Constitution and By-Laws
last updated:  05/13/20  |  Total Club Page Views:198,987
Article I
Section 1
The name of this golf organization shall be the "Knollwood Men's Golf Club."
Section 2
Wherever the words "Club" or "Board" are used in these articles, they shall be known to mean Knollwood Men's Golf Club and Board of Directors, respectively.
Article II
The objectives of the Club shall be:
To promote the interests of golf.
To enforce uniformity in the Rules of the game by creating representative authority.
To establish a uniform system of handicapping.
To afford a convenient and authoritative means of arranging dates and places for holding tournaments.
To conduct annual tournaments sponsored by the Club, and such other golf events, at the discretion of the Board, which may be deemed to come within its jurisdiction.
Article III
Membership and Dues
Section 1
Any male person of good character over the age of eighteen (18) years shall be eligible for regular membership.
Section 2
Application for membership, shall be made through the SCGA website and after completion, full payment and approval of the board he will be added to the membership of the Knollwood Men's Golf Club. This Membership is a yearly membership with the anniversary date of the day of registration. Renewal is through the SCGA.
Section 3
All applicants applying for membership in the Club must be approved by the President, Membership Director and Treasurer.
Section 4
The SCGA shall assign a GHIN number to each member and maintain handicap history, membership status and notify member when renewal is due.
Section 5
The annual dues for membership shall be determined by the Membership Committee.
Section 6
Total regular membership in the club may be limited at any time by a majority vote of the Board at any regularly called meeting. In no event shall the limit be less than two hundred fifty (25O) members.
Section 7
In the event a limit shall be imposed, a waiting list shall be established. Applications for membership from those on the waiting list shall be acted upon in pure consecutive order based upon receipt of such properly submitted application.
Section 8
Each member, upon completion of his application and appropriate membership dues, shall be issued a membership/handicap card as provided by the Southern California Golf Association. (SCGA)
Section 9
Any Club member, to be eligible to play in any Club tournament or competition, must:
(a). Be an amateur golfer under the Rules of the U.S.G.A., and
(b). Possess a valid SCGA GHIN number with a properly verified index.
* Associate members may participate in Club events but are not eligible for competition prozes.
Section 10
Unless otherwise directed by a majority vote of the Board, attendance at Board meetings shall he open to all members, but participation in discussions shall be reserved to current or Honorary members of the Board, duly appointed committee members, and visitors as the Presiding Officer of the meeting shall approve.
Section 11
All checks, bonds, warrants, contracts, or other instruments in writing necessary for Club operation shall be signed by the Treasurer, and/or initialed by the President or the First Vice President, and only after approval by the Board.
Article IV
Section 1
The Officers of the club shall make up the Board of Directors.
Section 2
The Board of Directors shall consist of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, Handicap Chairman, Rules Chairman and Southern California Golf Association Representative.  The term Officer is synonymous with the term Director.
Section 3
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all Board Meetings and General Club Meetings; to assure that all the Bylaws and other such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Club are strictly adhered; and to generally coordinate all affairs of the Club. He shall appoint the Chairmen and members of the six (6) major committees/functions and shall act as an ex-officio member of all committees.
(a). Rules Committee
(b). Tournament Committee
(c). Handicap Committee
(d). Finance Committee
(e). Course Maintenance/Greens Coordinator
(f). Social Coordinator
Section 4
The First Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence or inability to conduct the duties of the President. He shall act as Tournament Chairman and arrange, plan, schedule, and conduct all Club sponsored competitions, subject to the approval of the Board. The First Vice President shall have the authority to name Special Tournament Chairmen to conduct other tournaments in addition to those regularly scheduled by the Club.
Section 5
The Second Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or the inability of both the President and the First Vice President to act as President. He shall act as Tournament Director of Away Events.
Section 6
The Handicap Chairman shall establish and administer the U.S.G.A. & SCGA handicap system for the members.
Section 7
The Secretary shall compile a record of the proceedings of the Board and the general meetings of the Club in a log kept for that purpose. He shall maintain a roster of the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all members, and he shall cooperate with the Treasurer in keeping a book of accounts of the Club. He shall send all notices required, and attend to other such other business as may be necessary as part of the duties of his office, or as he may be directed by the President or the Board. He shall conduct any and all of the official correspondence of the Club.
Section 8
The Treasurer shall be the primary custodian of the Club funds. He shall deposit all funds in some depository or depositories under the direction of the Board. He shall disburse the funds upon warrants or Club checks as authorized by the Board, and only after the appropriate signature or initials of the approved Officers of the Club. The Treasurer shall keep the books, receipts, and accounts of the Club and shall submit a current and updated account of the Clubs finances, along with the proper vouchers, and/or receipts at the regular meeting of the Board. He shall perform other such duties as may properly belong to his office or as may be directed by the Board. The Treasurer's books and accounts may be audited at any time upon direction of the Board.
