Tournament Results- Full Field View
Sierra Lakes Away Tournament 2016, April 23, 2016
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Flight - A
Player Low Gross
1Chris Bohler 7560.00
2Maurice Mischook 7740.00
Player Low Net
1Kyle Anderson 6960.00
2Ken Miller 7140.00
Player Gross Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
2 (6,7)Kyle Anderson 11.0022.00
1 (8)Kevin Gilbert 11.0011.00
1 (13)Joseph Malham IV 11.0011.00
2 (15,18)Paul Jenks 11.0022.00
3 (2,3,10)Chris Bohler 11.0033.00
Player Net Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
2 (6,7)Kyle Anderson 20.0040.00
1 (13)Joseph Malham IV 20.0020.00
2 (11,18)Paul Jenks 20.0040.00
Flight - B
Player Low Gross
1James Kosmicki 8260.00
2Todd Terzian 8740.00
Player Low Net
1Jeff Cibull 7260.00
2Scott Stukel 7540.00
Player Gross Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (8)Paul Selvey 13.0013.00
3 (10,11,12)James Kosmicki 13.0039.00
1 (16)Todd Terzian 13.0013.00
3 (1,3,9)Roel Astacaan 13.0039.00
1 (18)Scott Stukel 13.0013.00
Player Net Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
1 (8)Paul Selvey 10.0010.00
3 (10,11,12)James Kosmicki 10.0030.00
1 (4)Dan Acuff 10.0010.00
1 (16)Todd Terzian 10.0010.00
1 (17)Mark Gabelman 10.0010.00
3 (1,3,9)Roel Astacaan 10.0030.00
1 (18)Scott Stukel 10.0010.00
Flight - C
Player Low Gross
1Kurt Umland 8460.00
2Willie Weddle 9040.00
Player Low Net
1Neeraj Chari 7060.00
2Barbara West 7240.00
Player Gross Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
3 (11,14,15)Kurt Umland 11.0033.00
4 (1,6,10,12)Neeraj Chari 11.0044.00
Player Net Skins
Click here to see the skin results with ALL 18 hole player scores with color-coded pushes and wins
# Of Skins (Holes)Winner$ Per Skin $ Skin Total
2 (7,16)Scott Wright 13.0026.00
2 (11,14)Kurt Umland 13.0026.00
2 (6,12)Neeraj Chari 13.0026.00
Flight - Closest-to-the-Pin (Across- A B C )
Player Closest-to-the-Pin
4Barbara West   0.00
6Kyle Anderson   0.00
13Fraser Gunn   0.00
17Maurice Mischook   0.00
Last Name First Name Gross HCP Net GBE NBE
Bohler, Chris
75 3 72 4 5
Anderson, Kyle
76 7 69 2 7
Mischook, Maurice
77 7 70 0 5
Gilbert, Kevin
78 3 75 2 3
Jenks, Paul
83 8 75 2 4
Miller, Ken
83 12 71 0 6
Anderson, Scott
87 11 76 0 3
Rostkowski, Eugene
92 11 81 0 0
Nichols, Lance
94 0 94 0 0
Malham IV, Joseph
95 5 90 1 1
Kosmicki, James
82 15 67 1 8
Cibull, Jeff
86 14 72 0 5
Terzian, Todd
87 13 74 0 5
Astacaan, Roel
90 13 77 3 5
Stukel, Scott
91 16 75 1 4
Moore, Frank
93 12 81 0 3
Knowles, Bill
94 13 81 0 2
Gunn, Fraser
94 16 78 0 4
Holman, Dave
97 17 80 0 3
Acuff, Dan
98 17 81 0 3
Selvey, Paul
99 14 85 0 2
Gabelman, Mark
100 18 82 0 2
Umland, Kurt
84 18 66 0 8
Chari, Neeraj
88 18 70 1 8
Weddle, William
90 19 71 0 7
West, Barbara
98 26 72 0 5
Wakano, Brian
102 29 73 0 5
Wright, Scott
104 21 83 0 5
Good, Marv
105 25 80 0 3
Bohler, Diana
108 23 85 0 3
Chavez, Henry
110 23 87 0 1
Derderian, Varoujan
114 31 83 0 3
Sojka, John
124 25 99 0 1
(Note: GBE is Gross Birdies/Eagles and NBE is Net Birdies/Eagles)