Tournament Results- Full Field View
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Flight - A
Player Low Gross
1Anthony Benenati 7355.00
2Timothy Page 7441.00
2Victor Schwartz 7441.00
4Richard Willits 7525.00
5Kenny Merchant 7722.00
Player Low Net
1George Thomas 6850.00
1Benildo Villegas 6850.00
3Leonard Zambito 6935.00
4Frederick (Eryc) Tolentino 7216.00
4Philip Butch 7216.00
4Mitchell Dahood 7216.00
Player Gross Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (18)Timothy Page 27.0027.00
2 (1,16)Richard Willits 27.0054.00
1 (3)Leonard Zambito 27.0027.00
Player Net Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (18)Timothy Page 31.0031.00
1 (16)Richard Willits 31.0031.00
1 (3)Leonard Zambito 31.0031.00
Player Closest-to-the-Pin
4Anthony Benenati 10' 1" 36.00
13Frank Cameron 2' 4" 36.00
17Timothy Page 6' 7" 36.00
Flight - B
Player Low Gross
1Dindo Puno 8255.00
2Joe Ozuna 8545.00
3Christina Han 8630.00
3Alfredo Picolomini 8630.00
4Steven Skinner 8713.00
4Dean Abston 8713.00
Player Low Net
1John Platt 6855.00
2Arthur Schonfeld 7045.00
3Edwin Gooze 7135.00
4Mark Berkowitz 7323.00
4Gene Provencio 7323.00
Player Gross Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (2)Marcus Kourtjian 25.0025.00
1 (1)Sonny Adajar 25.0025.00
1 (18)Joe Ozuna 25.0025.00
1 (13)Steve Freedman 25.0025.00
Player Net Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (2)Marcus Kourtjian 23.0023.00
1 (1)Sonny Adajar 23.0023.00
1 (18)Joe Ozuna 23.0023.00
1 (15)Arthur Schonfeld 23.0023.00
1 (13)Steve Freedman 23.0023.00
Player Closest-to-the-Pin
4Andrew Rudnicki 30' 6" 36.00
13Steve Freedman 8' 9" 36.00
17Randy Oppenheimer 8' 8" 36.00
Flight - C
Player Low Gross
1Robert Goldstein 8555.00
2Warren McGaha 9145.00
3Don Kihara 9427.00
3Tom Shuttleworth 9427.00
3Art Martinez 9427.00
Player Low Net
1Satur Duenas 6855.00
2Vern Cote 7340.00
2Miles Lee 7340.00
4Steve Greenbaum 7416.00
4Jeffrey Markle 7416.00
4Joe Radford 7416.00
Player Gross Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
4 (3,5,14,16)Robert Goldstein 10.0040.00
1 (6)Tom Shuttleworth 10.0010.00
1 (9)Miles Lee 10.0010.00
Player Net Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
2 (3,5)Robert Goldstein 16.0032.00
1 (6)Tom Shuttleworth 16.0016.00
1 (9)Miles Lee 16.0016.00
1 (4)Lynnie Lee 16.0016.00
Player Closest-to-the-Pin
4Christina Han 36' 2" 26.00
13Art Martinez 25' 4" 26.00
17Wendy Furth 44' 26.00
Last Name First Name Gross HCP Net GBE NBE
Schwartz, Victor
74 5 69 4 6
Willits, Richard
75 3 72 3 4
Page, Timothy
74 5 69 2 6
Villegas, Benildo
79 11 68 2 6
Nance, Barbara
87 10 77 1 5
Benenati, Anthony
73 -2 75 1 1
Wood, Dave Woody
80 3 77 1 1
Kang, Dennis
89 8 81 1 5
Merchant, Kenny
77 5 72 1 4
Elledge, Craig
85 5 80 1 2
Coats, Brian
83 5 78 1 2
Cameron, Frank
84 5 79 1 1
Tolentino, Frederick (Eryc)
78 6 72 1 4
Valdes, Jose
81 7 74 1 3
Zambito, Leonard
80 11 69 1 6
Mason, Brian
81 7 74 0 2
Zoida, Marco
85 8 77 0 3
Thomas, George
77 9 68 0 5
Butch, Philip
82 10 72 0 4
Reyes, Ed
85 11 74 0 2
Han, John Paul
92 11 81 0 0
Dahood, Mitchell
83 11 72 0 5
Kourtjian, Marcus
88 12 76 2 6
Puno, Dindo
82 12 70 1 5
Picolomini, Alfredo
86 12 74 1 4
Ozuna, Joe
85 13 72 1 6
Young, Scott
90 13 77 1 2
Schonfeld, Arthur
85 15 70 1 4
Freedman, Steve
89 15 74 1 5
Platt, John
85 17 68 1 8
Abston, Dean
87 13 74 1 3
Adajar, Sonny
89 13 76 1 3
Provencio, Gene
87 14 73 1 5
Han, Christina
86 15 71 0 5
Fernandez, Jesus
93 15 78 0 3
Oppenheimer, Randy
89 13 76 0 4
Miller, Randy
91 16 75 0 2
Nguyen, Paula
101 16 85 0 0
Tash, Larry
93 17 76 0 2
Russo, Michael
98 17 81 0 1
Mesropian, Armen
91 17 74 0 4
Gooze, Edwin
88 17 71 0 3
Berkowitz, Mark
87 14 73 0 6
Shuttleworth, Robert
97 14 83 0 5
Rudnicki, Andrew
89 12 77 0 3
Skinner, Steven
87 13 74 0 4
Goldstein, Robert
85 18 67 3 8
Shusterman, Barry
95 18 77 0 1
McGaha, Warren
91 18 73 0 4
Goldner, Fred
102 18 84 0 1
Duenas, Satur
87 19 68 0 8
Shuttleworth, Tom
94 19 75 0 4
Acedo, Gilbert
97 19 78 0 4
Martinez, Art
94 19 75 0 3
Hudson, Tom
98 19 79 0 2
Kihara, Don
94 20 74 0 2
Radford, Joe
95 21 74 0 4
Cote, Vern
96 23 73 0 6
Markle, Jeffrey
97 23 74 0 4
Greenbaum, Steve
100 26 74 0 4
Lee, Miles
99 26 73 0 5
Abramson, Ron
109 31 78 0 4
Lee, Lynnie
113 32 81 0 2
Furth, Wendy
119 35 84 0 2
(Note: GBE is Gross Birdies/Eagles and NBE is Net Birdies/Eagles)