Section 9
The Membership Coordinator shall seek out, process, and maintain records of all new and current members, and should provide a membership packet to new members consisting of a copy of the Club Constitution and Bylaws and a current Rules of Golf.
Section 10
The Southern California Golf Association Representative shall be the official Delegate of Record of the Club and be responsible for attending the monthly meeting and other functions of SCGA and provide input to that organization as well as provide a report on that organization to the Club membership and the Board.
 All past Presidents of the Club shall be considered Honorary Members of the Board, and as such are entitled to attendance and discussion only, at any and all meetings of the Board.
Article V
Section 1
Regular meetings of the Board may be held each month at a time and place designated by the Board.
Section 2
Special meetings of the Board may he called at any time by the Secretary on the direction of the President, or acting President of the Board. The Secretary shall give each Director appropriate notice of the time and place of such meetings by telephone, electronic communication or in person at least seven (7) days in advance of such meetings.
Section 3
Regular general membership meetings shall be held each month at a time and place designated by the Board.  Meetings will normally be held on the third Tuesday of each month and the pending date, time and location of such meeting shall will be posted in the Club Newsletter.
Section 4
The following shall be the order of business at all regular Club meetings and at all meetings of the Board:
(a). Call to order
(b). Introduction of all Past Presidents and/or guests
(c). Roll call of Officers
(d). Reading and approval of the last general meeting’s minutes as posted
(e). Committee Reports
(f). Unfinished (old) Business
(g). New Business
(h). Awards/Announcements
(i). Adjournment
Section 5
The President shall, for the election of Officers, appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) members from the general membership of the Club (excluding present members of the Board). This Nominating Committee shall submit a slate of nominees at the October meeting and publish the names of those candidates in the November issue of the Putter Patter. The election of new Director(s) will be conducted at the regular membership meeting in November during which time further nominations from the floor will be in order and accepted. Each member present shall he entitled to cast one ballot or vote. The newly elected Director(s) shall be installed at an Installation Dinner or at the end-of-year Holiday Party.
Section 6
If during the calendar year, a vacancy or vacancies should occur for any reason among the elected Officers, the Board shall, following its next regular meeting, after that at which notice of such vacancy or vacancies has been given, elect by ballot an Officer or Officers to complete the remainder of the current year. Such elected Officer or Officers shall take office immediately following the election.
Article VI
Obligation and Discipline
Section 1
The acceptance of membership in the Club shall bind each member to abide by all the conditions, rules, regulations and By-Laws of the Club, and to accept and comply with all decisions of the Board.
Section 2
Refusing or neglecting a strict and honorable compliance with the rules and regulations of the Club or with the decisions of the Board shall render any member liable to suspension or expulsion.  Any such suspension or expulsion may only occur after a majority approval by the Board of Directors (4 or more). Any appeal must be made to the Board at a regular or Special meeting.
Section 3
No member shall be suspended or expelled from the Club without being provided with specific allegations, in writing, regarding the reason or reasons for the suspension/expulsion, and only after the member is given an opportunity to be heard in his defense, in person, in front of the Board.
Article VII
Government and Management
Section 1
The control and management of the affairs, funds, and property of the Club shall be vested in the Board, along with the Chairmen of the six (6) major committees. Each Director shall cast a single vote on matters brought before the Board at any regular or special meeting of the Board. The Officer presiding at such meetings shall have no vote except in the event of a tie vote in which case, at his option, he may cast the deciding vote.
Section 2
The President shall serve as the alternate Delegate of Record on the Southern California Golf Association and shall attend the functions of SCGA whenever the absence of the Board of Directors Representative occurs.
Section 3
The Secretary shall register and notify in writing the Public Links Golf Association of Southern California of the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the Board of Directors of the Club, on an annual basis or whenever a change in the Board membership occurs. New Directors may appear in person at any monthly meeting of Public Links Golf Association for introduction and presentation.
Section 4
A quorum at any regular or special meeting of the Board shall consist of at least four (4) Directors.
Section 5
A quorum at any regular Club meeting shall consist of fifteen (15) members.
Section 6
The Board at all times shall act as the fiscal manager of the Club, and assure all claims against the Club funds are properly reviewed and approved prior to payment.
Section 7
Voting on all matters brought before the Board, may be by voice vote, by show-of-hands, by secret ballot or by roll call, at the discretion of the Presiding Officer.
Section 8
Voting on issues presented at regular Club meetings may be by voice vote or by a show-of-hands count as conducted by the Presiding Officer.
Section 9
No Director shall, under any circumstance or pretense whatsoever, receive any salary or compensation, in any form, from the Club while acting as or performing the duties of a Director.
