ECGC Local Rules UPDATED MAY 2020
last updated:  05/21/20  |  Total Club Page Views:433,180


The Rules of Golf and the following Local Rules shall govern all tournament play at the Eaton Canyon Golf Course.

OUT OF BOUNDS: is defined by the line between the course-side points at ground level of fence posts surrounding the course, the surrounding maintenance yard; flood control channels (except as otherwise noted in these Local Rules ;) and right edge of cart path on hole #2 from the blue monument tee area to the bridge. 

RED PENALTY AREAS:  As defined by the following:Flood control channel from blue monument tee area on hole #2 to far side of bridge, flood control channel on hole #3, tree farm (woods) on left and right sides of hole #7 and tree farm behind hole #8.  Players may proceed under Rule 17.1


ACC(INCLUDING IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS):  They include but are not limited to protective screens on hole #7 and #9; irrigation system induction manifold on holes #1 and #9; all irrigation system control stations and their protective posts; paved paths and roads; wooden fences and logs adjacent to cart paths; wires, ropes or stakes on staked trees; and ball washers.Players are entitled to free relief under Rule 16.1

ACC (INCLUDINGSPECIAL IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS): Protective screen on hole #8. During play of the 8thhole, if the protective fence on the 9th hole is in a player’s line of play:The player may take free relief by dropping a ball in and playing it from the dropping zone which is designated as the 8th hole Junior tees provided this relief is no nearer the hole. (See Rule 14.3).

Channel fence bordering the Penalty Area on hole #3. When the protective fence (on either side) interferes with a players stance or swing, in addition to the relief provided under Rule 16.1, a player may, without penalty, take relief by dropping a ball at the 3rd Hole Junior tees.

ACC (INCLUDING NO PLAY ZONES -  GROUND UNDER REPAIR): Flower beds, ice plants and similar ornamental plants having protective bordersof curbs, walls or other borders; turf nurseries, fallen trees and other ground obviously under cultivation is designated as ground under repair from which play is prohibited. Relief in accordance with Rule 16.1f

Left Side of Hole # 4 between white painted line or white stakes and boundary fence is designated as ACC. Relief under rule 16.1b if ball is found or 16.1e if ball is not found. 1 club length free relief under rule 16.1

Gopher Holes – And any alterations that they make to the course, free relief under the rules of golf as long as they can be identified as such.

DROPPING ZONES:  A ball that is adjacent to boundary fence behind hole #4, if declared unplayable, may be dropped in the designated dropping zone south of the 4th green as an additional option to those under Rule 19(Tournament Committee Adopted Local Rule)

PRACTICE:  On holes #1 through #9 practice is not permitted on or near the putting green of a hole previously played.   (You will be playing them again on hole #10 through #18). (Tournament CommitteeAdopted Local Rule)

PREFERRED LIES:  (1) a ball lying within an erosion rut of a dirt road or path may be lifted without penalty and placed within 6 inches of the edge of the rut where the ball originally lay, but not nearer the hole.  The ball may be cleaned when lifted.  (2)  When the tournament chairman posts the "Winter Rules" sign, a ball lying in the "fairway" of the hole being played may be lifted without penalty and placed within 6 inches of where it originally lay, but not nearer the hole.  The ball may be cleaned when lifted.  Exception:  A ball lying within one club length of a tree, hazard (bunker or water hazard), boundary fence or other object defining out of bound is deemed not to be lying in the "fairway".  Revised by Board of Directors, February 1993.


MODEL LOCAL RULE F-19: The edging grooves around the aprons or fringes of putting greens are ground under repair. If a player’s ball lies in or touches a groove or a groove interferes with the area of intended swing: (a) Ball in General Area. The player may take free relief under Rule 16.1b (b) The player may take free relief under Rule 16.1d. But interference does not exist if the edging groove only interferes with the player’s stance.

ALTERNATE TO STROKE AND DISTANCE LOCAL RULE: (Board of Directors Adopted Local Rule January 2019).This Rule is not in effect for the Club Championship nor the Senior Club Championship.

As stated in Model Local Rule E-5, the procedure is as follows: When a player’s ball has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds, the player may proceed as follows rather than proceeding under stroke and distance. For two penalty strokes, the player may take relief by dropping the original ball or another ball in this relief area(see Rule 14.3):

Two Estimated Reference Points:

a. Ball Reference Point: The point where the original ball is estimated to have:

·         Come to rest on the course, or

·         Last crossed the edge of the course boundary to go out of bounds.

b. Fairway Reference Point: The point of fairway of the hole being played that is nearest to the ball reference point, but is not nearer the hole than the ball reference point.

For purposes of this Local Rule, “fairway” means any area of grass in the general area that is cut to fairway height or less.


If a ball is estimated to be lost on the course or last crossed the edge of the course boundary short of the fairway, the fairway reference point may be a grass path or a teeing ground for the hole being played cut to fairway height or less. 

Click here for a video explanation of this Local Rule


Bunkers – Bunkers are declared Ground Under Repair (Rule 16.1) in disturbed areas only. Free drop in bunker within 1 club length, no closer to hole. Ball must be dropped at knee height under (Rule 14.3b) It is encouraged that players try their best to smooth the disturbed area with a foot or a club after playing the ball from a bunker per USGA recommended COVID-19 guidelines.

Modified Cups – During the use of modified cups the “most likely score” (Rule 3.3) should be used. The player should consider the number of strokes most likely required to complete the hole, and determine whether the ball would have been holed or not. Most likely score is in the players best judgement and should not be used to gain an unfair advantage per USGA recommended COVID-19 guidelines.