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The Barber Cup last updated: 11/08/20

2009 Barber Cup

What is the Barber Cup?

The Barber Cup is an annual two-day GPGC event, modeled after the Ryder Cup and President’s Cup team formats.  Two 12 person teams play matches over 54 holes, to accumulate points for their side.  Each member from the winning team gets their name engraved on the perpetual Barber Cup trophy (The Cup is in the Pro Shop, check it out). 

The event is held towards the end of the season, around October every year. The inaugural GPGC Barber Cup was held in 2009, and the 2017 Barber Cup will be the 9th edition.  

The event is named in honor of Jerry Barber.  Jerry is the most successful golfer from Griffith Park Golf Club.  He is a seven-time PGA tour winner, and became a major champion by winning the 1961 PGA Championship.  Jerry went on to captain the winning 1961 U.S. Ryder Cup team, held at Royal Lytham & St. Annes Golf Club in England.  The U.S. team won 14 ½ to 9 ½.

When is it?

The 2017 Barber Cup will be held at the Wilson and Harding courses, Friday - Saturday, October 6 – 7.

2010 Barber Cup

How can I play in the Barber Cup?

Qualification is determined by the Barber Cup/Player of the Year standings.  The BC/POY standings is a season-long points race, just like the FedEx Cup on the PGA Tour.  At the end of the season, the Top 24 players as listed in the final standings, qualify for the Barber Cup. 

Points are awarded for each event you play, and the amount of points you win is determined based on the size of the field.  The following points are awarded based on your NET finish amongst your flight: 

  • Full-field events award:  1st- 175, 2nd- 125, 3rd- 100, 4th- 90, 5th- 80, 6th- 70, 7th- 60, 8th- 50, 9th- 40, 10th- 30, and anyone lower than 10th- 10.  (Ties split points)
  • Half-field events award: 1st- 60, 2nd- 40, 3rd- 30, 4th - 20 and lower- 10.  (Ties split points)
  • Some events have their own set of points based on the format, e.g., club championship.

Throughout the course of the season the club keeps track of the events you've played, and your finish in each tournament.  You earn points along the way and if you finish among the Top 24 at the end of the season - you’ll qualify to play in the 2017 Barber Cup! 

What’s the format of the Barber Cup?

Two 12 person teams play head-to-head matches to accumulate points.  Players play 36 holes of team play on Day 1, plus 18 holes of singles match play on Day 2. The team with the most points wins the Barber Cup, and the 12 members from the winning team get their names engraved on the Barber Cup trophy.  

We've been privileged to have the event led by two captains from the Barber family. The inaugural 2009 event was captained by Roger Barber (Jerry's son) and Jeff Barber (Jerry’s grandson and Roger’s nephew).  Roger and Jeff both captained the 2010 event as well.  In recent years, the teams have been captained by Roger Barber and Tommy Barber (Jeff's brother, also Jerry’s grandson and Roger’s nephew).


2011 Barber Cup

Pairing Party (Thursday night)

The night before the event, the 24 qualifiers and captains have a pairing party to determine teams.  The captains take turns selecting players from the 24 player pool. It is essentially a “draft” party.  Captains “draft” their teams until ultimately two, 12-player teams are formed.  Warning:  the pairing party usually gets pretty loud, and the alcohol only fuels the banter!

Once teams are selected, the captains set their line-ups for the Fourball matches. Each captain huddles with their team to assemble six, two-player teams.  Then the captains take turns putting their teams on the board, determining the morning matches.

Team shirts and hats are distributed to the players during the pairing party.  Each player receives TWO shirts of differing colors to wear during the competition.  One shirt for Friday, and another shirt for Saturday.  For example – Roger’s team may elect to wear red on Friday, and white on Saturday.  Tommy’s team would wear opposite colors on those days.

Day One – Fourball and Alternate Shot Matches (Friday, 36 holes)

Competition begins with a 7am tee time on Wilson.  The fourball teams are sent off by their respective teams.  The morning matches get pretty intense, as your team is counting on you to acquire points early.  It's important to have an advantage going into the afternoon matches.

While the fourball matches are in progress, the two captains re-create teams and assemble matches for the afternoon alternate-shot play.  As players come in from the morning round – points are tallied, players re-fuel, team up with their alternate shot partner, and go off again.  

At approximately 1pm, the alternate shot matches commence on Harding.  Most will tell you alternate shot is the more difficult format of the day’s competition.  You are playing the same ball with your partner, alternating shots until the ball is holed. You're depending on your partner to put you in position for the next shot.  Hitting approach shots from places you don’t usually play from.  It's the ultimate test of your grinding skills.

You come off the course having just finished 36 holes of some pretty intense golf. The day’s points are put up on the scoreboard, and the captains select the singles matches for the next day.

2012 Barber Cup
Day Two – Singles Matches (Saturday, 18 holes)

Like the day before, the day begins with a 7am tee time on Wilson.  But this time, you won’t have a partner to carry you.  Day 2 features singles matches.  It’s just you and your opponent.  Simply put – just beat your guy.

Some consider head-to-head singles match play the purest form of golf competition. Twelve matches go out on Day 2, and every point counts.  What happens over the next five hours determines who hoists the Cup, and which team gets their names engraved on the Barber Cup trophy.  

The Point System
  • 1 point is awarded for winning your match
  • ½ point is awarded if your match ends in a tie
  • 12 points are up for grabs on Day 1 (6 points for fourball, 6 points for alternate shot)
  • 12 points are up for grabs on Day 2 (12 singles matches)
  • 12 ½ points are required to win the Barber Cup

Note:  Two of the last seven Barber Cups (2011 and 2013) ended with the regulation matches tied, 12 vs 12.  After 24 matches, it was still undecided!  We had to have a BC playoff in those years.  It was epic.

2013 Barber Cup

What makes the Barber Cup such a unique golf experience?

The Barber Cup is a three-day experience.  From the pairing party Thursday night, the team play on Friday, and the singles matches on Saturday, it's total golf immersion.  54 holes over two great courses.  Forget your day job for a bit – golf is going to be your priority for a while.

This unique Ryder Cup style team format is unlike any other you’ve played before. Golf is usually an individual game.  But it’s different playing for your team, who is counting on you to play your best.  And by design - you'll be playing with (or against) the club’s best players.  Everybody who makes the Barber Cup is a good player, so this is some of the most competitive golf you’ll find.

And it’s fun!  A bunch of people who love golf, taking Friday off to golf all day.  And they come back Saturday morning to golf some more. And then you throw in a really cool team format, some really tight matches, trash-talking, and beer – you've got a recipe for a memorable golf experience.

How much does the Barber Cup cost?

GPGC has been fortunate to be able to partially subsidize the cost of the Barber Cup in recent years.  The Barber Cup has a green fee of $150.00 per player.  For this you receive:

  • THREE rounds of golf, including cart for the first two rounds
  • TWO Barber Cup team shirts (we’ve had American Apparel and Leisure Society shirts in the past).
  • A Barber Cup hat
  • Free appetizers at the Pairing Party
  • A chance to have your name engraved on the Barber Cup trophy
  • An awesome, memorable golf experience with your fellow Barber Cuppers.   No plane ticket required.

2014 Barber Cup Winning Team


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