Tournament Results:
SIDE GAMES- ECGC Member\Guest Scramble & Holiday Party, December 10, 2016
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Click on the flight below to reveal ALL the side games and results associated with that flight
(low gross, low net, skins, closest-to-the-pin, etc.):


Low Net (Across- A )

Team Low Net
Low Net (Across- A )-Flight
Place Winner Score Prize
1st Place:  Brett Shaw , Johnny McCoy , Matt Chambers , Rick Morales
2nd Place: 
Doug Fournier , Doug Heiberg , James Heiberg , JP Mc Cord
3rd Place: 
Dan Acuff , Geoffrey Hugar , Huasha Liu , Maurice Mischook
4th Place: 
Chris Bohler , Diana Bohler , Fraser Gunn , Matt Lilly

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