last updated:  10/15/21  |  Total Club Page Views:1,682,762
 Dear Potential Club Member: 

The Board of Directors of the Sepulveda Seniors’ Golf Club hopes you will decide to become a member and promises to provide many wonderful golfing moments during your stay with us. 

The club itself began in 2007 when it was determined that there was a need for a club other than the regular men’s club. Our club welcomes both men and women. We have been able to stage tournaments on a regular basis with more than 60 players. We offer competition in A and B flights based on established handicaps through the Southern California Golf Association. 

Our tournaments are played mainly on Mondays, although occasionally a Wednesday or Thursday event will be offered. In any event, our club plays on week day mornings when more of our membership is available.  

The format for our events varies from individual stroke play to partner and team play, using partner best-ball or other formats. An occasional scramble comes up for variety. 

The club plans events beyond the Encino and Balboa courses. We play on most of the L.A. City courses including Rancho, Harding, Wilson, Woodley Lakes and Hansen Dam. We also play away events at courses like Olivas Links, Buenaventura, Los Robles.

The club plans a trip each year to more exotic environments. Trips to Morro Bay, Temecula, Morgan Run, Solvang, Blacklake, Santa Barbara and San Diego have added variety to our play. 

This may not be your first club experience but, in case it is, we want to give you an idea of what you can expect from the club and what the club expects from you. 

The club will stage tournaments where sportsmanship and honesty are valued. Our handicap director keeps careful records of member play. If there are irregularities, adjustments to handicaps can be made to level the playing field for all members. 

The club holds monthly meetings with a board of 13 members. Members interested in finding out more about how things run, are encouraged to attend meetings or speak with board members about ideas for improving the club or concerns about how things are running. 

The club gives a detailed accounting of club expenses. Your dues are a concern of the board. There is openness in our budgeting. Annual membership dues are normally $85.00. 

The SSGC Constitution and Board meeting minutes are posted on our website
We expect that members will record scores. Postable club tournaments will be posted by our tournament directors. If recording at a site is not possible, then you can record scores online. All scores should be entered - the good, the bad and the ugly. This is the only way the club can guarantee that all members are getting an even break. We make it easy to signup for events. You can use this website to sign-up for tournaments or you can sign up by contacting our tournament director at sepulvedaseniors@gmail.com.  What we ask of you is to contact us when you cannot make an event you signed up for. Most times there are players waiting for an open spot, so your call helps the director plus a club member. On tournament days, show up a little early so the process of collecting money and getting the groups on the course can go smoother. Tee time information, cost and other details are available on the website. A monthly newsletter called the Niblick also will answer many questions.  Again, it is a friendly club so contact board members if you have questions or need some help. Feel free to contact any of our officers if you have any questions. 

Our current membership director is Dean Abston. Contact him if you have any questions: 
Deanabston@bhhscal.com   818-439-4490

