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Sepulveda Seniors’ Golf Club

Board Meeting Minutes

February 17, 2025 

Meeting called to order by President Ed Gooze at 1;00 p.m.  Minutes for our previous meeting were approved. 

Present were:  Ed Gooze, Steve Greenbaum, Anthony Benenati, Mike Camp, Dean Abston, Jan Bernard, DeRon Jones, Harvey Goldsmith, Roger Cowan, Bob Lieb,  Larry Tash.   Not present:  Steve Skinner, Blane Goldwater 

President Report:         Thanks to members for their contributions:

        Thanks to Jan for all he has done over the years to make the club successful. Appreciate as he works to transition our club events and web page to Golf Genius

        Thanks to Mike Camp to deciding to come onto the Board and accepting the responsibility for learning and implementing Golf Genius..  Should be exciting what we can do with the support of Golf Genius

        Thanks to Larry Tash for taking on the task of preparing minutes for our minutes this year

        Thanks to Anthony Benenati for trying to be our representative to GAC

        It is exciting that our February 24 tournament will be run completely using Golf Genius 

Treasurer’s Report by Harvey Goldsmith

        Our current balance is $10,793.85.  This includes the deposit for the end of year banquet, reimbursement to Saul Isler for cost of trophies.  Jan Bernard will be depositing funds from last tournament this week.

        Once deposits are included our balance will be approximately $12,400

        Question was asked, "How much is a reasonable balance to maintain in our account?"  The current amount we tend to have seems excessive.  Most agreed that we should look for ways to benefit the entire membership if we are to reduce the balance.

        Harvey has been asked to prepare for the next meeting a summary of our yearly income  and expenditures to better discuss what is actually available for our use. 

Tournaments Report by Jan Bernard

        Mike Camp has “wired” Golf Genius and is ready to take on tournaments including the February 24 tournament

        Jan explained that the January 27 tournament was canceled early because there did not appear any way that carts would be allowed out due to rain.  If the course does not let carts out we cancel tournaments.  However, they did let carts out but the course was very muddy and it would have been difficult to play.  In the future if a tournament needs to be canceled the decision will be made the morning of the tournament, unless we hear from the Golf Division earlier

        February 10 tournament had two players not pay to play, they just paid the cart fee.  The two players have been notified, and one person has sent in payment.  We are still waiting on the other member to pay or they cannot play in future events.

        February 24 tournament has 74 players and will be run by Mike Camp and Harvey Goldsmith using Golf Genius

        March 10 event will be the first round of the President’s Cup and it will have Harvey Goldsmith and Don Kihara as the Directors. 

        Question:  “I didn’t know that the same person could win both net and gross in our tournaments?”  Jan explained that based on a member request, members when playing team events, can pay to enter side bets for both low gross and low net.  If they are in the side bets, then they can win both.  We have done this for several months.

        Jan updated us on the progress being made at Buenaventura.

        Discussed using member volunteers to go out and mark off unplayable areas of the course we will be playing.  We will look into this in the future 

Handicap Report by Larry Tash:

        In our last tournament, eight players shot lower than their GHIN Index

        Larry noticed there are less gaps of over 10 strokes in the recent tournaments. 

        Larry asked Jan about using Blind Draws, Is the blind draw from a player in the same flight as the person needing the blind draw.  Jan noted that at this time, the blind draw could be anyone, but if we agree to the ten stroke difference, then blind draws will be from those in the same flight as the person requiring the blind draw.  A decision on the ten strokes has not been finalized yet. 

Membership Chair Report by Dean Abston:

        We currently have 192 regular members and 43 associate members for a total membership of 235.

        Dean will follow up by contacting Philip Butch to be sure he is reminded that his renewal is due if he wishes to play in the next tournament.  

GAC Report by Anthony Benenati:

        Anthony attended the GAC last meeting, but cannot be our representative because he is a City employee.  Ed Gooze may have found a member who would be interested in taking on that position.

        Anthony gained a lot of new “to us” information regarding funding and planning for course improvements. 

        Sepulveda Golf Courses are the second highest grossing golf courses in the City.  Not including golf carts or the driving range, the course brings in about $1.8M to the City this past year

        There are plans for capital improvements for the course such as replacing the irrigation system, but this is part of a ten year plan.

        He has not been given information, yet, about where the $2 per tee time funds will be spent in the near future

        The Sepulveda Basin Plan changes everything that has been planned, as this plan was approved.  Our courses will remain two full 18 hole courses, but changes will be made to the courses over the coming years.

        We learned that we can and will do walk throughs around the course with the maintenance supervisor and give the City in writing our prioritized recommendations for improvements.  Anthony will lead this effort. 

Niblick Report by Steve Greenbaum:

        He appreciates the items shared with him last month and is looking for additional stories to include in the Niblick this month.

Old Business:

        MGA will be led by Bob Lieb and he has a list of players of all handicap levels that will be rotated throughout the season.

        Matches will include five partner best ball match play along with ten singles matches

        Bob will send Jan and Steve Greenbaum the list of rules to place on the website and in the Niblick

        Golf Genius was explained by Michael Camp.

       With Golf Genius we can run tournaments and split tees which we cannot do with Mulligan. 

        With our current version of Golf Genius, we can sign people up for tournaments, but we will need the premium version in order to have payment online and personal selection of tee times and pairings. 

        A committee including Mike Camp, Jan Bernard, Bob Lieb, Harvey Goldsmith, Anthony Benenati, and Steve Skinner was formed to work out the logistic details for future use of Golf Genius and they will provide the full Board with their recommendations.

        A formal motion was passed by the Board to approve the expenditure of purchasing the premium package of Golf Genius, but we will practice first with our basic version.  The full version will cost $3900 per year, plus a first year start up fee of $399.  This will allow the committee to know what they have flexibility to do as we grow into the use of Golf Genius this year.

        Refreshing Players on the Rules of Golf

       Recommendations were made about this.

        It was suggested that we focus on a few rules and a way to resolve rules disputes.  This discussion will be continued.

New Business

        We will make an effort to have more tournaments where members are in mixed teams to create greater social opportunities within the club. 

        Using this with a 1-2-3 tournament would be a good option.

        Our current cost for Mulligan is $1 per player in each tournament.  On average we have 72 players per tournament, so that comes to approximately $144 per month.  Once we finish using Mulligan, we will not have to pay for tournament play to Mulligan, but we will also convert to the Golf Genius website.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm. 

Next meeting is scheduled for March 17, 2025 at 1:00 p.m.

Sepulveda Seniors’ Golf Club
Board Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2025 

Bob Lieb, President, opened the final meeting of our 2024 Board by thanking members and reviewing some items that led to our excellence for the year including:

        Increased membership

        Increased number of members participating in club events

        Increased number of members who attended the end of year banquet

        Thanked those on the Board that took important roles in each event

        Bob announced that he will lead our MGA team for the coming year and provided schedules of play

Several suggestions were made on how to improve the banquet for next year including:

        Increase the number of Razzle Dazzle winners

        Shorten the program time

        Think about how much the club subsidizes the banquet 

Minutes from our last meeting were approved as written.