Reservations, Check-In and Cancellations
last updated:  12/19/24  |  Total Club Page Views:60,355


To make reservations for Tuesday play, please use Sign Up Genius (available on app or desktop).  Once you are enrolled, you will receive an email on Monday afternoon reminding you to sign up for play three weeks in advance (subject to availability) or add your name to the Waitlist. Cancelletaions may also be done through this portal up to the Thursday before your tee time.  If you need to cancel after this cutoff, please contact the Reservations Chairperson: Carlisa Hamagaki ( to cancel. Available openings on the morning of play may be obtained by coming to the course in person. To compete in Sweeps, players must tee off during the time assigned to the Club.

NOTE: Tee times are pre­assigned for the Championship Tournament competitors and a few special events. A separate sign­up sheet with pertinent information will be available in the clubroom.


Report to the Starter’s window and pay greens fee at least twenty minutes before your tee­off time. Check off your name on that day’s Reservation Sheet. If a player has not checked in with the Starter on time, the Starter may fill in the foursome with standbys. The starter may alter foursomes with the consent of the players.


PWGC is responsible for our block of time every Tuesday. If frequent cancellations become a problem, it may be necessary to assess fines for reserved time not used. To avoid the assessment of fines, cancellations should be emailed or called in by the Thursday before play to the Tee Time Chair so that the slot will become available to other members.  In an emergency ON Tuesday morning, please text the Tee time Chair prior to 7:15 AM.  *Cancellations must be done by the Thursday prior to play or there is a $10 Penalty Charge.