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last updated: 01/07/16 | Total Club Page Views:24,587 |
The name of this organization shall be "WEEKEND HOOKERS GOLF CLUB" and will be referred to as the 'Club' in these by-laws.
The purpose of this organization shall be to provide a medium for all persons to enjoy GOLF in a friendly and competitive manner. To promote and foster, among its members, a closer bond and fraternity for their joint mutual benefit, and to promote and conserve the best interests and true spirit of the game of GOLF as embodied in its ancient and honorable traditions. To maintain a uniform system of handicapping similar to the regulations of the Southern California Golf Association or other governing body as may be deemed in the best interest of our organization.
The membership shall be comprised of Regular Members.
Qualifications of members shall be any individual who is deemed to be an amateur in good standing by the governing bodies of the game of GOLF.
Method of acceptance shall be by written application together with the fee therein provided.
Powers and Duties of the members shall be to attend meetings, to enjoy and participate in all rights, privileges and activities appurtenant to this organization, to elect officers of the organization, and to vote on all other matters as therein provided.
Dues of the organization shall be an amount established by the Elected Officers. Said dues shall be deemed fair and adequate and maintain the organization and its functions for a period of one (1) year.
All dues are payable in advance for a period of one fiscal year, which is from November 1st through the following October 31st. Members renewing annual dues shall pay prior to the date of the tournament in November and no later than November 30th.
New members annual dues will be the same as regular members annual dues if paid between November 1 through the following May 31. New members joining in the period of June 1 through October 31 will pay the SCGA fee plus $10.00 for the period left in that year.
The Membership Chairman of the club shall insure that all members are notified in writing, (published in the monthly newsletter) no later that 10 days prior to the date of the November tournament. A member whose dues are not paid by December 1st shall be deemed a non-member and their name shall be dropped from the active roster. Renewal after December 1st will include a late charge as established by the Elected Officers.
In the event any member of this organization shall bring discredit thereon, or shall refuse or neglect to comply with the rules and regulations adopted by the elected officers, such member shall be subject to suspension after 10 days written notice and the right to be heard, by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the elected officers at any regular meeting or special meeting called for such purpose.
Suspension shall deprive a member of all rights and privileges as provided in these by-laws.
A suspended member may make written request for lifting of said suspension after a period of 90 days. Said suspension lifting must be approved by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the elected officers
The elected officers of the Club shall be composed of officers who qualify as members.
The Officers shall be as follows Tournament Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary (Newsletter Publisher), Handicap Chairman, Membership/Awards Chairman.
The elected Officers will choose one of the current officers to become acting President of the club.
Each Officer shall be entitled to one (1) vote regardless of the number of offices held by that member.
Offices shall be members in good standing.
The Officers shall be the governing body of this organization
The Officers have a duty to attend all regular meetings, tournaments and special meetings as scheduled for the officers.
The Officers are responsible to read and become familiar with the by-laws and policies of the Club, so as to determine and direct the aims, purposes, and policies of the Club.
The Officers are to exercise control over all matters pertaining to the conduct of the Club and its finances.
Shall preside over all meetings.
Shall rule on all points of order.
Shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Officers are carried into effect and have active management therein.
Shall have the right to appoint all other committee heads or chairman as the President deems proper and in the best interests of the Club.
In the event of the absence of the President, the Officer, in order standing, (as selected by the officers) shall assume the duties of the President.
Shall establish a schedule of events and/or tournaments deemed to be in the best interest of the membership of the Club.
Shall have the yearly schedule of events approved by majority vote of the Officers. Said proposal submitted for approval shall include, but not limited to; location, time, and date of the event, type of play to be followed, scoring method to be used, club costs and greens fee required.
Shall reserve the right to make changes in the scheduled event if it is deemed in the best interest of the members. Said changes must be in writing to all participants prior to tee-off time.
Shall oversee all activities associated with each tournament.
Provide a fact or information sheet (and/or notice published in the newsletter), to all tournament participants regarding that particular tournament prior to tee-off time.
Notify all members in writing of a scheduled event at least three (3) weeks in advance of said event. (Assure that the schedule is printed correctly in the monthly newsletter.)
Collect all tournament entry fees and see that they are properly deposited with the Treasurer.
Have the right to appoint n member as the "Tournament Starter", or as many tournament committee members as he deems proper to insure an orderly function of that event.
Be responsible for establishing starting times for all tournament players.
Be responsible that the Treasurer, Secretary, and Handicap Chairman have the same and proper list of tournament players, at least 5 days before the event.
Shall follow the instructions of the President with respect to routine or special functions.
Shall have custody of the funds of the Club and shall keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements.
Shall furnish a full account thereof upon the request of the President and/or Officers.
Shall deposit all money and other valuable effects in the name of the Club in such depositories as may be designated by the Officers.
Shall receive and disburse, as prescribed by the Officers and these by-laws, all money of the Club.
Shall determine the entry fee for Regular Members at each tournament based on the costs, event, and prizes to be distributed.
Keep and preserve all records and minutes of the meetings of the Club and the Officers.
Shall keep and maintain a correct list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all Regular Members of the Club.
Shall send out all notices or communications as may be necessary, or as directed by the Officers.
Shall develop and maintain a complete data base of all forms and documents used by the Officers of the Club.
Shall publish and distribute the "Club's" monthly newsletter, to all Regular Members
Will maintain the records (Leader Board) necessary to determine the Club Champion qualifiers.
HANDICAP CHAIRMAN Shall be responsible for the Club's computer and software used to maintain Members handicaps with the SCGA. Will update the SCGA data base for new members, posting of tournament scores, and additional scores provided to him by any of the Regular Members.
Will print and provide score cards for each of the Club's tournaments and/or events.
Shall keep an account of all handicaps for all members of the Club.
Shall have the right to appoint as many handicap committee members as he deems proper to insure an orderly function of this office.
Shall assist the members in the proper scoring and recording methods and procedures.
Shall notify any member being penalized for scoring or recording errors upon discovery to insure their awareness and to prevent further occurrence of said error.
Shall handicap all members according to the rules and regulations of the governing body in which this Club should become a member.
Will manage all side pot competitions including cash control and winner results. Will provide winner results to Secretary for purpose of publishing in Newsletter.
Shall notify all members of the dues payable at least ten (10) days in advance of the due date of the October tournament, (may be published in the September newsletter.)
Shall maintain a roster of all members and their standing with respect to annual dues. Will interface with the SCGA, Treasurer, and Handicap Chairman to assure that the membership roster is current.
Shall organize and coordinate any membership drive as directed by the Officers.
Will be the leader of the committee appointed to develop a list of nominees to fill Officer vacancies for the new term of office.
Shall assure all Regular Members are supplied a ballot, and will collect and tabulate the result of the secret ballot. Supply the ballots, and summary results to the Club's Officers for validation and review.
Shall work with the Treasurer to determine the number of prizes to be awarded for each Club activity.
Shall designate the type of prizes and where the prizes shall be purchased.
Shall direct the Tournament Chairman, and/or "Tournament Starter" on the distribution of prizes.
Will maintain a catalog of awards and prizes that are dispersed at each tournament or event.
Will be responsible for the "Long Drive, Closest to the Pin" stakes and/or markers at each tournament or event.
At least three (3), weeks prior or in the October Newsletter Officers shall provide the membership with nomination forms. At the November General Membership meeting, and/or tournament the Membership Chairman shall submit to the Officers, a list of nominees that have been submitted to fill any vacancies for the term of office beginning the final week in December. .