Tournament Results- Full Field View
February Tournament, February 17, 2018
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Last Name First Name Gross HCP Net GBE NBE
Anthony Moore
83 8 75 3 5
Bobby Cox
89 15 74 0 6
Clent Toney Blake
87 12 75 1 5
David Wooding
75 4 71 0 2
Earl Spears
101 15 86 0 0
Elise King
87 14 73 0 4
Lamar Bell
95 9 86 2 4
Larry Blackmon
86 5 81 0 3
Larry Taylor
91 14 77 0 7
William Kimble
96 12 84 0 3
Dock Jones
86 20 66 0 6
Glenn Smith
97 18 79 0 5
Isaiah Harper
89 16 73 1 5
Michael Attaway
93 19 74 0 5
Pamela Bell
100 17 83 0 3
Roderick Patterson
110 18 92 0 2
Ronald Singleton
95 19 76 0 4
Ted Chatman
99 19 80 0 6
Timothy Baldwin
89 16 73 1 3
Allen Wilson
122 26 96 0 1
Annie Reed
93 21 72 0 6
Dell Williams
108 31 77 0 5
Dempster Cherry
106 26 80 0 2
Dorothy Long
104 26 78 0 4
Fred Williams
115 26 89 0 1
John Cole
116 26 90 0 1
Johnnie Smith
144 26 118 0 0
Keith Lee
101 23 78 0 3
Steve Fisher
93 22 71 0 7
(Note: GBE is Gross Birdies/Eagles and NBE is Net Birdies/Eagles)