Tournament Results- Full Field View
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Flight - A
Player Low Net
Place Winner Score Prize
1 Marco Zoida 68 40.00
2 Philip Butch 69 30.00
3 Richard Willits 70 25.00
Player Gross Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes) Winner $ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (16) Jim Lundstrom 30.00 30.00
1 (7) Marco Zoida 30.00 30.00
1 (14) Gordon Seaberg 30.00 30.00
1 (13) Richard Willits 30.00 30.00
Player Net Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes) Winner $ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (4) Brian Mason 40.00 40.00
1 (14) Gordon Seaberg 40.00 40.00
1 (3) Craig Elledge 40.00 40.00
Player Closest-to-the-Pin
Hole Winner Notes Prize
4 Brian Mason 4' 5"  37.00
13 Ed Reyes 4' 8"  37.00
17 Ed Reyes 20' 5"  37.00
Flight - B
Player Low Net
Place Winner Score Prize
1 Jorge Lopez 60 45.00
2 Marcus Kourtjian 65 35.00
3 John Paul Han 66 25.00
4 Rufino Dimacali 69 20.00
Player Gross Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes) Winner $ Per Skin $ Skin Total
2 (7,10) Marcus Kourtjian 22.00 44.00
1 (15) Mark Berkowitz 22.00 22.00
1 (3) Scott Young 22.00 22.00
1 (1) Jeff Kritzberg 22.00 22.00
Player Net Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes) Winner $ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (5) Jan Bernard 17.00 17.00
2 (7,10) Marcus Kourtjian 17.00 34.00
1 (15) Mark Berkowitz 17.00 17.00
1 (11) Christina Han 17.00 17.00
1 (3) Scott Young 17.00 17.00
1 (1) Jeff Kritzberg 17.00 17.00
Player Closest-to-the-Pin
Hole Winner Notes Prize
4 Armen Mesropian 31' 7"  44.00
13 Christina Han 24' 10"  44.00
17 Warren McGaha 19' 1"  44.00
Flight - C
Player Low Net
Place Winner Score Prize
1 Mike Gallego 62 30.00
2 Satur Duenas 69 25.00
3 Jeffrey Markle 70 15.00
Player Gross Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes) Winner $ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (9) Mike Gallego 9.00 9.00
1 (12) Tom Shuttleworth 9.00 9.00
2 (1,11) Joe Radford 9.00 18.00
2 (2,3) Mark Sande 9.00 18.00
Player Net Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes) Winner $ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (16) Steve Greenbaum 11.00 11.00
1 (9) Mike Gallego 11.00 11.00
1 (3) Vern Cote 11.00 11.00
1 (7) Lynnie Lee 11.00 11.00
1 (14) Midge McChristy 11.00 11.00
2 (1,11) Joe Radford 11.00 22.00
1 (2) Mark Sande 11.00 11.00
Player Closest-to-the-Pin
Hole Winner Notes Prize
4 Mike Gallego 25'  32.00
13 Michael Russo 21' 9 1/2"  32.00
17 Midge McChristy 43' 2"  32.00
Flight - Team A
Team Low Gross
Place Winner Score PRIZE PER PLAYER
1 Team 14 (Jason Montgomery, Jim Lundstrom) 69 45.00
2 Team 48 (Kenny Merchant, Scott Young) 73 38.00
3 Team 55 (Anthony Giapapas, Leonard Zambito) 75 15.00
3 Team 57 (Frank Cameron, Jose Valdes) 75 15.00
Team Low Net
Place Winner Score PRIZE PER PLAYER
1 Team 64 (Mark Berkowitz, Richard Willits) 61 45.00
2 Team 17 (Joe Ozuna, Philip Butch) 64 38.00
3 Team 18 (Jesus Fernandez, Marco Zoida) 66 15.00
3 Team 68 (Craig Elledge, Gene Provencio) 66 15.00