Article VIII
Standing Committees
Section 1
The following Standing Committees of the Club shall be made and appointed by the incoming President at the January Board meeting of each year and shall have the indicated duties.
(a). RULES:
(1) To explain and define applicable Rules of Golf as they may apply to play of our members.
(2) To establish rules for Club competitions as needed or required and make decisions effecting such applications.
(1) To prepare, plan, organize and conduct all monthly home and away tournaments.
(2) Plan the upcoming dates, sites and format of next years tournament schedule.
(1) To review and assure the proper and complete entry of all tournament rounds of golf played by members.
(2) To establish an updated, complete list of members with their current index depicted, and maintain all members SCGA GHIN index.
(1) To maintain bank accounts of all the Clubs funds.
(2) Maintain financial records of all Club transactions (receipts and disbursements).
(1) To report to the membership on the ongoing general condition of the fairways, bunkers, roughs and greens at Knollwood Golf Course.
(2) To coordinate with the golf course Greens Keeper or Maintenance Superintendent pertinent issues involving the overall course condition.
(1) To keep members informed as to significant social occurrences within the Club.
Article IX
Awards Policy
Section 1
The Tournament Chairman shall adhere to the following guidelines pertaining to the awarding of prizes for the regular monthly tournaments:
(a) Low Gross: No limit on the number of times an individual can win during a calendar year.
(b) Low Net Overall: Can be won only three (3) times in a single calendar year.
(c) Low Net (flight): Can be won only three (3) times in a single calendar year.
(d) When a member is a fourth time winner for Low Net Overall or Low Net in a flight, he shall be awarded the second place prize.
(e) When a member wins Low Gross and Low Net Overall, in the same tournament, he shall be awarded the Low Gross prize.
(f) The one (1) major tournament for the Club shall consist of:
(1). The Club Championship
(g) To qualify for the Club Championship, members must adhere to the following policy:
(1). A current handicap index from at least twenty (20) rounds.
(2). Previously having played in at least four (4) Home Club tournaments since the previous Club Championship or three (3) Home Club Tournaments in the current calendar year.
(3). Failure to meet any of the aforementioned requirements will result in the member NOT ELIGIBLE for ANY net or gross Club Championship Title.
Section 2
The Club shall present an Award (wall plaque) to the outgoing Club President at the end of his term of office.
Section 3
USGA Membership Award
(a)            To recognize outstanding participation by a member. As an active volunteer in Club functions.
(b)            Selected annually by the Board.
Section 4
Rubin Mariano Award (formally Ed Wehinger Award)
(a)            To identify a member who represents the best traditions of golf and love of the game.
(b)            Selected annually by the Board following nominations by the membership.
Section 5
The Club may present other individual Awards to Club members for exemplary service as determined by the Board.
Article X
Honorary and Lifetime Memberships
Section 1
A Honorary Membership shall be awarded to those members who qualify by Board approval. To qualify one must:
(a) Have served as Club President for at least two (2) years, and served as an active member of the Board for not less than four (4) years, or
(b) To have served as an active member of the Board for not less than seven (7) years, or
(c) Has performed long-term meritorious service to golf and the Club, and
(d) Has maintained an ongoing active participation in Club activities over an extended period of time.
(e) Honorary members shall annually be afforded a Club membership for a fee of forty five (45) dollars.
Section 2
A Lifetime Membership shall be awarded to any individual member who has demonstrated a lifetime of effort and active participation in many aspects of Club service and/or function.
(a) Lifetime Membership may only be given upon unanimous approval of the Board.
(b) Lifetime memberships shall be annual fee free and good for life.
Article XI
Section 1
These Bylaws may only be amended, changed, updated, revised or repealed upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at any regular Club meeting, provided such amendments have been presented, in written form, at the preceding regular Club meeting.
Section 2
On all questions of application or interpretation of this Constitution and Bylaws, the majority decision of the Board shall be the applicable and final opinion.
Article XII
Robert's Rules of Order shall govern procedure at all meetings, both Board and Regular.
This Constitution and Bylaws of the Knollwood Men’s Golf Club (KMGC) are hereby adopted, approved, and accepted on this _14_ day of _December_, 2018  at Los Angeles, CA.
President:                       Bill Brocklebank            ____________________
1st Vice President:         Anthony L Martino         ____________________
2nd Vice President:           Jorge Camacho             ____________________
Membership Coordinator:     Eric Riddle              ____________________
Handicap Chairman: William Hornbeck          ____________________

Secretary:                         Charles Campbell          ____________________

Treasurer:                                   John Yang            ____________________

Rules Chairman:   Bill Brocklebank           _____________________ 
Social Chairman:                  Mike Rohn                 ____________________
Southern California
Golf Association
Representative:                 Anthony L Martino    ____________________
Honorary Members
Lifetime Members
Tony Martino