Tournament Results- Full Field View
The Charlie Sifford Memorial Tournamentt, February 21, 2015
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Last Name First Name Gross HCP Net GBE NBE
Baldwin, Timothy
90 12 78 0 3
Bell, Lamar
83 9 74 0 5
Blackmon, Larry
82 4 78 2 3
Brown, Thomas
91 7 84 0 1
Cadogan, Curt
97 12 85 0 1
Cox, Bobby
97 14 83 0 1
Lewis, James
88 11 77 0 3
Mitchell, Tony
81 10 71 2 5
Moore, Anthony
86 7 79 1 3
Taylor, Larry
101 7 94 1 2
White, Arliss
89 10 79 2 4
Cedeno, Ruben
99 15 84 0 1
Chatman, Ted
102 16 86 0 4
Daigre, James
95 16 79 0 3
Edwards, Ralph
87 15 72 0 4
Harper, Isaiah
98 17 81 1 3
Jones, Dock
89 16 73 0 6
Kimble, William
88 15 73 0 6
Patterson, Roderick
95 15 80 1 5
Robinson, Victor
90 15 75 1 8
Walker, Michael
98 15 83 0 3
Webb, Reginald
89 17 72 4 5
Bell, Pamela
106 24 82 0 2
Cherry, Dempster
102 24 78 0 3
Cole, John
109 26 83 0 1
Faulkner, Vincent
104 22 82 0 3
Fisher, Steve
95 20 75 0 5
Hinderman, Kenneth
102 25 77 0 4
Lee, Keith
98 21 77 0 3
Long, Dorothy
118 36 82 0 3
Reed, Annie
117 26 91 1 4
Russell, William
109 26 83 0 4
Williams, Fred
113 26 87 0 7
Wilson, Allen
101 26 75 0 7
(Note: GBE is Gross Birdies/Eagles and NBE is Net Birdies/Eagles)