Sepulveda Seniors' Golf Club
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Stats: Current Season | Previous Season | (all time stats)
Click on the any player's name to go to that player's page. Click on any criteria header, i.e., Player Name, Gross, Net, GBE (Gross birdies and Eagles), NBE (net birdies and eagles) or Putts (if available) to sort by that field.
You must have played in 100% of your club's tournaments to appear on this page. That number of tournaments played and posted in the current selected season is 11. Minimum rounds played to appear on this page is 11.
Last Name, First Name Avg Gross Avg Net GBE NBE Total Rounds
Berkowitz, Mark
89.0 74.5 2 67 11
Butch, Philip
84.3 73.3 8 77 11
Fernandez, Jesus
92.7 77.5 3 44 11
Goldsmith, Harvey
99.5 78.1 3 53 11
Lee, Miles
102.8 76.7 0 71 11
Morris, Ken
92.8 76.7 6 61 11
Picolomini, Alfredo
88.6 76.4 5 57 11
Zoida, Marco
81.6 72.4 18 77 11
(Note: GBE is Gross Birdies/Eagles and NBE is Net Birdies/Eagles)
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