Flight - Team B
Team Low Gross
Place Winner Score PRIZE PER PLAYER
1 Team 34 (Gordon Seaberg, Jorge Lopez) 69 45.00
2 Team 5 (De Ron Jones, Larry Tash) 81 36.00
2 Team 16 (Timothy Page, Vern Cote) 81 36.00
Team Low Net
Place Winner Score PRIZE PER PLAYER
1 Team 15 (Christina Han, John Paul Han) 62 45.00
2 Team 53 (Satur Duenas, Sonny Adajar) 65 36.00
2 Team 67 (Mark Sande, Robert Bailey) 65 36.00
Flight - Team C
Team Low Gross
Place Winner Score PRIZE PER PLAYER
1 Team 50 (Mike Gallego, Rufino Dimacali) 75 45.00
2 Team 30 (Ken Morris, Paula Nguyen) 83 36.00
2 Team 69 Jan Bernard (Blind Draw) 83 36.00
Team Low Net
Place Winner Score PRIZE PER PLAYER
1 Team 66 (David Fung, Marcus Kourtjian) 61 45.00
2 Team 42 (Jeffrey Markle, Joe Radford) 62 38.00
3 Team 6 (Harvey Goldsmith, Michael Diner) 63 15.00
3 Team 21 (Lynnie Lee, Miles Lee) 63 15.00
Last Name First Name Gross HCP Net GBE NBE
Lundstrom, Jim
73 -3 76 3 2
Montgomery, Jason
75 3 72 3 5
Merchant, Kenny
78 3 75 0 1
Cameron, Frank
80 4 76 2 3
Willits, Richard
74 4 70 5 7
Page, Timothy
82 5 77 3 5
Elledge, Craig
82 5 77 2 3
Schwartz, Victor
81 5 76 1 4
Marriage, Dan
84 6 78 2 2
Valdes, Jose
84 7 77 0 3
Giapapas, Anthony
79 8 71 3 7
Marinoff, Daniel
94 9 85 0 1
Mason, Brian
80 9 71 1 6
Zoida, Marco
77 9 68 3 6
Reyes, Ed
84 11 73 1 2
Butch, Philip
80 11 69 2 8
Dahood, Mitchell
91 11 80 0 1
Nazarian, Rene
92 11 81 0 2
Puno, Dindo
92 12 80 0 4
Esquejo, Rodel
86 12 74 1 3
Ozuna, Joe
88 12 76 0 2
Seaberg, Gordon
86 12 74 2 6
Bailey, Robert
87 12 75 1 4
Nance, Barbara
90 12 78 0 3
Zambito, Leonard
89 12 77 0 3
Picolomini, Alfredo
86 12 74 0 3
Adajar, Sonny
89 13 76 0 3
Loomis, Carla
90 13 77 0 3
Lopez, Jorge
73 13 60 3 13
Young, Scott
85 13 72 3 7
Provencio, Gene
90 13 77 1 6
Kourtjian, Marcus
79 14 65 3 7
Berkowitz, Mark
89 14 75 1 5
Dimacali, Rufino
83 14 69 0 7
Oppenheimer, Randy
89 14 75 0 4
Shuttleworth, Robert
94 14 80 0 2
Freedman, Steve
94 15 79 0 3
Jones, De Ron
86 15 71 1 5
Han, John Paul
81 15 66 0 8
Fernandez, Jesus
96 15 81 0 2
Kritzberg, Jeff
92 15 77 1 4
Morris, Ken
88 16 72 0 6
Cowan, Roger
96 17 79 0 4
Lieb, Robert
96 17 79 0 3
Tash, Larry
94 17 77 0 3
Han, Christina
90 17 73 1 2
Mesropian, Armen
100 17 83 0 2
Bernard, Jan
94 18 76 1 3
Gooze, Edwin
97 18 79 0 3
McGaha, Warren
96 18 78 0 3
Wong, Ernest
90 18 72 0 5
Nguyen, Paula
95 18 77 0 1
Shusterman, Barry
94 18 76 0 3
Acedo, Gilbert
100 18 82 0 4
Duenas, Satur
88 19 69 0 5
Brown, Marvin
97 19 78 0 1
Russo, Michael
95 19 76 0 5
Shuttleworth, Tom
98 19 79 0 5
Gallego, Mike
83 21 62 1 10
Martinez, Art
94 21 73 0 5
Sande, Mark
93 21 72 0 6
Cote, Vern
102 22 80 1 2
Goldsmith, Harvey
94 23 71 0 8
Markle, Jeffrey
93 23 70 0 6
Radford, Joe
93 23 70 1 6
Trachtenberg, Ron
104 23 81 0 2
Isler, Saul
109 24 85 0 2
McChristy, Midge
98 25 73 0 4
Greenbaum, Steve
103 26 77 0 4
Diner, Michael
100 26 74 0 5
Lee, Miles
105 26 79 0 2
Fung, David
107 27 80 0 3
Lee, Lynnie
108 36 72 0 8
Furth, Wendy
116 36 80 0 3
(Note: GBE is Gross Birdies/Eagles and NBE is Net Birdies/Eagles)