Tournament Results- Full Field View
Friday Practice Round, November 13, 2020
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Last Name First Name Gross HCP Net GBE NBE
Adolf Weiss
98 19 79 0 4
Andy Hernandez
92 18 74 1 4
Dan Burns
84 7 77 1 3
Douglas Lovett
95 7 88 1 2
Edward Jimenez
98 12 86 0 3
Heinrich Klingner
90 15 75 0 6
Jason Trinidad
80 4 76 1 3
Jason Alarcon
92 10 82 0 2
John Turner
110 21 89 0 1
Manny Carrillo
106 13 93 0 1
Manuel Coelho
96 12 84 0 3
Randy Sgro
114 18 96 0 0
Stephen Turner
100 8 92 2 3
(Note: GBE is Gross Birdies/Eagles and NBE is Net Birdies/Eagles)