Presidents Message
Last Updated: 12/06/18
To OLMGC Members:
As your president, I have high hopes for another successful year of comraderie and competition for all of the members of our men's club. We have been right around 200+ members and an average of 84 players per home tournament for several years now and are open to more of each if you have friends or family looking for a great course with great home and away tournaments to take part in.

There is still talk of a clubhouse in halls of our Ventura City council. Recent fires have "clouded" these discussions, but we hope to continue the campaign this year and also dispel any repurposing of our sister property, the Buena GC.

I look forward to seeing you out and about on our beautiful golf course. Feel free to email me with any questions, comments, or anything constructive you come up with.


Brad Zlomke