last updated:  02/20/23  |  Total Club Page Views:1,682,764

(revised 1/17/2023)

Article 1. NAME 

The name of this organization shall be the Sepulveda Seniors’ Golf Club hereinafter known as "SSGC". 

The purpose of SSGC shall be as follows: 

a.  To conduct golf activities for the members of SSGC.

b.  To sponsor social activities for the membership.

c.  To employ the USGA system of handicapping and to maintain indexes for its members.


Article 3. MEMBERSHIP 

Any person 50 years old, of good character, regardless of golf ability shall be eligible for membership in SSGC. Each member shall agree to abide by the rules of golf as set down by the USGA and the Department of Recreation and Parks. Each applicant shall agree to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times. 

The Board of Directors shall set the annual membership dues. Dues are payable upon notification by SCGA and paid to SCGA. Any exceptions will be determined by the Board of Directors. 

All past presidents shall be granted lifetime club membership (club dues portion of their annual membership renewal) but will be required to pay any SCGA annual dues. Annual membership renewal consists of one part club dues (currently $49) and SCGA dues (currently $36). All past presidents prior to April 12, 2014 shall be granted lifetime membership and will not be required to pay SCGA annual dues.

SCGA annual dues for past presidents prior to April 12, 2014 will be paid by the SSGC.

Only members in good standing and guests may participate in SSGC activities.


A Board of Directors shall conduct the policies, business and affairs of the SSGC. The board shall consist of 12 elected and/or appointed members plus the Immediate Past President. Members shall be elected in an annual meeting of the general membership set by the existing Board. Members voting must be present at this meeting.

a.  The President shall appoint a nominating chairman, who shall present a list of nominees to the General Membership. 

b.  Six directors shall be elected annually for a term of two years. The term of office shall begin January 1. 

The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President or at the call of at least 6 directors. 

*All Board members are required to attend a minimum of 6 board meetings per year. Non-compliance may lead to Board action. 

A member of the staff of the Department of Parks and Recreation shall be appointed by the board as ex-officio director and shall act in an advisory capacity only.


Upon adjournment of the Board’s first meeting following the Annual General Meeting and Election of Board Members, Officers of the Board shall be elected by a majority vote of the “new” Board of Directors. Candidates must be elected members of the new Board. The Executive Committee of SSGC shall consist of the President, the Vice-president, the Secretary and the Treasurer. 

 a.  President shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of SSGC and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and the General membership. The President shall appoint an elected member to assume the duties of any elected officer absent at any meeting. 
b.  Vice President shall assist the President when requested and shall perform the duties of the President in his or her absence. 
c.  Secretary shall record the minutes of Board meetings and shall be responsible for routine correspondence as needed by SSGC.
d.  Treasurer shall handle all monies for SSGC and provide financial reports to the Board of Directors at their regular monthly meetings. 

No Director may be President for more than two terms. The President on completion of his/her term(s) may continue as a fully-fledged member of the Board for the next two-year period. 

The term of office for all officers shall be one year from January 1 or until a successor has been elected and installed.

Any board vacancy which may occur will be filled by appointment by a majority of The Board of Directors.


Article 6. MEETINGS
The President shall set the regular monthly meeting date of the Board of Directors. 

The Board of Directors shall set the date of the Annual General Meeting.The main purpose of the Annual General Meeting will be the election of six members of the Board. 

A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be seven members. For General Membership Meetings it shall be those present and eligible to vote. 

A current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be the guiding document for the conduct of business of SSGC. 

The order of business at all board meetings shall be:

a.  Introduction of guests.

b.  Approval of minutes of previous meeting.

c.  Committee Reports

d.  Unfinished Business

e.  New Business

All members of SSGC shall be notified of meetings by the Club Newsletter and email. 

Article 7. COMMITTEES 
The permanent committees shall be as follows. 

a.  Membership Committee
Duties: keep track of the general membership, accept and process applications from
new applicants and mail a welcoming letter and packet to all new members.

b. Nominating Committee
Duties: seek out prospective new board members from the General Membership and present them for election at the Annual Meeting.

c.  Tournament Committee
Duties: program, schedule, manage and conduct SSGC tournaments and contests.

d. Handicap Committee
Duties: keep track of handicaps indexes of all members (both Club and USGA), revise indexes whenever scoring infractions occur or a member's handicap index number is not representative of his/her skills. The committee will also respond to requests by members for handicap index adjustments.

Ad Hoc committees may be formed in order to make recommendations to the Board in special situations.


No member or director of the SSGC shall be expelled except for failure to comply with the Club Constitution or for conduct tending to bring discredit to the SSGC or the game of golf. No member or director shall be expelled until an Ad Hoc committee investigates and finds due cause. Said committee shall present their findings to the Board of Directors who will determine the final outcome by secret ballot. A vote of 2/3 of the Board will be necessary to expel.

Article 9. FINANCES
The Board of Directors or any other representative shall not have the power to enter into any obligation involving expenditure of any monies of SSGC in excess of the cash balance of the SSGC Treasury at the time of the action.

The SSGC may bond the Treasurer, or any other Director of SSGC who handles funds in the course of Club business, for a sum determined by the Board.


Article 10. AMENDMENTS
Proposed amendments to this Constitution must be presented in writing to the Board of Directors. The Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Article 11. NON-PROFIT

The SSGC is hereby declared to be a non-profit organization and shall not contemplate the distribution of gains or profits to its members or officers.