Tournament Results- Full Field View
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Flight - A
Player Low Gross
1Victor Schwartz 7455.00
2Kenny Merchant 7645.00
3Craig Elledge 7735.00
4Jose Valdes 7922.00
4Timothy Page 7922.00
Player Low Net
1Frank Cameron 6950.00
1George Thomas 6950.00
3Marco Zoida 7035.00
4Philip Butch 7122.00
4Leonard Zambito 7122.00
Player Gross Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
2 (2,5)Kenny Merchant 28.0056.00
1 (1)Victor Schwartz 28.0028.00
1 (13)Barbara Nance 28.0028.00
Player Net Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (3)Joe Ozuna 23.0023.00
2 (2,5)Kenny Merchant 23.0046.00
1 (1)Victor Schwartz 23.0023.00
1 (13)Barbara Nance 23.0023.00
Player Closest-to-the-Pin
4Frank Cameron 15' 1" 37.00
13Barbara Nance 16' 9" 37.00
17Frederick (Eryc) Tolentino 15' 11" 37.00
Flight - B
Player Low Gross
1Rufino Dimacali 8255.00
2Robert Shuttleworth 8640.00
2Gene Provencio 8640.00
4Marcus Kourtjian 8825.00
5Mark Berkowitz 8920.00
Player Low Net
1Paula Nguyen 6955.00
2Robert Lieb 7045.00
3Jan Bernard 7235.00
4Barry Shusterman 7325.00
5Christina Han 7420.00
Player Gross Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (15)Steve Freedman 33.0033.00
1 (3)Robert Shuttleworth 33.0033.00
1 (5)Gene Provencio 33.0033.00
Player Net Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (15)Steve Freedman 35.0035.00
1 (3)Robert Shuttleworth 35.0035.00
1 (5)Gene Provencio 35.0035.00
Player Closest-to-the-Pin
4Paula Nguyen 10' 2" 37.00
13Marcus Kourtjian 12' 9 37.00
17Robert Shuttleworth 35' 8 37.00
Flight - C
Player Low Gross
1Alben Alegre 8655.00
2Joe Radford 9245.00
3Mark Sande 9335.00
4Art Martinez 9515.00
4Mike Gallego 9515.00
4Marvin Brown 9515.00
Player Low Net
1John Platt 6855.00
2Michael Diner 6945.00
3Lynnie Lee 7035.00
4Steve Greenbaum 7325.00
5Saul Isler 74 6.00
5Harvey Goldsmith 74 6.00
5Michael Belson 74 6.00
Player Gross Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (2)Michael Diner 15.0015.00
1 (5)Harvey Goldsmith 15.0015.00
1 (7)John Platt 15.0015.00
1 (3)Doug Rogers 15.0015.00
Player Net Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (12)Steve Greenbaum 8.008.00
3 (2,9,14)Michael Diner 8.0024.00
1 (5)Harvey Goldsmith 8.008.00
1 (3)Art Martinez 8.008.00
1 (11)Michael Belson 8.008.00
1 (7)John Platt 8.008.00
1 (10)Lynnie Lee 8.008.00
Player Closest-to-the-Pin
4John Platt 23' 6" 26.00
13John Platt 23' 26.00
17Art Martinez 85' 26.00
Last Name First Name Gross HCP Net GBE NBE
Schwartz, Victor
74 6 68 4 6
Cameron, Frank
75 6 69 5 5
Merchant, Kenny
76 7 69 4 5
Thomas, George
78 9 69 1 5
Zoida, Marco
80 10 70 0 6
Zambito, Leonard
84 13 71 1 7
Valdes, Jose
79 8 71 0 6
Butch, Philip
83 12 71 0 5
Page, Timothy
79 7 72 0 3
Elledge, Craig
77 4 73 3 4
Reyes, Ed
84 11 73 0 5
Villegas, Benildo
85 11 74 1 3
Picolomini, Alfredo
86 12 74 2 3
Tolentino, Frederick (Eryc)
80 6 74 1 3
Nance, Barbara
87 12 75 1 5
Puno, Dindo
86 11 75 0 1
Lopez, Jorge
87 12 75 0 4
Esquejo, Rodel
89 13 76 0 4
Ozuna, Joe
89 13 76 1 4
Wall, Jon
83 6 77 0 3
Seaberg, Gordon
91 13 78 0 3
Camp, Michael
92 12 80 0 3
Ahmed, Shaheen
86 6 80 1 2
Dimacali, Rufino
82 14 68 0 7
Nguyen, Paula
87 18 69 0 5
Provencio, Gene
86 16 70 1 3
Lieb, Robert
87 17 70 0 7
Bernard, Jan
90 18 72 0 5
Shuttleworth, Robert
86 14 72 2 7
Kourtjian, Marcus
88 15 73 0 4
Shusterman, Barry
91 18 73 0 4
Han, Christina
90 16 74 0 2
Wong, Ernest
92 17 75 0 3
Miller, Randy
91 16 75 0 4
Morris, Ken
91 16 75 0 5
Berkowitz, Mark
89 14 75 0 4
Cowan, Roger
92 16 76 0 2
Jones, De Ron
92 15 77 0 1
Mesropian, Armen
93 16 77 0 3
Freedman, Steve
93 15 78 1 4
Han, John Paul
92 14 78 0 3
Goldstein, Robert
98 18 80 0 3
Schonfeld, Arthur
98 15 83 0 4
Tatco, Chito
99 16 83 0 4
Abston, Dean
98 14 84 1 1
Tash, Larry
102 17 85 0 1
Alegre, Alben
86 24 62 0 10
Radford, Joe
92 24 68 0 7
Platt, John
87 19 68 0 7
Diner, Michael
95 26 69 1 5
Lee, Lynnie
106 36 70 0 7
Sande, Mark
93 22 71 0 6
Greenbaum, Steve
99 26 73 0 5
Goldsmith, Harvey
97 23 74 1 4
Isler, Saul
98 24 74 0 4
Belson, Michael
108 34 74 0 2
Gallego, Mike
95 21 74 0 4
Martinez, Art
95 20 75 1 2
Brown, Marvin
95 19 76 0 1
Kihara, Don
98 21 77 0 4
Rogers, Doug
98 21 77 0 7
Fung, David
106 27 79 0 3
De La Torre, Robert
104 23 81 0 3
(Note: GBE is Gross Birdies/Eagles and NBE is Net Birdies/Eagles)