vacancy in any office, the Board shall make nominations, one of whom shall be elected at the next regular meeting by a majority vote by members and shall hold office to December 31st of that year.

Section 4: OFFICERS PAY: The officers of this Club elected as hereafter provided shall serve without compensation during their term of office.

Section 5: REIMBURSEMENT: The officers of this Club shall be entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred while performing their duties as determined and approved by the Board.

Section 6: ANNUAL DUES: All officers of this Club shall be exempt from paying their annual dues during their term of office.

Section 7: PRESIDENT: Upon completion of his term in office the outgoing President shall receive a certificate of life membership in this Club.




Section 1: PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all regular and Board meetings. He shall direct all activities of the Club. He shall sign all checks drawn on the treasury, unless prevented by absence from duty and represent the Club with the City of Downey on all matters pertaining to the maintenance and improvements of the golf course.

Section 2: SECRETARY: The Secretary shall record the minutes at the regular and Board meetings. Conduct the correspondence of the Club and send out such notices or make such announcements as directed by the Board. He shall process the annual membership dues and applications for membership and maintain a Club membership roster. He is authorized to sign checks on the treasury in the absence of the President or the Treasurer.


Section 3: TREASURER: The Treasurer shall deposit in a safe and suitable place all money received. He shall sign all checks drawn on the treasury and such check must be authorized by the Board. The Treasurer shall submit a financial report at monthly board meeting for review by the board. The report shall include the balance in the treasury, all income and expenditures from the treasury of The Rio Hondo Men’s Club.

Section 4: TOURNAMENT CHAIRMAN: The Tournament Chairman shall be responsible for handling all of the Club’s tournaments, including establishing tournament fee’s and awards.

Section 4a: Assistant Tournament Chairman: The Assistant Tournament Chairman shall be appointed by the elected Tournament Chairman and ratified by the Board of Directors. After ratification by the Board the newly appointed Assistant Tournament Chairman Shall assists in running the Club’s tournaments. He shall have the same privileges as any elected director.

Section 5: HANDICAP CHAIRMAN: The Handicap Chairman shall perform the duties of the Handicap Chairman, including maintaining and monitoring of membership handicaps.

Section 6: GREEN’S CHAIRMAN: The Green’s Chairman shall act as

Rules Chairman and be editor of the Club’s monthly publication. And represent the Club with the City of Downey on all matters pertaining to the maintenance and improvements of the golf course. 






The elected officers of this Club shall constitute the Board of Directors.

Section 2:  POWERS: The Board of Directors shall manage all activities of the Club, shall act for the Club on all occasions, shall transact all routine business and pay all bills of the Club and shall have power to remove any elected officer for just and sufficient reasons by a majority vote of the Board.

Section 3: MEMBERSHIP: The Board shall have power to grant annual membership to any person or persons whom it deems worthy of such membership.

Section 4: NEW BOARD: After the annual election the new Board shall convene with the outgoing Board for the purpose of setting any business considered necessary for the ensuing year.

Section 5: BONDING: The Treasurer shall be bonded in an amount determined by the Board.

















Section 1: SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Special committees may from time to time be appointed as may be necessary at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.





Section: NOMINATIONS: At the regular meeting in August, the President shall appoint a committee of two (2) to act as a Nominating Committee: Said committee shall report at the meeting in September the names of nominees wanting to run for a Board Office. Any member who wishes to be a candidate but is not selected by the nominating committee may get his name on the ballot by preparing a suitable petition of candidacy for the stated office. Such petition must be signed by twenty-five (25) members in good standing and be submitted to the Secretary on or before the last day of September.



Section 2: ELECTIONS: Elections shall be by secret ballot and the successful candidate shall be elected by majority vote of the membership present and entitled to vote.

a)   A ballot shall be prepared by the Board listing all of the names of nominees for each office to be filled. The nominees will be those selected by the Nominating Committee, and those members who submit valid nominating petitions as described above.

b)   After the first vote is taken, and no candidate secures a majority vote, the run-off election shall be limited to the top two (2) vote receiving candidates.

Section 3: INSTALLATION: The successful candidates shall be installed and take office at the meeting in January.









Section 1: Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not covered by these By-Laws.





Section 1: The By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the membership by a majority vote of members as described in Article 2; Section 5 provided such notice of amendment has been included in the notice calling the meeting.





File: Rio Hondo ByLaws.doc (dct) Final revision October 7, 2015
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